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File: 33 KB, 1024x683, r-insights-PayID-02-1024x683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19879334 No.19879334 [Reply] [Original]

XRP has won and you haven't realized it.
Now all we have to do is wait for the reset switch to be flipped.
Ignore negative comments, They have negative IQ

You are holding GOLD

>> No.19879423

Please be true man I'm so depressed holding this

>> No.19879730
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>> No.19879741


>> No.19879745



>> No.19879809

How is xrp used in this?

>> No.19879829

Ayyy Brad want to dump again

>> No.19879882

Payid connects payment rails and makes it as easy as sending an Email.

Now Imagine the world using XRP and ALL payment channels are connected to each other and its as easy as sending an Email for payments, No longer long crypto strings.

>> No.19879942
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Price says otherwise faggot. Jed will sell for 15 more years and the founders already cashed out on your ass.

>> No.19879947

Does it need xrp though?

>> No.19879950

bump i know anon

>> No.19880222

Do you really believe XRP and XLM are rivals?

>> No.19880495
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>> No.19880513
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>> No.19880584

Those who cross the valley of death and are weak will perish, those who have strong hands and have the will to continue will succeed and find paradise.

>> No.19880718
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>> No.19881773

so it's gonna dump AGAIN, is it?

>> No.19881992
File: 132 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20200623-092124_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant hold much any longer......

>> No.19883057

Yes, shakeout the faithless and degenerates.

>> No.19883452

Don't forget it'll go to a few bucks to weed out bag holders.

>> No.19883488

people have been saying this for months and nothing ever happens

>> No.19883516

Ripple made sure to be dissociate from XRP, this has nothing to do with XRP.

>> No.19883551
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>> No.19883586

not exclusively xrp, i'm sure you can find bch and nano as well what's the point.

>> No.19883611

Global financial changes to a system that is hundreds of years old takes time, brother.

Triple digits or bust.

>> No.19883622

Everything is settled in XRP still no matter the currency

>> No.19883635

Lol we've been talking about the switch for 3 fuckin' years. The only thing that needs to happen is for the SEC to switch on the decision call XRP a security and for Ripple to IPO. Nothing wrong with the tech and the vision. But XRP has been a failure post 2017

>> No.19883675


no, years

>> No.19883684
File: 131 KB, 1080x838, Screenshot_20200623-102459_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global financial changes to a system that is hundreds of years old takes time, brother.
yeah, people have been saying this for months too. Meanwhile, i still remain an ugly poor incel, and chicks on chaturbate are living paradise every night.
Fuck this world man. And fuck XRP. i thought it would be the key to living my horrible miserable life behind

>> No.19883689

been great as a funding source for ripple though

>> No.19883708

XRP will never be labeled a security.

>> No.19883729
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>Now Imagine the world

>> No.19883766

John 3:14 Cope Bible

>> No.19883839


Quite honestly it should be. Ripple has mainly funded its operations through its sales and continues to pretend like it didn't just issue / 'gift' itself a ton of capital that it continues to sell to the market

>> No.19883873

ETH and LINK have both sold a bunch of tokens to fund their companies, yet no one goes after those two projects. Funny how its just XRP.......

>> No.19884009

ETH is PoW, LINK is still small.
Also these issues are WAY at the bottom of the list. ffs the SEC isn't doing anything about real fraud on the actual stock market. like these scams matter.

>> No.19884083

You would have multimillions by now if you had chosen literally anything else.

>> No.19884104

Vitalik and creators of ETH still had to sell off a shit ton of their tokens to establish the ETH company.
well XRP was mined too technically. So i do not get why XRP is punished still.
>LINK is too small
yet its the most trending crypto on twitter several times and has way more popularity than most stocks

>> No.19884135

I sold LINK in 2020 after holding for 2 years. Many people think i started out with $500,000 or something when i had only started out with like $10,000

>> No.19884193

Life is suffering, faggot. We exist to transcend the most horrific state of all: knowing all our many forms of suffering will ultimately end in death. Embrace it, let it temper you, fight against the Demiurgic fatalism. If you hate yourself then punish it by transforming it into something unrecognizable and lovely.

Above all else, hodl.

