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19842426 No.19842426 [Reply] [Original]

Are women still a good investment in 2020?

>> No.19842435

When were they an investment?

>> No.19842445

When were they ever a good investment?

>> No.19842446

just another brick in the wall...

>> No.19842457 [DELETED] 

marrying a hooker or e thot is pretty good ROI desu

>> No.19842465

She hit the wall hard.

>> No.19842493

Damn white people age fast as fuck.

>> No.19842495

that's a man

>> No.19842506

I only know no tengo dinero
what else is this slut missing out on?

>> No.19842509

The answer is yes. Believe me, if some man invested in this woman she would be signaling how proud she was of her children, not how proud she was not to have any.
This bitch coping hard.

>> No.19842526

can somebody translate this for me

>> No.19842558
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>I'm 30
>not married
>no children
>no own house
>and everything is fine

>> No.19842567

When you paid for her when she was a teenager, or when you wanted to secure a political alliance

>> No.19842571

>Not married
>Rent ho
>dead in the inside smiling on the out

>> No.19842573 [DELETED] 

why does she have such strong wrinkles already....

>> No.19842593


>> No.19842604


>> No.19842624

>i still find someone to fuck me and pay for dinner

>> No.19842665

i wish i could find someone like that

>> No.19842700

The ugliest thing about her is the language she speaks.
Lettuce Mayo And Onions...

>> No.19842710

>I'm 30
>I'm not married
>Don't have kids
>Don't have my own house
>Everything is fine

What a massive cope.

>> No.19842733

Why don’t women do anything to prevent themselves from ending up spinsters, like lowering their retarded standards? Surely women in their 20s are aware that they’re running out of time and see their older female peers ending up permanently single dog moms.

>> No.19842750

Please leave

>> No.19842837


Feminism tells them this is normal. The problem is that mother nature doesn't care about your feels, so one day they wake up with existential dread because they have away their value for free and now have nothing to offer besides entitled baggage. The ego won't let them consciously acknowledge this though, so they double down on the feminism.

>> No.19842856

No. I will be here forever.


>> No.19842906

>I'm 30
>I'm not married
>I don't have kids
>I don't own a house
>And everything is alright!
The rope is going to feel like a kiss in the neck for her

>> No.19842945

Serious question. How bad is it for a woman to be 30 and be unmarried?

>> No.19842954

they do but its alot of brainwashing going on with the media

>> No.19842963


>> No.19842978

it's bad. refer to this >>19842837 and >>19842733

>> No.19843008

Ditto. What does it feel like? Is it comparable to the feeling a khv neet feels, never having been in a relationship in hia life? Is it a less dreadful feeling? Does suicidal ideation come in the picture at some point? So many questions...

>> No.19843035


>Surely women in their 20s are aware that they’re running out of time and see their older female peers ending up permanently single dog moms.

They delude themselves with cosmetics and diets/exercise. I had this conversation with a single woman one year older than myself (I was 28 at the time, her 29) and her justification was that she looked just like her University ID. When pressed about children, she said she hadn't found the "right" person yet, and wanted to focus on her career.

Contraception was a mistake.

Capitalism was a mistake.

>> No.19843043

I think women ending up spinsters is objectively worse than inceldom, because before a woman hits the wall she has the world at her finger tips and her pick of the lot, something incels never get to experience.

>> No.19843089


They just continue on, doubling down and maybe having one child in a non-committed relationship in their mid to late 30s once they panic.

And then that takes them to middle age.


Even the saddest neet still has the ability to reproduce.

>> No.19843100

Shhhit, that must hurt! Its much worse to fall from grace than to stay at the bottom where you always were

>> No.19843115

Females dont really know what they want.
They think they know, and when asked are dead serious about their stance because they are naturally deluded into not understanding themselves. On modern times what they think they want depends either by feminism and social media or by their other female friends.

Truth is, Women are creatures that require a man to tell them what they want. They might show hate towards such an idea, but deeply they love it. They feel peace when they dont have to choose about stuff beyond frivolities like how well her make up looks or whether her dress makes her look fat.

Ask a 35 year old why she isnt married and has no kids, she will probably say something like
>I focussed on my career and have a pet dog for company
Add a fake a smile and a delusion of how she is "happy". Truth is, by nature, it hurts her deeply, to the point she doesnt understand why her life decisions havent brought her true happiness aside from some sparce moments of bliss when she graduated university and got her first job promotion.

Women commiting such mistakes have existed for milennia, but now with modern feminism the disease is being spread faster.

