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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1987227 No.1987227 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a crypto currency board? /biz/ has like a billion threads on cryptocurrencies at any time and they're drowning out the more board relevant threads. I'm getting sick of seeing all these pump and dump memecoins getting shilled here.

>> No.1987235

death to cryptoniggers

>> No.1987297

This board was founded upon crypto u newfag

>> No.1987330

This was created as the crypto board.

What we need is a wagecuck and index-fund containment board, where people can talk about how to correctly compliment their bosses tie and how trading is the same as roulette.

>> No.1987415

i support a crypto board..

>> No.1987437

>and they're drowning out the more board relevant threads.

lol. Like what? Nothing is more relevant than crypto.

>> No.1987459

You lying piece of shit. This board used to be quality before the cryptocoin drug dealers came here.

>> No.1987463

what we need is a indian/african/every other sandland shithole ip ban so all the milocoin/posw/bitbean shilling threads disappear.

>> No.1987464
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pls do it, there is on biz maybe 1 time a week a thread about actuall biz and no memecurrency

>> No.1987481

Those things people used to trade before crypto...stocks I think they were called.

That and wagecuck stuff, 401ks and other depressing shit.

>> No.1987490

Stocks and wageslaving are literally for cucks

>> No.1987514

Yeah which is why we need a seperate normie-biz where these people can talk about their sensible financial advice like getting a steady job and not gambling with speculation, just invest in an index fund and hope another 2008 isn't around the corner.

>> No.1987516

you dopey cunt, this board was created because dogecoin took over /g/

>> No.1988390

fuck you crypto cave beast.

>> No.1988396

yes please create a cryptoboard to keep all of the shitposting coin shill threads even more contained, need deep containment, /biz/ was never enough. /biz/ for business talk /crypto/ for shitposting and coin shilling.

>> No.1988402

>biz for business talk
You mean talking about how can I make 1000 dollars fast, credit card fraud, and buying kneepads right? Your board was always shit

>> No.1988409


there was been quite a few threads posted here with actual useful information. more information that HUR HURR TO THE MOON GUISE. coin shills should be executed on sight.

>> No.1988413

Lol this

A normie /biz/ would be better but at the same time too depressing

Being a wageslave reminds me of the show The Leftovers. brb putting a plastic bag on my head now
>every /biz/ normie thread

>> No.1988420

Why isn't there simply one big rolling cryptocoin sticky so all crypto traders have a continual outlet and remove all other crypto threads?

>> No.1988421

So many dumb newfags itt

>> No.1988488

My understanding is that crypto threads were taking over /g/ so they made /biz/ for people to discuss stuff like crypto, stocks and other businesses.

>> No.1989985
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First time looking at board. It's nothing but crypto. Like literally nothing else.

I'm not coming back. I don't have 'fuck you' money to spend on their beans or whatever

>> No.1989987

cya you wont b missed

>> No.1990015

Stay poor

>> No.1990081
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judging by the image you posted, your commie ass wouldn't have lasted long anyway