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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19835471 No.19835471 [Reply] [Original]

how to profit from the day of the flush?

>> No.19835480

Tech companies.

>> No.19835935

short all the tech companies

>> No.19835965
File: 61 KB, 413x395, B2E70170-1F37-472B-93F9-B2EAC6ECD731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just googled: trump suspend h1b and 3/4 of the first page is indian website sources.

>> No.19836013
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>> No.19836061

Perhaps my greatest disappointment in Trump was that he didn’t do this on day one. Why should we have to compete with people from the third world for jobs? What kind of government does that to its own people? The kind of government in thrall to multinational corporation.

>> No.19836083
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Based. Hope this leads to better job security and pay for US software engineers.

>> No.19836085

>Why should we have to compete with people from the third world for jobs
because losers like you wont leave a mongolian basket weaving forum and go outside

>> No.19836103

Ok rajesh

>> No.19836110

the pajeet at it again

>> No.19836152

Im a dev and it sucks dealing with pajeets. And out of touch managers think they are a good deal even though they actually suck. so this is a blessing

>> No.19836516

If this is real, it means that the actual quality of the products and services of the USA tech sector will increase, and so will the wages those companies have to pay without the pajeets suppressing the price by essentially scabbing.

They'll probably pass the cost onto consumers, but the actual value of the firms should increase.

>> No.19836553

I thought to myself "hurrhurr funny joke"
Then I googled it

>> No.19836569

Maybe they'll also stop laundry listing every single fucking language and database the company has ever used and 10 years minimum experience (so they can offer you a shit salary) as requirements for jobs too

>> No.19836578

>dad owns a bodega and doesnt report any income
>gets enormous pell grants and graduates debt free
>cheats his way thru school
>report income taxes
>get no grants bc white, graduates with debt
>works hard to get good grades in challenging stem field
yet the pajeet gets the job bc a degree is a degree. and this retard anon thinks the problem is people browsing 4chan.

>> No.19836701

I'm not so sure about your conclusion. Given that many FA(n)Gs are moving toward 100% remote roles, I think it's going to become an excuse to outsource dev work to poo tier countries because "muh qualified labor dun exist in murika" excuse as always. Overall covid and remote work will negatively affect code burger code monkeys' salaries and opportunities

>> No.19836753
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>>report income taxes

>> No.19836758

His wife got one of those..thast the only reason shes still in the country kek

>> No.19836808

Kleros fixes the "economic and power stranglehold" problem.

>> No.19836831

you too will be flushed poojeet, even if you are a spam bot coded by poos

>> No.19836834

They're still not US citizens or permanent residents. If the companies wanted to literally outsource to Indians in India they would have already. The fact is that the current model only works when you have them in the country on a visa that the company can revoke at any moment and ruin their chance of becoming a green card holder.

>> No.19836961

I once lived in apartment complex that had five, count em, five pajeets illegally living in one apartment and they would be up at 3AM having conference calls. I could hear the "hold" jingle (on speaker, naturally) in the middle of the night.

>> No.19837058


>> No.19837156

Is this based for a Network Engineer Intern, who just graduated college with a degree in Cyber-security this May?

Will it be easier to find Jobs in the US?

>> No.19837232

maybe i can get a fucking computer job instead of all the poos for once

>> No.19837336

So he's gonna fuck up the economy even more. What an absolute fucking retard.

>> No.19837406

Lol I hate that. And then the managers who don't understand MySql and SqlServer are basically the same shit.

>> No.19837479

This is literally a move almost specifically targeting Google and Twitter. Pretty hilarious but also scary (for personal reasons).

There’s a crazy war brewing between different sectors and classes in this country. You can’t ignore it anymore. Trump cut off circulation to an extremely powerful corrupt part of the country’s body and they are gnashing at him like a cornered animal. He’s fighting back in his own clumsy way, and I legitimately think his populist backing is dwindling. I hate Biden but wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems win in November.

Trump burns bridges like nobody else. He didn’t care to forge alliances with the most powerful in tech/media/etc. which is based in a lot of ways, but is ultimately his downfall. He’s a businessman not a politician. It’ll be a fucking miracle if he wins in November and would be the most chaotic possible result. Would be insane.

>> No.19837501
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2020 just keeps getting better and better

>> No.19837507

he just got my fucking vote again. how does he do it. im not even republican/conservative.

>> No.19837542


>> No.19837555

maybe they'll stop spending millions on diversity teams

>> No.19837556

lol, the only change now is that these companies will 100% move those positions over seas instead of just having them be pseudo over seas .

>> No.19837568
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>> No.19837670

Again, I doubt it. One of the huge benefits of having a bunch of Indians on Visa, is that they had them wrapped around their thumbs. They get fired, they're kicked out of the country, they try to earn on the side, they're out of the country, they do anything but be perfect corporate boot lickers, they're out of the country. The carrot on the stick for most pajeets isn't a tech job in the bay making below a living wage, its getting a US permanent resident card.

They don't have that leverage over Indians in India. And if they digitally outsource, they're not using 'American labor' like they would be with visa holders. They lose out on tax incentives. And even the corpos realize that they need one actual employee that can unfuck pajeet code. He can't be on hand to work along side Indian labor in India

>> No.19837685
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I firmly support the chaos. I say we accelerate

>> No.19837739


>> No.19837761
File: 52 KB, 760x428, nn_sgo_trump_epstein_tape_190717_1920x1080.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, people are getting hyped up again for the voting charade.
It doesn't matter who you vote for stupid burger, they're all in the pocket of the Fed.

the vote is also the only reason he's doing this, he doesn't give a fuck about America. "burning bridges" lmao

>> No.19837836

It's still way cheaper to have indians do it in india than to hire actual americans at a decent wage.
The H1B system was actually trying to counter the outsourcing, by making it incredibly cheap to hire real people in america, who spend their wages in america, who pay taxes, and who would then go on to become citizens down the pipe line. That is the purpose of it.