>> No.19884204

>life is suffering
not if youre born female or a chad

>> No.19884377

Bullshit, their suffering comes in the form of being a soulless golem who isn't prepared for the tribulations that come, always being confused by new and dangerous situations that arise from time-to-time. Don't worry about the thoughtless meatbags who have had everything handed to them by both nature and man, they can barely be said to have lived a human life.

>> No.19884403

>Vitalik and creators of ETH....
the chairman of the SEC has said ETH is not a security. but I do understand what you are saying.
> XRP was mined too
It was, but it had a sole creator, securities have sole creators, its one of the things that make them a security. ETH didn't have a sole creator, I'm surprised the ETH ICO then PoW isn't used more often.
>yet its the most trending crypto
the SEC doesn't give a shit about retail. check out the china hustle. JP Morgan silver debacle has been going on for a while & the market is much larger. The price of silver affects EVERYONE. the link scam is just a few, dumb retail cult members.

Have a read of the below as you sound interested in the regs surrounding crypto.

>> No.19884453

There's a certain hollowness to those who haven't overcome adversity

>> No.19884525

>women and chads feel any form of suffering
massive cope. Go to chaturbate right now and see how easy being a female is. All those women orgasming on camera making thousands of dollars a night, yeah, real pain.

just fuck off. life sucks and XRP sucks
>SEC says ETH isnt therfore its not

>XRP was created by one sole creator
lol nope. Many people developed XRP. Schwartz, Jed, Larson, Bristo, etc. XRP had as many creators just as ETH wasnt just created by Vitalik

so no. Dont get what youre saying

>> No.19884546

kek, nope. You obviously never interacted with a female. Every day is a joy ride for them. I say this as someone whose talked to many females on discord. Its constant sex and easy money.

>> No.19884576

>interacted with a female
Yeah, hollow.

>> No.19884653

>Be a hot woman
>Have tons of money and male adulation
>Get older
>Can't bond with men in a romantic way
>All my relationships fail because sex is something I have commodified, and not something I share with a loved one
>I am constantly blaming other for my problems
>No one cares about what I have to say

Women have the easiest of lives until they hit their 30s. Step back and stop being so myopic, you self-indulgent sadsack.

>> No.19884664

Naw man, women are just as miserable as men are in these crazy times. Your perception of them is only the front they put out on Instagram. They just want a nice SUV to shuttle their kids around and some me time at yoga. The activist cunts are just that and are even more miserable.

>> No.19884681


>> No.19884685

so let me get this straight - they are planing to dump this for the umpteenth time to shake out the weak hands which they sold to at a much higher price? All part of the plan I assume.

Who in their right mind would want to hold this shit let alone buy it?

>> No.19884747

The dumping is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is adoption.

>> No.19884846

I do hear, read my link, Check out the common entreprise & Solely by effort of another. ETH checks these boxes, XRP doesn't.
>lol nope.
See above,
>so no. Dont get what you're saying
you lack knowledge

>> No.19884888

yea right, tell that to all the poor souls who ate up the bullshit and bought anytime after December 2017. But I am sure it was all irrelevant to Ripple

>> No.19884889
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LOL. get a load of this cope. Try hearing a female having sex with a chad right next to you at an apartment, and then tell me how hallow their lives are. You sound like a Neet whose never been in the real world
>cant bond with male in a romantic way
LOOOOOOOOOOOL. You know how many women are above 30 on tinder? Women have no problem fucking people until about 50 ( like men do). This whole women hit the wall before men is 100% redpill cope. All the men saying women hit the wall at 30 are probably young 20s incels thinking theyre going to have a happy life when they turn 30, like women wont always live life on easy mode.
>sex is something commodified
lol ok. If a chad was a slayer you wouldnt say he has problem getting a wife.
>no one cares what i have to say
neither does anyone care what you say either fag.

life fucking sucks if youre a male below an 8 / 10. Any guy who says otherwise never spent a night on chaturbate and they see hot korean 22 year old lesbians making $10,000 a night having sex

>> No.19884950

you have a liter ex member of SEC in the link i showed you saying XRP is not a security.
>random incel on 4chan
>ex sec
i proved you wrong Ripple has no sole creator like ETH and youre ignoring it. Dont know what else to say. I think youre mad that its truly bullshit why XRP is being persecuted as being a security and youre trying to cope by saying its fair.

