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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19876507 No.19876507 [Reply] [Original]

PayPal is going to use Chainlink price feeds

>> No.19876515

yea we already knew that.

>> No.19876543

For fucking what? PayPal will not pay $10k a day to use some shit centralized vaporware

>> No.19876561

Why would PayPal when coinbase doesn’t

>> No.19876657
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>> No.19876669
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You are retarted and understand nothing about web3 libraries.
Getting the hex data from the blockchain is essentially free, PayPal will run their own nodes but any developer can embed clientside web3 access even on web2 browser based apps with services like infura.io to grab hex strings (price data) off the blockchain for free. I'm not larping here, I work directly on integrations and am looking at specs right now.

>> No.19876706

Petulant Patel, show me your proof.

>> No.19876753

i can read yesterdays stock pages too

>> No.19876759




>> No.19876770


>> No.19876795
File: 12 KB, 220x213, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot I know this shit show can dox someone based on a fucking shadow.
Trust me or don't , up to you.
Does not change your retardation and fundemental lack of understanding regarding how price feeds work. Storing the data and updating it costs money, reads for arbitrage reference and unit conversion is free.

>> No.19876933

Ohh Petulant Patel, you're boring. So boring.

>> No.19877326


>> No.19877371

They are already doing it internally

>> No.19877566


>> No.19877602

Kekd and Checked. How do you argue with that.

>> No.19877604

lol Paypal is centralized as fuck atm. They would save billions using link.
How can someone not see that... you guys have no idea what chainlink does

>> No.19878586

Take this down

>> No.19878603

Can you explain how they would save money for a brainlet, please fren?

>> No.19878641
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This. /Thread

>> No.19878697

If you're an insider, you'd buy all of that shitty coin that you're shilling, and make a huge profit when the official statements come out and the price rises. You wouldn't let your competition in on this information.
Therefore, there's nothing new coming up, and you're just trying to pump the value of your internet Chucky Cheese tokens.

Crypto "investors" are brainlets.

>> No.19878711
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stay poor
why are you even on this board

>> No.19878788

To laugh at degenerate gamblers. Thinking that they are real investors because they use words like "bullish" and "bearish" like the big boys in Wall Street.
It's endearing, like looking at retarded baby animal.

>> No.19879197

I have literally no clue what you just said but Im buying more

>> No.19879276

>I have literally no clue what you just said but Im buying more
The state of /biz/

>> No.19879319

Insider here : Chainlink is overvalued and will bleed 75% in the next bear. Dump for AAVE, today.

>> No.19879400

The only thing youre inside is a wall of shit pajeet

>> No.19879480


Why? Orion Protocol specializes in trading and their oracles are aggregated data from ALL exchanges at all times. Chainlink has plenty of use cases but for crypto specifically there's cheaper alternatives. Chainlink is for the banking system and real world applications of hard to track prices, not blockchain.

>> No.19879905

Chainlink does not work

>> No.19880190
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It boils down to not only using a standard, but it is what internal teams get exposure to and push.
Hop into any big project at a Corp and you will find worlds of vendor software and support deals you have never heard of, but in their space it is like Drake or Kanye or whatever is popular with zoomers.
That is Chainlink, they are a fucking powerhouse in this space and the idea of being able to just use their published and always kept up to date data is step 1 for any project looking to consume cryptographically verifiable off chain data through the actual blockchain.

In the end the tech to consume known contracts is not complex as OP lays out, you are basically just running https get into an API to get a hex string and convert it to utf8. Again the key being reading the data for prices is free, but now you have a vested interest in knowing it is accurate so you are going to naturally help in not only making it more fault tolerant , but further the state of how the contract gets its data and make sure it updates as much as possible.
It is the key to all software dev and growth on huge scales, free to use, but if you are a power user you just signed up to help out without even signing a single piece of paper.

>> No.19880706

Inside your mom here, doubt it.

>> No.19880732

coinbase will be finished soon.

>> No.19880761

this. PayPal doesn't need actual smart contracts for their fiat on ramp, so it won't need link

>> No.19880823

Damn you are an idiot... pathetic

>> No.19880965

Again, tell us something we don't know already

>> No.19881026

Have you ever changed currencies using PayPal? They query a centralized API to know the exchange rate and to calculate their fee for providing such service. If they are really looking into crypto (it's feasible, so why not?) they will need reliable and secure data being fed into their systems in a decentralized manner. They only have to pay a part a share of the price feed network. Chainlink already provides USD / EUR / GBP / Yuan and Yen, they would only be paying like $20k or $30k in order to monetize a service that will net them millions

>> No.19881095
File: 15 KB, 266x348, feeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let me be clear, what I mean with "they only have to pay a share of the price feed network"
>pic related
Every single company is paying a fixed monthly subscription in fiat to Chainlink in order to access the data (that's their current business model), and they provide the LINK from their 35% bootstrap wallet. So Chainlink users are protected against LINK volatility during these early stages of the network. They are not paying all the LINK being used for these feeds. PayPal won't either

>> No.19881969

>Have you ever changed currencies using PayPal?

Didn't know this about Paypal honestly... thank you.

>> No.19881994


>> No.19882637
File: 112 KB, 509x531, 1543498353282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insider here, God will use Chainlink.

>> No.19882678

To anyone reading this in the future: yes we knew it but we didn't care! So what if others said tarps are gey we didn't care. No more chains only links!