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19841623 No.19841623 [Reply] [Original]

>work tomorrow

>> No.19841855
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>> No.19841999
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Ativate technological unemployment

>> No.19842011

My work is almost minimum wage($12/hr) but it's probably the comfiest job I can have while physically not at home. All I do is sit at a desk and play video games or shoot the shit with my co-"workers". I do maybe thirty minutes of actual work for every 9 hour day.

>> No.19842023

>implying you weren't laid off

>> No.19842039
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>> No.19842042

Just imagine in 30 years you will be too old to do anything and still too poor to retire, but at least you got paid barely a living wage to play video games

>> No.19842106


>> No.19842107
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9:00 AM press conference tomorrow that will make my stock increase 20 fold in value.

>> No.19842116

This is just a summer job, I plan on going to med school after graduating from college.

>> No.19842120


>> No.19842162
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Wagie wagie wagie,

it's about time to get back in your cagie!

Better not waste your time,

pretty soon you'll be back to making that dime!

>> No.19842202
File: 351 KB, 1024x958, uhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine unironically spending your life wagecucking, lmao

>> No.19842372


>> No.19842599
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he ees ahbout to keell himself? ahcteevahte quantum immohrtleety

>> No.19842794

>move to a poor country
>work online doing some tasks
>spend your dollars that now worth 100x more

>> No.19842803

Ok bud

>> No.19842937

low skill, low pay, low ambition jobs tend to be easy and low responsibility.

> but it is
as in a house, where the freemen are least at liberty to act at random,
but all things or most things are already ordained for them, while
the slaves and the animals do little for the common good, and for
the most part live at random. - Aristotle

> I can just be lazy now, then later I will take things seriously


>> No.19843083

I'm not lazy now though. I take my academic work very seriously, which is why I go to college for free and they pay for my housing.

>> No.19843921
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>> No.19844435

Who is this man? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.19844467

Your master. Behind the jews its this guy and his sibling controlling the puppets

>> No.19844478

here is a quick rundown
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron but fair fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

>> No.19844597

The guy ruining your bags

>> No.19844605
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