Even though its 100% complete bullshit why XRP of all cryptos is heing targetted so much

>> No.19885065

>why XRP of all cryptos is heing targetted so much

when you push the most bullshit of them all don't be surprised when you get call out the most. They have been over promising and under delivering for years now, little wonder people are sick and tired of it, there isn't any "conspiracy" behind it

>> No.19885070

It looks like you've made up a whole slew of excuses as to why you are failing. The things I've told you are demonstrable, and ai have personally witnessed them in girl friends that I have as they have gotten older. Males and females are complementary and have differing strengths. Women in the modern world have abdicated the things that make them valuable outside of their bodies, and their bodies decay very rapidly. This isn't theory, I have seen it in many, many women.

Your lack of experience and view through your myopic, digital lense does nothing to affect the reality of it. You're in a hell of your own delusion.

>> No.19885251

i dont get what bullshti XRP pushes. All it does is sell tokens to fund its company and thats reflected in partnerships and tech development, just like ETH and LINK do. ILP, Codius, and PayID are truly groundbreaking technology that is probably objectovely better than ETH and LINK (vitalike stole the idea of eth from ripple when he tried to internship afterall)
and people just laugh at it because of the price. I think the price is painful too, but for actual company fundamentals, XRP has everything going for it.
lol okay. I go on tinder, i get 0 likes. I go to parties at my college and get ignored by every female there. And then i tune into chaturbate at night and see hot korean lesbian girls making $10,000 doing nothing but having sex. You think those korean girls had to try at all in life? You think everything wasnt handed to them?

When you see a female irl smile and giggle, do you tell yourself they are secretly miserable? When you hear a girl next to your apartment moan and acream from orgasming for 40 mins, do you whsiper to yourself
>shes actually more miserable than me

yeah, fuck you buddy. Youre jsut a huge cope who wont admit how fucked life is if youre an average male.

>their bodies decay rapidly
You think men dont hit the wall when theyre 30 too? You think Men dont have wrinkles? You think Men dont go bald? You think 30 year old men are hotter than a 20 year old fratbro?

Why are you coping this hard?

>> No.19885283

>to arrogant to read a link that contains that actual law.
Bye Anon

>> No.19885325

bye. you sound like the Howey test autist btw. Weve already debunked your dhit several times and the former sec in the link i provided said so too.

Bye. Please dont comeback. You are king shitposter. Please never spam another XRP thread with your lies and bullshit again.

>> No.19885340

looks like only 14 yr olds fall for this

>> No.19885364

What exactly does XRP have going for it besides being Ripple's piggybank? 60 billion plus left to dump, nobody relevant wants it for anything, even fucking Moneygram that got paid to use it abandoned ODL. They have been pushing partnerships and banks and products and whatnot and pretty much everything was eventually abandoned, then rebranded and abandoned again. Ripple execs should be all in jail for this, maybe one day they will be.

>> No.19885388

Listen dude, you fundamentally do not understand human attraction if you think males and females age the same. Women are attracted to status and power. Young, physically attractive men show off their physical power and good genes, but older men show off stays and real power. That is the power over others. Men become more attractive as they age because females have sexually selected for that sort of power throughout history. I had dozens of partners in my 20s, but am significantly more attractive to women now in my 30s with my graying hair and my well-tailored suits.

You need to break out of your cycle of self-hatred by becoming the man you want to be. Stop making excuses for why you can't and act as though the answer has been right in front of you the whole time. If you really believe all that bullshit you spew you literally lose nothing by trying.

>> No.19885440

Codius for one is superior to ETH and LINK objectively and would have everything settle in XRP.
More and More banks are signing uo to RippleNet and Ripple Cloud (Brazil last week)
You say moneygram is a failure yet they never said they were abandoning it. It could literally be calm beforee the storm
SBI said they are about to do ODL this year announced last night

There is also all the massive connections with ex government on Ripple team and vice versa

>> No.19885507

Yep, you sound like a coping incel.
>men dont age
>Rich 30 year old boomers get all the chicks dude
I cant even. Holy fuck dude.
I hope you are some successful boomer who says some young tinder whores saying this and not some young 20s incel. If youre the former, youre going to break down and cry really hard one day.

post age, networth, and body count.
I got to hear this

>> No.19885544

calm before the shitstorm most likely

it's all bullshit, they have been talking to banks for nearly a decade and how many are using XRP?

