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19852961 No.19852961 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I bought 10k, what am I in for?

>> No.19853175

another hack

>> No.19853594

FUD be gone you had your time to accumulate Bancor

>> No.19853609

This. Shoulda bought Kyber.

>> No.19853668

why tf would I buy kyber when I can get the same thing but better for a quarter of the market cap?

>> No.19853687

If v2 launches successfully during this current period of DeFi hype and moons, I would say you're in for a good time.

>> No.19853733

Sit comfy and wait til V2

>> No.19853953

that's the plan... once again thank you to the biz anon who explained how Bancor V2 + link will suck up insane amounts of liquidity... since it's so low on cmc theres mad moon potential

>> No.19854427


>> No.19854692


>> No.19854796

-50% , as you bought the top. There were endless threads about BNT under 20 cents.

I'd dump for DMG public sale before you lose your ass.

>> No.19854842

Yeah cause buying into an ICO with a fully diluted marketcap of at least 90M is smarter than buying a working protocol with millions in earnings with a major update in one month at 60M is smarter...

>> No.19854956

>FUD be gone you had your time to accumulate Bancor
it literally got hacked again a couple of days ago

>> No.19854968

losing 90-100% of your money within a year.

>> No.19855006

damn anon you didn't have to bitch slap him like that

>> No.19855027

who gives a fuck it, the price didn't budge and the more hacks the better it's called anti fragility

>> No.19855461
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>> No.19855620
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>> No.19855755
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Just topped up to 10k. This is only the second time I have diversified out of LINK in two years, the other time was UBT in January.

>> No.19855774

If V2 is what they say it is, this will 20x within a year

>> No.19855918

I’ve just diversified out of link for the first time in a long time since taking a gamble on cuckmetro

>> No.19855934
File: 168 KB, 1280x509, BNT RED PILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Smart move. BNT will be atleast $10 EOY and its the strongest Chainlink partnership.

See the BNT red pill attached and read about the liquidity black hole here: https://twitter.com/short_cirkitz/status/1273156964328095746

Pretty much everything you need to know confirming that you made the best decision since buying LINK.

Proud of you anon. You're going to make it. We're all going to make it.

>> No.19856074
File: 154 KB, 1144x888, D700EEB1-DD0A-47EA-B6A1-53008A73888C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oldlinker here. Also was very intrigued by what Bancor V2 with Chainlink integration will do for the defi liquidity space. If they've really pulled this off it is actually a very big deal. The new BancorV2 liquidity pool design with 0 impermanent loss and single asset staking will liekly cause a lot of liquidity to flow from other AMMs like Uniswap to Bancor pools. The implications of having resolved impermanent loss alone are massive, but coupled with Chainlink integration, single token staking, hyper low slipage and coming super high staking rewards for BNT holders, this seems like a sure win. It reminds me of LINK in 2018, or SNX towards the end of 2019 before it pamped to kek.

Also, something many plebs don't seem to understand is that when all of this liquidity flows into Bancor's pools it has a direct impact on BNT price and creates intense upward price pressure. The same works in reverse, when people buy BNT, the Bancor pools fill up with liquidity. It's an insane win win dynamic. Protocols like Uniswap, that don't have a token and are plagued with impermanent loss cannot capture value like this.

>> No.19856083

Even if only 20 pct of what the team said about V2 actually works, I don't see how BNT doesn't 3x in July

U saw what happened with COMP and compound protocol generates a fraction of the earnings that bancor does

Check out: https://tokenterminal.xyz/

Before V2 has even launched, they're generating more earnings than uniswap and are catching up to kyber.

So 60m MC is dirt cheap and will explode in july. Top 30 token in august.

When every token team needs a bancor pool, they'll also need a chainlink oracle & subsidize the cost in link. Win win. Just win.

>> No.19856110

What gets me hard is seeing this whole mutually supportive ecosystem of projects that build on each other. It's not like platform x vs platform y, it's DEX x using oracle y and liquidity pool z to make an even more useful machine.
Its fucking rad, and the most legitimately bullish I've been since 2017.