>> No.19843117

And in Argentina... Shieeeeeet

>> No.19843164


>> No.19843171

Blackpill me on marriage.

>> No.19843207

Anyone else feel bad for women? They think using less logic and more based on societal acceptance purely based on genetics
And society has really fucked them over on this round... Not to mention most of their mothers are useless holes who whine if the man doesn't hire a maid to cook and clean and a nanny to raise their children. Then go out and spends thousands on bullshit clothing and meals .Of course their daughters are going to be absolutely fucked
And nowadays the rules of society are nearly collapsed so if they say oh marry me because I'm pretty, well why would I not just trade you in for a 16 year old once you hit the wall? Going to become a bleak future for this generation as the smart males will wait for the pendulum to swing bringing back conservative values and thus women who it would be acceptable to start a family with

>> No.19843235


Capital destroyed the family unit for the most part. There's more consumption involved when individuals never form coherent families.

>> No.19843257

as someone who's been married twice, don't
and if you do, hide all your assets in gold bullion

>> No.19843280

would fuck you, pay for dinner maybe

>> No.19843303


Conservatism's repeated failure is the reason behind our current reality.

The worship of capital ALWAYS blindsides the conservative, because those in control over the capital control the rules of the game.

>> No.19843334


Why did you get divorced in each marriage?

Asking because my gf left me and I thought she was the one

>> No.19843371


>> No.19843375


Fuck off commie. The problem was allowing women to not be property. They were property for thousands of years and now we know why. Women's sufferage goes against nature

>> No.19843408

I didn't say I was divorced twice, I said I've been married twice. Still in the second one.

>> No.19843422

In the past, this women were referred to as the strange women, in recent history they threw them in the fire in suspicion of being witches.

Trust me, we're in a bit more civilized society but I can guarentee you we instinctively see this type of women and immediately want to set them on fire and other women are the ones bringing the tinder to light it up.
It just doesn't sit well in an evolutionary stand point, this women have no future therefore their opinions don't matter, their kids won't be around to avenge anyone who decides to crucify them upside down

>> No.19843439

I'm on my second marriage too. Only get married if you can find non-landwhale, non-crazy, and loyal/honest woman. In short, Asian. Good luck bros.

>> No.19843457

I'd say having no family no children no home etc. Leaves a massive void. This massive void is then filled by consoomerism as taught by """peers"""" and (((media)))

>> No.19843474

>Capitalism was a mistake.
enjoy your food shortages caused by lack of innovation due to never needing to compete with anything

>> No.19843505



Ironically, women in Eastern European and China are *more* traditional in the sense that they don't fall for the social justice shit, which is a western liberal thing. They are certainly materialistic though.

>> No.19843504

I know I'm an emotionally-stunted manchild, but I genuinely don't see the value in a relationship outside of the economic value (more income and expenses are shared, in theory).

>> No.19843524

what is the incel's respite for this? what do they do to fill void or does it not matter? is it one of those things where the only winning move is not playing? does knowing this bring ultimate peace? at least it takes incels out of the rat race so they can pursue what they want for themselves.

>> No.19843536

this. i lived there for a year just fucking off and fucking hot bitches. im an american white guy. shit in the country is so cheap its insane. she must be a turbo loser. no other reason for it.

>> No.19843537

Women's suffrage was a mistake.
Women's participation in the workforce was a mistake.
But not gassing all Jews in 1939, was the BIGGEST mistake.

>> No.19843554

You realize that a small set of jews own everything right? There is no competition. There is an illusion of competition for sheep. The jews just spit out the same bullshit with minor updates every single year for consoomers.

>> No.19843571
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>non-crazy, and loyal/honest woman.

Asian doesn't fit that description

>> No.19843617

This. So fucking this. Capitalism and women both have great potential but they've both been subverted by the fucking Jews. I can't wait to see them get gassed, fucking satanic faggots.

>> No.19843720
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If she has to tell the world that everything is fine despite hitting 30 unmarried, childless, and no house or property of her own, SHE IS NOT OK

>> No.19843774
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It all depends on the individual, if you find someone willing to put her ass in to keeping a relation you get a good deal, if you find a crazy bitch dragging you down it'll be misery forever, the problem with man and women in the current system is that women have unrealistic standards while man have almost none.
The state gave all the rights and almost zero consequences to women, they're worship in America and treated like no matter what, they're always right, this created an overly inflated market where women hold all the cards and men hold none.
Is great for business but the human condition is deteriorating rapidly in the United states, its very telling when even after festivities, travels and after parties divorce is almost 5 to 1 more expensive than marriage still.