>> No.19885558

>about to
you dropped your stale shitty breadcrumbs, faggot, clean them up

>> No.19885638

do you not get what speculating is? Yes, Ripple and XRP are far from full adoption yet. Thats reflected in the price. You buy XRP now because you believe all shit about tech and connections in XRP threads come true.
I dont know what else to say. And i dont know why youre in these XRP threads. Youre never going to buy it, so just fuck off.
If you want to wait for a crypto that already has reached its peak adoption and doesnt have much more room for growth, then go buy ETH and LINK. They already appear to be ontop of the world. So just buy them. Thats your buying philosophy

I personally and betting they will be overthrown one day. Im getting in before the signs are more and more clear

>> No.19885646

I'm trying to help you based on the experience I have, my dude, not lord over you my notch count. I have few assets, a modest steady job with good benefits, and a house with my girlfriend who is also in her 30s. I have girl friends who run the gambit from early 20s to late 30s and I have seen their struggles. None of them are ugly women, but they all embrace some form of the modern woman that freaks you out so much. I assure you, it's not all happy days for them.

>> No.19885707

sounds like your projecting on these female friends of yours. The truth is a lot of these female friends arnt miserable as you project. They can get fucked on tinder and get a boyfriend anytime. Sure they wont pull in as much chaturbate money as a young 20s, but neither can any male.
You sound like a faggot who married the first girl that kissed them and act like you know all the lifes answers. You were probably never a chad, and put your head in the sand through out all your college years and never saw or heard women have sex around you once

>> No.19885822

I'm here because you are not actually saying its speculation, you are lying about banks integrating, and not everyone sees through the lies
maybe tell people that ripple dumps over and over on bag holders, under the guise of de-risking, in order to fund their operations that they'll later go on to IPO and make money off, while leaving the token no one wants to fade to 0
be honest, so someone new doesn't listen to your lies and lose their life savings

>> No.19885905

I mean, if you're just going to tell yourself that anyone who has a differing experience and perspective from you is a liar I don't think there's anything else to say.

>> No.19885910

Banks will integrate LOL
From my point of view, ETH and LINK are the useless shitcoins. Codius makes them all obsolete and Ripple has all the connections
>im just warning fellow anons bro
Who do you think browse these threads?

Only people in these threads are fellow XRP holders trying to discuss xrp on /biz/ and of course every thread a dumb shitposting faggot has to come in and spam off topic bullshit fud thats been debunked 1000s of time on here.

Dont pretend you have some moral spueriority. You are only here to make XEP holders feel worse and bad and dostract from axtual discussion
you act like not every single person in crypto hasnt heard this bullshit a million times.

What inspires you exactly to come in every XRP thread and spout this? How long have you been doing this? Months? Years?

>> No.19885960

You are no different than roasties to be honest.
I dont get why there is any debate. Life objectively sucks if youre a below average male. We cant have sex cause of Tinder only selecting 10/10 chads. We cant make easy money on freeons and chaturbate like all women. Then we have faggot copers like you saying
seriously, fuck off.
When youre doing this, youre actually making it seem like women are worse off and need more care and cuddle, like they dont have everything already

I would punch you right in your fucking nose if i met you in person desu

>> No.19885982

now its will,not are. thats a start

been at this literally years watching while you chugg ripples cum as they sell the floor out beneath you
don't spread your stupidity to other anons

>> No.19886031

Its been 2 years. 2 years thats it. You act like XRP has been down for 20 years.
You do realize ETH was over $1000 at one point? And its been under $500 for years now

yeah, youre a faggot no life troll.
How long have you been spamming XRP threads? Months? Years? Since 2015?

>> No.19886059

also, they are integrated. RippleNet has over 300 people and all types of shit use XRP. its not just for ODL you know.

>> No.19886101
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Holding XRP is like holding a BB Gun and seeing a Intergalactic Patrol Ranger firing off a Chainlink Moon Laser and going “SEE ITS THE SAME THING!”


It’s like buying Robert Cop when it’s right next to Robocop. You ducking apes are hilarious.