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19845953 No.19845953 [Reply] [Original]

>adderal/amphetamine salts to remain hyper focused, boost trading IQ, and make power moves
>alprazolam/benzos to ease red candle anxiety and have titanium hands

It's a based combination. Made tons of money so far. But I'm sure my brain chemistry is getting destroyed though. What PED's do you guys take for trading crpyro and stocks?

>> No.19845987

Heh u never microdosed lsd have u


Heh nuthin personal kid

>> No.19846004


>> No.19846013

Microdosing is a meme by silicon valley onions boys. 5HT2* agonists show ANTIcognitive effects in rodents in compatible microdoses. It's just brainlets having placebo effect and in any event rapid tolerance is incurred after just a single dose.

>> No.19846015

Water without food

>> No.19846016


>> No.19846039

I feel very slow on a full trip and non-functional. I don't see how a fraction of that would be helpful--especially for trading. Maybe for making art and music though.

>> No.19846043

i feel whenever SIK uses drugs the protocol reacts. large dose of FIRST ">" and hashrate jumps 40% in three hours...


>> No.19846050

its true. procrastianed on uni stuff, did everything in 2 days which I should have done in 3 months while on speed / amphetamine. xanax at night to sleep. would recommend

>> No.19846066

>the virgin xanax
Chads get red devils for sleep aids. ngmi

>> No.19846084

>red devils

>> No.19846177

filtered pleb, seconal sodium.

>> No.19846200
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I just do half a xanny and a caffein pill. Perfect for my sales job. I get tons of work done for my sourcing and become rejection proof on the phone. No shame when someone tells me to fuck off

>> No.19846316

Adderall xr20mg followed by ir20mg at lunch. I'm the Darrell Strawberry of crypto.

>> No.19846371

>adderal/amphetamine salts to remain hyper focused, boost trading IQ, and make power moves
>alprazolam/benzos to ease red candle anxiety and have titanium hands


not kidding, op. even if you somehow succeed with money, or whatever other concrete resource you aim for, you will lose at life.

>> No.19846379

try quitting benzo's cold turkey i dare you

>> No.19846387

no shame = no (self-)improvement, retard

>> No.19846397
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I don't take any drugs, not even coffee. This is the final pill.

>> No.19846405

based and unpilled

>(t. drunk af rn)

>> No.19846441

Drugs if used correctly can keep you from touching yourself and wanting to be a cumbrain. It's the lesser evil.

>> No.19846463
File: 9 KB, 232x230, bE74BDHYgQcy7k64cFah3qP9P69gCB69Ff0oS7CXWmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drugs if used correctly can keep you from touching yourself and wanting to be a cumbrain. It's the lesser evil.

It's a bold assumption to imply people who don't do drugs are by default cumbrains

>> No.19846490

idk about you but abstaining from porn and masturbating is 10x easier sober than impaired for me

>> No.19846555

My linky stacks beg to differ

>> No.19846628

Take drugs that don't impair you.

>> No.19847295

Don’t be a degenerate, if you need a cocktail of drugs to function you’re ngmi. Sooner or later the utility will decrease but the need for the substance will be there stronger than ever.

>> No.19847332

I don’t give a fuck I make mills microdosin lsd take ur research papers n shove it up ur ass I got first hand experience which is worth way more then ur shitty document go fuck ur self

>> No.19847727

>tfw destroyed life with benzoa

don't do it OP, but you probably don't give a shit.

the withdrawal effects are real

>> No.19847738


>> No.19847878

I've used benzos pretty heavily (>6 months every evening 0.5 - 1 xanny to sleep) and don't have any problems when quitting.
you really have to take them multiple times a day, over weeks, or months, until you get a problem.

>> No.19848351

This. I take half .5 each day to help me sleep. Been doing that for 8 month until I ran out and was still fine afterwards