America has turned in to corporatism all the way down to the family nucleus, hope one day you find a good women™ and can establish a good marriage Inc.

>> No.19843794

Why does she look like 40
That's why I only date women 10 years younger than me

>> No.19843812


Capital was ALWAYS the purvey of the Jews. The expansion and contraction of debt is how they became so powerful in the first place.

How is that NOT capitalistic?

If you think that Western Liberalism was somehow BASED and just lost it's way over the centuries, you're wrong.

America as a nation was founded out of a tax revolt of wealthy merchants. Alexander Hamilton was raised by a wealthy Jew merchant in the Caribbean.

Philosemitism is our achilles heel.

>> No.19843817
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There is one of 2 moves

You either don't play sit back and count your chickens carefully
Or give zero fucks and jump in the hen house and devour as many chicks before the farmer catch you red handed.

Either move is wrong but that's the current condition they left us

>> No.19843826

the globalists have succeeded in turning women into international whores of babylon.

>> No.19843842


Western women live on a planet called "delusion" they usually stay there until about age 50.

I live in the USA and got divorced 3 months ago. Yes I'm mad. I hate sounding like a bitter faggot but 90% of western women are pure fucking trash. Don't get married. Have kids out of wedlock and when your done making babies get a vasectomy so no woman can trap you.

>> No.19843854


>The state gave all the rights and almost zero consequences to women, they're worship in America and treated like no matter what, they're always right, this created an overly inflated market where women hold all the cards and men hold none.

This has it's limits. White women are lower on the totem pole than blacks or browns.

>> No.19843874


Well said. Feminism and liberalism is a disease. And Hollywood and the media spread as much as they possibly can.

Most women were happy prior to 1950. They just needed to tweak a couple of things. What we have no is the slow collapse of America.

>> No.19843885

Not that bad. They seriously barely give a shit anymore, even the so-called "post-wall" state of a woman is still 1000x better than being most males at any stage in life. It's mostly men who break down mentally and kill themselves, that's why they use the actual effective violent methods.

>> No.19843901

Okay that's an interesting perspective. So what is the solution to all this according to you?

>> No.19843912


I did until I got a few long term relationships under my belt.

Imagine handing someone a hammer and they smash themselves in the toe with it them run to your for sympathy. This is women basically their entire lives. You can't help them because they can't help themselves.

Opening chapter in the bible is about a perfect situation and the woman finds a way to fuck up everything. The Bible is perhaps the most read and transmitted book in human history and it makes sure to explain the one-woman dynamic in the very first chapter. Consider that.

>> No.19843918

This man has truly been blackpilled.

>> No.19843919


The collapse of America is only chance we have now.

>> No.19843929


Doesn't get much more based than this post.

>> No.19843941
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Capitalism is the best system, America doesn't have capitalism.
America abandoned capitalism somewhere in the mid 90's for corporatism, the market is fucking perfect and self correcting corporations keep lobbying to scratch those directions and keep inflating their bottom line and they don't care where the money is coming, there it's a shit ton of international corruption money rolling in wallstreet that's why you have all this bubbles ready to burst any moment, that's why you have dreadful corrections every 5 years or so because America is running the furthest away from capitalism.
America is running feudalism with extra steps

>> No.19843950

Go back to /pol/ please, no white victim complex is allowed on /biz/

>> No.19843972

glad to know Jews own my favorite jap companies

>> No.19843986

>white victim complex
Except it's not a mere complex but reality. Whites are being targeted for extermination by the Jewish elites, something you would agree with, unless you're a kike and or a nigger.

>> No.19844009

Imagine not understanding basic Spanish. Then again, I won a silver medal on the National Spanish Exam back in high school.

>> No.19844026

imagine being a spic

>> No.19844030


10 years ago in my naivety I would have said Libertarianism due to the hard money perspective, but that's a dead end as it was during the 19th century and hard money that Jews came to the fore.

It's 3rd positionism. You have to have nationalism with socialism.

Ultimately, the power of a nation rests in the hands of whomever has the ability to inflate and deflate the monetary supply. If someone is going to have that ability, it should be us.

>> No.19844032

Imagine being American (presumably you are) and not understanding elementary Spanish.

>> No.19844042



>> No.19844043

Same as all the commie solutions, authoritarian dictatorship resulting in government mass murder and famine

>> No.19844047

>I won a silver medal on the National Spanish Exam back in high school.

