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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19865511 No.19865511 [Reply] [Original]

Having a son is the best thing that happened in my life. money isnt everything

>> No.19865541

One of my best buddies said the same thing when his kid was born.

The kid later got autism diagnosis at 6 years old and goes to some retard school now.

>> No.19865549

Happy for you anon

>> No.19865561

thats fucked up. were there any signs?

>> No.19865583

>were there any signs?

The kid would stare hours at washing machines and he had obsession with opening and closing doors for hours row. He likes repetition. He can write and read though so he is not like mentally retarded

>> No.19865585


Money would have allowed me to afford the lawyer I needed when my ex-fiance barred me from seeing my child in court.

But yes, money won't stop him from getting sick or shot or run over by a vehicle, so money isn't everything.

>> No.19865730

why does she prevent you from seeing your child? did you fuck up something big?

well, my kiddo is the opposite, bored fast, always exploring

>> No.19865788

No better investment

>> No.19865922

You are really lucky. My wife just had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. We were going to tell my family on Father's day.

>> No.19865954

Please teach him general stuff.
My dad was awful when it comes to that, "dad, can you show me how to do x", WTF SON, when I was your age I knew how to do x.

>> No.19865965

What state are you in?

>> No.19865974

Enjoy your buyer's remorse. My wife and I are happily childfree. Mostly because she is 2 dimensional.

>> No.19865985

That or when he was showing you how to do stuff it consisted of you holding the flashlight while he yelled at you.

>> No.19865994

yeah i second this. my dad never really learned me anything. which is kinda sad. I needed a strong father figure in my life. I might have even listened not to do all those drugs in my teens. but he just didn't care. All I needed was my dad to care more frens. That's all i needed.

>> No.19866004


>buyer's remorse

Pretty much the opposite. Kids become more fulfilling for the parent as they get older, by the time they're adults and the parent is in their old age they might as well be their whole life and sense of eternity.

Childless elders are extremely sad and you can tell they're a hair's breadth away from offing themselves

>> No.19866028

Well stop being a little bitch now son, you're an adult.

>> No.19866038

Damn. You get caught molesting the kid or what?

>> No.19866076

Lmao are u by any chance from eastern europe or do boomers act like this everywhere

>> No.19866100

I think its just a boomer thing.

>> No.19866126

I am a Christian now and I never have to work in my life ever again. But thanks yeah I guess.

>> No.19866166

If you want to avoid the chances of autism, forego the MMR triple shot. It really is a risk, despite what big pharma and their lawyers tell you.

>> No.19866184

Based. I hope I can have a small family myself anon.

>> No.19866242

It's everywhere. My mom would make help my dad to do repairs around the house. It involved him having me look for tools with vague descriptions and names I didn't associate with anything. I did learn stuff but I hated helping him because he would just get mad at me when I couldn't find whatever tool he was looking for. It wasn't until I started this job as an engineer that I realized I know more about tools from a few years of watching my dad fix stuff than some people that have been using them for work their whole lives. Fucking people cant even put a bit on a power drill properly.

>> No.19866280

Yeh congrats, bud. I have a 12 yr old daughter, and am entering gaga land pt. 2
When they're 4,5,6 kinda age it's some of the funniest moments ever. Make sure to record them with a phone app. They get suspicious if there's a camera, but a recorder you can sneak in easily. I sat the other night with my daughter and we were both in hysterics at stuff she'd said only 6 years previous. Fun times...

>> No.19866286

Sorry to hear this man. Hold in there. Your time will come.

>> No.19866307

Lmao that was literally mine experience

Why the fuck were our dads so selfabsorbed retards?

>> No.19866333

perhaps you were a screeching sperg

>> No.19866346

Why don't you have to work again? And sorry about your not great childhood. Nothing can ever make up for that but if you have a child you will at least know what to do and make it right for someone you love.

>> No.19866373

>well, my kiddo is the opposite, bored fast, always exploring

first sign of adhd

>> No.19866384
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be American, get shot.

>> No.19866388

As you and your wife age and hopefully how out of being a man child you will realize you have no real meaning to your life. I hope you grow up in time though.

>> No.19866408

my childhood was allright from a normies perspective. I had girlfriends, I was popular at a time. I smoked the dank I had frens. Many parties. But in the end it wasn't worth it and yeah well. I wish I just had known how based the Bible is from a young age. Then maybe I wouldn't be doing all the drugs and lowering my IQ by 20 points you know...

anyway I never have to work again because of /biz/ . and no i didn't take part in uniswap scams.

