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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19868074 No.19868074 [Reply] [Original]

the latest big "feature" just duplicates every other art blockchain. italians should just stick to plumbing, especially if pic related is the kind of shit they're uploading

>> No.19868360
File: 7 KB, 248x250, ETHART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just read about it yourself...

Feel like you've missed out on $BUIDL (even though you most certainly haven't? - currently safest dip in a week to buy)
So impressed by DFOhub that you desperately wish you could have invested early?
Well, you can! They have already deployed a fully working DFO on DFOhub!

Introducing ethArt, a platform for artists to deploy NFTS on Ethereum.


85% of the 10m tokens are LOCKED. Current marketcap is ~$400k.
You can trade $ARTE on UniSwap v2, or receive it as an airdrop it when you deploy an NFT on ethArt (which costs $$$).

>Contract address

(you have to buy $BUIDL first and use that; may as well buy and hold some $BUIDL (still only $1.3M MC) while you're at it)

>"Finally, Ethereans can create and trade Non-fungible Tokens that are really perpetual."


>Proof this is a legitimate DFOhub project, and further info:

https://www.ethart.org/ (need a web3 browser to view; try Brave with Metamask)



>> No.19868429
File: 26 KB, 256x256, $ARTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fascinating open-source protocol, based on a DFO, to deploy Non-Fungible Tokens based on the ERC 721 standard.

>Ethart is state of the art, for three fundamental reasons:

1- It’s now possible to choose between storing the data via IPFS or via on-chain. The choice can be made based on the value of the information, and how resilient it needs to be in terms of decentralization, security and persistence.

2-It’s now possible to rule a standard by voting. If the community of holders decides to develop their ERC 721 to achieve new functionalities, they can — without deploying another smart contract, and without losing any information of the ERC 721.

3- It’s now possible for $arte holders to rule the information of NFTs stored in the State Holder of Ethart (NFT Owner and NFT Data). They act like an anonymous bank in co-ownership with the ERC721 holders.

This means $arte tokens are backed by the value of every ERC721 deployed.
This kind of philosophy and architecture is quite different from DFOhub because DFOhub, by design, doesn’t own any deployed DFOs’ rights. But some kinds of applications in the future can use the Ethart example and code, for example, something like a shared vault or a self-sovereign web3 based Social Media.

So Ethart is an exciting R&D project exploring how this new kind of self-sovereign bank can be used in the future. We made a lot of open source code by developing this to be reusable by future DFOs.

We added two new functionalities in Ethart:
Mint standard ERC721 (on-chain and Distributed) without participating in the Ethart bank R&D; i.e., independently from the Ethart State holder.

Airdrop of 100 $arte for every NFT minted by participating in the Ethart Bank R&D when users create their NFTs (the only way to receive $arte).

25% of the $arte total supply (2,500,000) has been airdropped to the DFOhub wallet, as a backed value for the $buidl token.

>You can find all of the information here:

>> No.19868699

the point is that it's a dfo. proof of concept. this is like saying cryptokitties was the same as neopets lmao you don't get why it's new and revolutionary

>> No.19869180

checked $buidl bros know

ethArt is going to blow up, surprises are in store, stay tuned for next weekly update but there are some clues already if you look ;)