Excelente anon, eres un homo en inglés y español.

>> No.19844048

I’m white. Imagine failing high school Spanish.

>> No.19844068

Bro imagine the pinnacle of your life’s achievements being winning a medal in high school for a spic language and bragging about it on an anonymous website, no one cares about spic language

You’re worse than those losers who wear their high school football jackets when they’re in their 20s, keep trying to live those glory days champ

>> No.19844075

So something like a nationalistic benevolent elite that would have a very low probability of abusing the money supply? Almost make me wonder if this was one of the reasons for the Jewish elites desperately desiring to kill Natsoc Germany and unfortunately succeeding at it.

>> No.19844081

It was very successful till the creation of the fed killed it.

What we have now is communism without the gibs

>> No.19844104

Premio de plata.

>> No.19844117

I have far more accomplishments than that. I’m just dunking on you for not understanding middle school Spanish. You obviously failed it in high school. Lmao.

>> No.19844254


The reason why they came after Germany is because they defaulted on their external debts and nationalized the money making process. The NSDAP figured out how to control prices while paying for national infrastructure/military rearmament which is REMARKABLY similar to how the modern liberal states are using their central banks to fund the unsustainable system that we find ourselves in.

The difference is who is in control and who benefits.


Successful in what? Denying nature?


>> No.19844329

Imagine having a gf who loves you and wants to spend time with you haha

>> No.19844347
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>> No.19844374

They are the investment. ROI is kids.

>> No.19844415

Not gonna lie sounds based as a predictibe equation. What will bring the most roi, beating your woman or trearing her kindly? In minecraft ofc

>> No.19844423

This is because men face reality
Women are so drugged up since their childhood they have no clue what reality is really like

>> No.19844444
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>> No.19844463

Being a post wall woman is worse than being a male incel

>> No.19844470

Goddamn I wish I could buy shares in OnlyFans

>> No.19844471

she is the very face of 'alright'

>> No.19844529

>Anyone else feel bad for women?
unironically yes
most incel talk on here looks at women stupidly through the lens of bitterness
in truth, women get a raw deal in today's society. they're brainwashed to pursue things they don't actually want, things that challenge qualities they don't have, and they're also told to avoid things that would fulfill them
the particular difficulties men face today are details, being a male in nature is always a competitive activity. on the other hand, women are pushed into a competition of their own even though from a biology standpoint, all wombs are inherently valuable
it should be no surprise health stats show women today are more depressed than their mothers and grandmothers, whereas men have seen a happiness surge compared to past generations. millenial women have greater access to material wealth than millenial men, but hint hint, that means fuck all for happiness

>> No.19844544

Yes but how? Are they suicidal? Does emptiness eat them at night?

>> No.19844552

But is the current condition of women due to the women seeking help and being unable to find it because our society has led them to believe that their role models are pink haired feminists wearing black lives matter t shirts? Instead of the mean old white man saying maybe you shouldn't spread your legs for every man who you talk to.
It's somewhat of a catch 22 in my opinion. On one side the female has to be held somewhat accountable for fucking 100 guys before she hits the age of 21 and refusing to learn womenly duties. Though at the same time society has pounded into their brain that this is the right way to live and anyone who questions it is evil. I guess it will take severe pain for the truth to become more clear...
And maybe this is why so many young females are put on antidepressants since a young age. If they are unable to feel pain or sadness then they will never wake up to reality. This is where I feel the pity. If you are a 10 year old girl and your parents put you on Adderall, ssris, and xanax how can you have any hope of sanity? Leading me to believe it is the parents of this generation who should be lined up against the wall and shot.

>> No.19844566

Not one bit of truth. Women are not the victims. They were given ample space to follow their wants but they couldn't handle it. So they failed on their own

>> No.19844568
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social media and it's consequences have been a disaster

>> No.19844576
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Very nice.

>> No.19844580

shut up woman

>> No.19844599


I'm glad you enjoyed the highlight of your life anon, it's all downhill from there

>> No.19844670

if i can't form a self-governing ethnic enclave without the government that i was previously forced to pay into via taxation torturing my cock and balls for doing so, it absolutely is not capitalism and absolutely is some form of socialism

>> No.19844686

Very good about society encouraging them to pursue success in activities that aren't part of their nature. While at the same time actively encouraging them to avoid naturally fulfilling activities.
At the very least even the ugliest incel can work hard at programming and develop some technology or even just become useful working from home. Contributing to society or even work on becoming more attractive.
Whereas a woman who has hit the age of 30 with no prospect of marriage is on a death spiral with no real hope of escape >>19844566
Women were doing fine running the household while the man worked. Were there cases of mothers drinking all day long? Yes. But as a whole they ended up being a part of something, a family.
Now when women were tricked into becoming a permanent part of the workforce is when they really started to decline. (more spending power, increase in consumerism, increased tax base... Now (((who))) benefits from this?)

