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19876168 No.19876168 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19876176

Money kek just be subtle about it

>> No.19876186

Money will let you have a woman live in your house, while she fucks other men on the side

Looks will make women want to provide for you while you fuck other women on the side

>> No.19876224

You misspelled 'unironically'. It had no place in that sentence, anyway.
Why did you use it?
How could a woman ironically care about something?
Neets in here pepper their sentences with that word, thinking it makes them appear more profound or something.
Nil points.

>> No.19876235
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>> No.19876269

Social status


>> No.19876317

I agree, ironically

>> No.19876358 [DELETED] 

Depends on the type of woman you're going for.
But in general, young women (<28 yo) looks >>> money unles you're VERY wealthy/ succesful. But even then. A 3/10 with a $1MM net worth <<<< a 9/10 chad as long as the chad isn't a complete fuck up.

Older women care more about money, career, power, success etc. but if you've /made it/ then you're probably not looking to date 40 yo roastie toasties.

tldr; don't get rich to attract women, get rich so that you'll be free to follow your dreams. If your main goal is to attract women then just work out, work on your social skills, get some decent clothes etc.

t. rich and used to be poor. Having money hasn't made a huge difference when it comes to dating. I'm decent and have never had any problems attracting women though.

>> No.19876371

Stop using big words like how. You're trying to sound smart with your three letters and more words but it won't convince anyone.

>> No.19876379 [DELETED] 

it's just a meme bro
please ignore the reddit spacing, I was phonefagging

>> No.19876416

I'll cede it probably doesnt do much in the realm of dating, but like you said it allows you to follow your dreams and live a cool and interesting life rather than working 24/7 trying to make it. So having money will enable you to pursue your passions and lead an interesting life and therefore women will be more interested in someone who leads a "cool" life. Am I understanding correctly?

>> No.19876438

Depends on the type of woman you're going for.
But in general, young women (<28 yo) looks >>> money unles you're VERY wealthy/ succesful. But even then. A 3/10 with a $1MM net worth <<<< a 9/10 chad as long as the chad isn't a complete fuck up.
Older women care more about money, career, power, success etc. but if you've /made it/ then you're probably not looking to date 40 yo roastie toasties.
Don't get rich to attract women, get rich so that you'll be free to follow your dreams. If your main goal is to attract women then just work out, work on your social skills, get some decent clothes etc.

t. rich and used to be poor. Having money hasn't made a huge difference when it comes to dating. I'm decent looking and have never had any problems attracting women though. Money has made me more confident and care less about women (which women ironically seem to be attracted to).

>> No.19876471

>women under 23
>women over 22

if you're a dude and are younger than 28, you can smash just about anything regardless of income given you're good looking and in shape

28 and over, you better be bringing in MINIMUM $80,000/year if you aren't at least a 7/10 if you want a decently hot girl

>> No.19876489

depends on the girl. If you want a hot Ukrainian gold digger, make sure you have cash. If you want a chick that's deeply attracted to you but probably doesn't care about what you have to say about anything, make sure you've got looks.

>> No.19876499

Position in the dominance hierarchy

>> No.19876508

3 sixes
six inches
six feet
six figure

>> No.19876525


>t. good looking crypto neet low in social hierarchy because recluse

>> No.19876549

Fixed some typos and the reddit spacing.

Yes, I agree with everything you said. E.g. last year I met (and dated for a few weeks) a girl at a bar. I told her about all the places I had travelled to in the past year and I could tell she thought I had a really exciting life. But she would probably have hooked up with me even if I was a poor wagie.
Don't fall for the 'women will suddenly become attracted to me when I've finally made it' meme. They won't. Work on improving yourself.

>> No.19876738

Shoot. I do really want a girlfriend atm but I always equate having one to a literal money sink, which I cant afford currently but I keep telling myself once i "make it" I'll go get a girlfriend and blah blah blah. What was your experience like dating when you were poor then? Because I think itd be silly to drop a chunk of money each month to dates, travel, etc on a girlfriend where I'm at now financially, whereas once I have a bit of money it wont be such a detriment to "makeitability". Esp since I'm a minimum wagecuck right now.

>> No.19876772

if you have to worry about a woman being a money sink, work on your woman interaction skills.

They are most likely utter trash.

>> No.19876796

Pretty based answer t b h
I'm a decent looking NEET and my gf is gonna buy our house and has subtly mentioned she doesn't care if I cheat

>> No.19877003

you can get away with being poor with 19-22 year olds as soon as they hit 24 the game changes

>> No.19877264

> What was your experience like dating when you were poor then?
I was a sperg incel in high school, but once I "matured" and got better social skills, became more confident etc. I didn't have any problems with women.
All I can say is that for me personally money hasn't changed much when it comes to dating. But I don't really go for career women, gold digger trophy wives etc. so maybe that's why.

>> No.19877349

1. Be black
2. Rich
3. Aesthetics

Black men are cleaning up in the dating world. They fuck Asians, whites and Latinas wherever and whenever they want!! facts.

>> No.19877557

Ask me how I know you're American.

>> No.19878401
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damn anon you really showed him haha

>> No.19878429

They fall back on it because this place is completely irony-poisoned now. It’s meant to differentiate genuine posts from the bait threads that make up 99% of the catalog on any given board.

>> No.19879563

Definitely looks
I have nearly 4mil in crypto, almost all in SUTER and LINK, and I barely get attention

>> No.19879654

It can come from one of those, or from within yourself. But at the end of the day, you'll never get laid without self-esteem.

>> No.19879823


They date money and fuck looks

>> No.19879994

unironically based

>> No.19880318

sexual attraction is entirely physical. all else is cope.

>> No.19880337

send to me then.

>> No.19880348

That's just not true for women.

>> No.19880372

Kindness and confidence.

Most "kind" men are just narcissistic and not actually kind, inconfident, or both

Also, take care of yourselves ffs, would you want to date YOU if you were a woman?

>> No.19880426

neither, they care about your mental and whether your a man a not

no woman is attracted to a sissy femboy even if they have good facial structure

>> No.19880955

unironically agree

>> No.19881341
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>tfw pajeet incel

>> No.19881421


These are excellent answers. Confidence is key, it is mistaken for looks and money because these two things give men confidence.

>> No.19881452

>under 28
Looks and only looks
>after 28
Money but she will fuck for looks

>> No.19881475

You have neither so kys

>> No.19881485

Unironically means you are not trolling others but saying what you sincelery think/believe.

>wtf I love juices now
>I unironically love juices

>> No.19881563

Charisma and confidence. Being able to successfully seduce them.

>> No.19881586

How do I larp confidence? I want to act like a fucking stud around thots.

>> No.19881667

insult them lightly

>> No.19881675

talk to them like they are your inferiors. Doesn't mean straight up insulting them, but it could entail that.

>> No.19881682

money. look at elon musk. ugly bald old dude. has threesoms with supermodels and actresses

>> No.19881684

>don't know if being ironic or not

>> No.19881914

why 19? What about 18?

>> No.19881955

Trick question, women don't care

>> No.19881985

I banged lots of hot bitches when I was broke, and have a hot gf who was with me while I was broke and doesn't seem to care about money (even though I'm making like 3x more now than I was 2 years ago). Id say looks matter more

>> No.19882007

They’ll marry for money
Free sex for looks

>> No.19882341

If you act like a woman being near you is a giant inconvienence, they won't leave you the fuck alone. I swear to god its like their only purpose is to piss you off.