>> No.19856139

good goy award

>> No.19856154
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>Its fucking rad, and the most legitimately bullish I've been since 2017.
Same here bud. I am researching projects for the first time since early 2018 when I decided LINK was the one and only worthwhile project. LINK finally allowed other useful projects to spawn and I can feel the energies shifting. DeFi kickstarted bullrun inc

>> No.19856215


it will take time for people to actually figure this out

>> No.19856222


Good thread on case for BNT here: >>19806029

>> No.19856241

Kill yourself

>> No.19856527


>> No.19856704
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Someone explain the value in the token after single token staking becomes available.

>> No.19856796
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All pools are still balanced by BNT, which means that even if everyone else was staking in non-BNT tokens, 50% of fees will go to whoever holds the BNT.
Therefore the value comes from the fact that BNT captures 50% of all fees whereas single tokens only capture a fraction.

>> No.19856861

ty anon

>> No.19856894
File: 198 KB, 960x959, bnt pilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stake LINK, only have exposure to LINK and generate fees from LINK swaps on Bancor. When I unstake I get my LINK back and the the swap fees.

BNT still required to facilitate this mechanism even though I never need to hold, stake or be exposed to it in any way.

Also BNT staking rewards soon if I do want to stake BNT: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-staking-rewards-ad432e5d590d

>> No.19857022
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Wow, I must have missed this, looks extremely bullish desu.

>> No.19857068

I feel like this is some kind of secret knowledge I wasn't supposed to know

I hope 20k BNT is enough to make it

>> No.19857210

what got you into BNT in the first place anon?

>> No.19857373

Grats, you're going to make it

>> No.19857516

Good Yahweh I'm excited for you guys.

>> No.19857574


Good BNT bag. You're going to make it.

>> No.19857598

price prediction after july

>> No.19857608

New blog post. Rad as fuck. The problems these guys are zeroing in on are critical. Blows my fucking mind this project is still around rank 100.

>> No.19857790

my portfolio was 100% LINK for more than 2 years until yesterday.
now it is 90% LINK and 10% BNT. (i will never sell my link and i am a poorfag so i cant invest more in BNT)
fundamentally vertical.

>> No.19857818

what made you switch

>> No.19857828

I have been 100% LINK since march 2018 but I bought some BNT and TRB. Combined it's barely 5% of my portfolio, but it's a start.

>> No.19857918

yeah, i was 100% link since march 2018 as well (before that i got REKT in the bullrun by monero, cloakcoin and other garbage)
the reason i am holding bancor is simply because of its low marketcap and because short term i see more potential in bancor than in LINK, but longterm i am megabullish on LINK.
if BNT moons i will move the gains into more LINK

>> No.19858093

bancor got hacked again a couple of days ago

>> No.19858141
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If BNT moons you should stake it and LINK in the Bancor V2 pools and collect all of the staking rewards. Farm that shit. Mine that shit.


>> No.19858166
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FUD. False. Bancor white hacked itself to protect users. It was a nothing burger.

>> No.19858192
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You’re in for some sweet gains anon.

T. Guy who knows what’s up.

>> No.19858281
File: 244 KB, 1010x1200, 6F9379BE-CC93-4098-A654-0F8AC2DF0236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chad BNT bags. Kek. Bancor is the stonkest pumper! $1 incoming! SEND IT!

>> No.19858304

I somehow saw a twitter post about that insider entry for 800k BNT, which sparked my curiosity

then I did some research on AMM's and liquidity protocols

the current low market cap is probably from people not understanding the fundamental problems V2 is aiming to solve

it's much bigger than most people even understand

>> No.19858370
File: 78 KB, 512x512, 8BC4B646-9586-4CD1-AF8E-8BCE1DFE6606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Anon is based as fuck

BNT is going BONKS

Feel bad for anyone who doesn’t get it for under $1. When Bancor V2 comes out it’s going to pump 100 times harder.