>> No.19844714 [DELETED] 

White people are disgusting

>> No.19844862

My goodness what a based post.

>> No.19844867
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Women are not the pure and fair creatures society told you they are. They are not some price you should sacrifice your freedom and soul in order to achieve.

They are fickle parasitic creatures susceptible to subversion and kikery and they see you as nothing more than a walking ATM Machine.Constantly looking for another free ride and meal. Lack money looks or status, and your less than dog shit to them. Yet, they bring nothing to the table and consider it a huge favor in their part when they cuck you in a relationship and your wallet.

Dont fall for the pure church girl meme either. There's a reason a born again virgin meme exists

>> No.19845006

So argies are white?

>> No.19845202

How often do you think she lets guys coom in here to feel some semblance of importance for just a fleeting moment? I bet it's at least 2x a week with 2 different guys every week. Just spreading and letting them coom and getting no pleasure, hoping they'll like cooming in her enough to stick around but because she's actually a vapid whore they never do. I would definitely coom in her then never talk to her again.

>> No.19845270

Ya’ll could do some self reflection and realize you are alone because you won’t give the uggo or fatty a chance

desu ive noticed myself once a female shows shes completely devoted to me I’m like alright yeah I’m bored so I can get where women come from when they get turned off by simps

I think the best strategy is to talk to multiple women, simp mega hard for them, drop them immediately at rejection and inevitably they’ll want the attention and then you cuck them with another girl, effectively frying their brain.

>> No.19845278

lmao. based coomer. you're going to hell.

>> No.19845426

It says:
>I'm 30
>I'm not married
>I don't have children
>I don't own a house
>And that's OK!

Pure cope.

>> No.19845599

Lol. Knew a mexican gal. In her mid 30s, 34 iirc, probably 35 now. Clearly desperate for a husband. Think she liked me too but i was nearly a decade younger. Yeah maybe if she was my age but at that age i dont want to risk having disabled kids just because i went for a gal that is too old. Albeit I think she was just awkward in a manner that pushed guys away from hitting on her as for me I like that awkwardness too bad she was nearly a decade older than me.

>> No.19845631

>Pure cope.
Also this. The mexican girl from my former job acknowledged this.

She lived with her parents but told me she isn't moving until she has a husband or something else (probably a very high paying job). Lol think she was hitting on me when she told me that espeically since it was one of our first convos

>> No.19845648
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>> No.19845736

No, free gibs are what destroyed the family. Because they can get money form the government they have no incentive to find a man.

>> No.19845765

not if you are autistic AND a racist. in my country being racist alone halfs the number of women you can fuck. if you also dont want obese women good fucking luck with that.

>> No.19845778

This is true, but it goes to show how fucked up our standards have gotten thanks to the (((media))) and (((porn))).

>> No.19845877
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Delisional women leave their husband and kids at a drop of a hat

Its female nature to chase dixk they have no control over it and will never think about the future. Women think about the present state of their vaginas needs
Women can never be loyal unless Islam or Christianity forces them too its just evolution
In the past they had to fight for the alpha males attentjon (dick) among 10 or so other women and yhen when the alpha died they went to the new alpha

>> No.19845907


>Because they can get money form the government they have no incentive to find a man.

Replace "government" with "large corporation". They are functionally the same.

>> No.19845924
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2D is all that matters fuck everything else

2D is an investment in the soul

>> No.19845990

This. At least male incels shave the image capacity to enjoy things, and be happy, pray to God etc. women are devoid of such things. They need a host to leech off of for survival

>> No.19846439


>pray to God etc. women are devoid of such things. They need a host to leech off of for survival

I disagree. Women are conformist as fuck. Our current epoch could be seen as a continuation of Christianity and being white as the original sin.

>> No.19846473

weeb shit is just japs mastering the art of capturing the incel market well before it even really existed in the minds of western marketing teams

>> No.19846479

The trick is to find an average looking girl that has less social status than you and has a frugal/country girl mindset and yes they do exist, rather than going after the Instagram thot roasties that will never be satisfied.

>> No.19846498

I dont get it, you saying i shouldve tried marrying her?