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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19838851 No.19838851 [Reply] [Original]

This whole market is unworldly. Think about the opportunity given here for people like you and I, who generally don't have great social skills and aren't fond of normal activities. We have the opportunity to trade on a 24/7, high liquidity, high volatility, global,unregulated market and double our investments overnight. We don't have to speak to anyone, all transactions are anonymous. Whats more, there is a small barrier to entry (Fake Fud, scam shills, Larp Fud, PnD) that normies lack the attention span and inner monologue to overcome, so if anyone is going to make it, its going to be us.

That's all strange enough, but now consider this board. Has there ever been a weirder group of people investing together? Just ask yourself, what would a normal, well adjusted 50 something male this of this board? What would he think about the weird characters strewn all over the place, the screaming pink figure, the weird cartoon frog, the fact that there are people that have barely spoken words to other human beings in the last years that have made millions of dollars? 4chan culture applied to video games was strange but not out of the ordinary, 4chan + politics really started to turn some heads and hundred of articles were dedicated trying to understand it. But 4chan + a 24/7 speculative market surely has to be the wildest combination yet, producing some of the weirdest shit most people will ever see.

And that, anons, is why, you need to relish this opportunity. Soak it up, even if you're losing money just know that the experience of this will be worth more to you in 20 years than any amount of money could've ever been. The world is going to seem so boring when this is all gone.

>> No.19838862
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>> No.19838870

Poo poo pee pee

>> No.19838876

what’s with the gay posts tonight

>> No.19838888

It do be that way. But i'm still not gonna throw my money into shilled worthless pennystocks. Although if you did it on BYFC, yeah you could have tripled and what not.

>> No.19838894
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thank you anon for the motivation.

>> No.19838899

I don’t even have money to invest, just here for the vibrant gay community

>> No.19838971

what a touching post, im from reddit and i started crying, wow, i really feel like im part of the community and im finally a 4channer! after being in reddit for so long, i really feel like i really belong to 4chan, finally. have some gold, stranger!

>> No.19839032

Immaculate execution, good Sir, 11/10

>> No.19839056
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I unironically believe this place is destined for greatness. /fit/ changed me for the better in ways nowhere else could have and I feel the same for /biz/. I have a dream that when I have a paid off house at 30 and a fat portfolio somebody will ask my investment strategy and I will reply with pic related.

And for the faggots who think im too deep in this shit I make six figs with no debt and am not punting my life savings into this but am taking a solid position. He who dares wins.

>> No.19839590
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Bssed. 40+ here. Prototype of today then trying to make it. The other boomerangs are clueless, might as well be in a Martian zoo. Afraid the kikes set you up tough millennials, electronic monies are a bait to blocking and chaining the world under an internet of everything indistinguishable from a dystopian prison. The vax, Bill Antichrist Gates of Hell, the homos, the paraolimpics, the Naziesque China, tick tack UFOs, Space force, vr porn etc are all a technoprison of the AI Transhumanists to religiously own all the solar system and beyond. We are all royally fucked. Sorry.