>> No.19866424

Are you sure they aren't doing it properly? A lot of retards who work with tools think that if you don't do it the same exact way they do that it's wrong, are you one of those retards?

>> No.19866433

You kinda have to accept who people are. You can encourage your kid in a direction, but ultimately it's their decision. I keep dropping hints about dentistry to mine. It really isn't that difficult and they earn a fucking fortune. Not to mention they associate with switched-on people.

>> No.19866444

How long have you been on biz?

>> No.19866446

I wasn't much of a sperm. I was like 9 years old helping my dad hold the flashlight and handing him tools. Searching for things that had names that had no meaning to me like a a hammerdrill, the different names for different types of shovels, the difference between concrete, wood and metal drill bits

>> No.19866470

Why would you marry someone if you just want to fuck her?

>> No.19866484

it's fine. my mum did the same thing to my dad.

now we're grown and know about it we both kinda hate her and are friends with our dad.

dw anon

>> No.19866495

If I ever have a kid I'd just like to be able to teach them the wisdom of the valuation of things/situations, it's this wisdom that has helped me excel in areas where people might miss things. It can't be taught which frightens me.

>> No.19866517

No, there's proper ways to use tools. If you put force on a power drill and the bit gets pushed in then you put it on wrong no matter how tight you think you tightened it. The shaft isn't supposed to go all the way into the chuck, you need to leave a small part of the square part exposed so that it can grip properly. Same thing with files, they have one side. You don't go back and forth with them, you slide it in one direction only. These old retards have been doing it for like 40 years and never learned that.

>> No.19866527

If things hadn't gone the way they had then you would be an entirely different person, for better or worse.

>> No.19866535

care to elaborate?

>> No.19866544

What country are you in?

I only ask because I went through that, too. Thankfully I'm through it now, but it was really fucking shit. I feel for you.

>> No.19866563

They are probably too impatient, most people are just trying to hurry up and go home, not doing things right.

>> No.19866660

Shut up namefag

>> No.19866687

A moment of sincerity today, in Biz.

I rather enjoyed it.

>> No.19866696

Other day someone on /pol/ was asking me why do Indians who move to the west are already married. Now I wonder the same about you white guys. Jeez I'd never marry. Won't punish a child to born in this soon to be islamic world

>> No.19866790

Can't have kids because of anger issues.
I'd probably beat them eventually. Certainly yell.

>> No.19866797

Sorry fren, just went through this myself at 44 (wifey is 34), it's a real MF.

>> No.19866848

If you don't yell at your kids, you're not doing your job properly.

>> No.19866885

can't imagine what the appeal is, but then i'm not neurotypical. got a vasectomy years ago and don't regret it at all.

>> No.19866893

nice larp fag

>> No.19866902

Wait until he grows up and cuts his dick off

>> No.19866923

zomg you had your vase removed? Where do you put flowers?

Forget I asked that

>> No.19866999

I think you're wrong, plus I don't mean just yell but swear, insult.

>> No.19867043

There is a balance, which you must discover.

>> No.19867105

Do you think it's not okay to yell at your kid if they do something totally fucking stupid? What if they start using pharma/weed/whatever way before they're old enough to? Are you really gonna do nothing, in the name of 'not yelling'?
That will achieve nothing and you know it.

>> No.19867128

Based and fatherpilled. Having a family is the only real "making it"

>> No.19867190

What if they utterly disrespect you and your values. What if they shit all over the place and treat you and their mother like a piece of shit? Is your philosophy to do nothing?
Being a parent is tough. It's not all about having lots of money to throw at a problem. You need to realise this.

>> No.19867196

I don't think you understand. I'm a violent person and I lose my cool over little things. Grew up in a violent home. If I ever have a kid I'm let them be raised by a single mother.

>> No.19867277

Fair enough. However; the fact you recognise this in yourself is the biggest step towards fixing it. The irony of all this is; You'd probably be a better father than many, many other guys. I hope you make the right life decision. x

>> No.19867332

You’re dad never **TAUGHT you anything. Not learned, damn ESL

>> No.19867370
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>The kid would stare hours at washing machines and he had obsession with opening and closing doors for hours row.

>> No.19867421

If you don't have kids they win

>> No.19867579

Hope one day I can have a child with a black woman and one with an asian woman

>> No.19867580

Browsing 4chan and taking /biz/ seriously

>> No.19868192

> did you fuck up something big

Different anon here. During divorce, false accusations (of physical abuse/sexual abuse) is a common tactic used to skew custody (and hence maximize child support). System is fucked up.