>> No.19837861

The favor is only bringing it up for re-election. He won’t do shit

>> No.19837895 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19837933

Geez anon, you sound like a basic econ professor "yeah China chests and takes advantage of us, but having them in the fold keeps them in the market, might as well get a slice of the pie right?" Fuck off,I'd rather we build up Americans. Businesses take advantage of h1b two fold, corporate slaves, and not paying for American wages. H1b are built on false specialization skills that Indians lie about, they cheat, not as bad as China. But the culture is still there. Read up on some attempts at stopping cheating in some schools, every school cheats, if you don't cheat, you're on the sidelines since you cannot compete. Why should Americans condone this? False skills, terrible practice, low rate workers = low rate companies.

>> No.19838097
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There's a reason all the big companies use them, they're cheap and effective.
The alternative is outsourcing out of america, unless that is banned too somehow.
Also the vast majority of H1B holders are Indian, not sure why you went on such a big rant about the chinese.

>> No.19838457


>> No.19839438

The only websites reporting this are Indian. Pajeets are loosing their shit.

>> No.19839641

Why the fuck doesn't the US recruit Europeans? You have tech workers making half as much or less in Europe as their American equivalents

>> No.19839801

short airbnb and uber

>> No.19839812

>the logical indian
holy shit I'm dying send help

>> No.19839905

one could say they're shitting themselves in the streets

>> No.19839924

>degree in Cyber-security
lol, you got a degree for using encryption?

>> No.19839929

>regualr indian
show bobs and vagene
>logical indian
i give your rupee, you show bobs and vagene

>> No.19839951

we only take non whites

>> No.19839952

and that's a good thing

>> No.19839988

Then you tax and tariff the holy hell out of these companies if they want to do any business at all in America. If you want access to the American marketplace, you're going to employ American citizens. If you're not going to employ American citizens, you're going to be taxed at a level that makes you unable to compete with other companies in the field that do employ Americans.

Anyways, the whole H1B issue could be fixed if there was a high minimum wage for H1B workers. This program was started to make it easier to hire employees with talents we can't easily find in America, not to drive down white collar pay and put Americans out of good jobs, so to reflect that original goal their minimum wage should be 200K. That way the doctors and other highly talented STEM workers these companies say they can't easily find in America will be paid at a level that's on par with what similarly qualified Americans earn. The visas would no longer be used to hire any Pajeet that lied about all his degrees and certs and is willing to work for $12/hr.

>> No.19839998

Then why the fuck do I have to constantly get told that I'm privileged because I'm white?

>> No.19840119
File: 84 KB, 500x400, 1568251812637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the USA is currently the biggest shitfest the world has ever seen in decades, the shit fest is getting perpetually accelerated by the fact that we have descended in to a clown world while having diverged into a clown timeline.

>> No.19840708

greatest country in the world. name 1 (one) country that is better than the USA

>> No.19840816

H1Bs don't make less though, in fact it costs more than just hiring someone from the US because you pay them the same salary but have to sponsor them.

The cheap thing is getting programmers that live in india because you can pay them like $20-40k/year instead of $200k+/year. H1B is not about saving money its about not being able to find enough people good enough to hire.

>> No.19840963

>H1B is not about saving money its about not being able to find enough people good enough to hire.

Then educate more good people. Allowing subhuman Indians to invade the USA and colonize the tech sector has long term negative consequences for our nation.

If Indians want to come work in the USA they can pick fruit or empty septic tanks.

>> No.19841058

>Then educate more good people

That is a great idea.. but we'd rather spend money killing people on the other side of the world, paying people to go to the emergency room instead of preventative care, bailing out billionaires when their risky bets go the wrong way. Education is a very low priority for the US.

>Allowing subhuman Indians to invade the USA and colonize the tech sector has long term negative consequences for our nation.

There are 65k a year, barely "colonization" and they are contributing skills that can't be found inside the US. So what are the "negative consequences"? In fact without the visas then new products would take longer and be more expensive to produce due to shortage of skills.

>If Indians want to come work in the USA they can pick fruit or empty septic tanks.

Agreed there too, since there seems to be a shortage of fruit pickers too which is why the agricultural industry seems to be so reliant on cheap immigrant labor to meet every increasing costs and keep food prices from skyrocketing in the face of massive expansion of the money supply which primarily flows to the top 1% instead of most people's wages.

>> No.19841255

What’s going to happen (esp given remote work boom) is that all these hires planned for h1b will simply be remote

>> No.19841562

>H1Bs don't make less though

Hahaha you believe their lies lmao

>> No.19841595

He's gonna ban H1Bs, he's gonna build the wall, he's gonna MAGA, he's gonna deport all illegals, he's gonna defeat China.
imagine believing this

Trump vs Biden:
tax cuts vs maybe less tax cuts
that's it.

>> No.19841612

h1b is a lottery system it's retarded. it should be an auction where companies/people who are offeer/are offered the <insert number of visas annually awarded here> highest wages get to import the workforce and they should pay 5% extra tax that is to be spent on the retraining of the unemployed

>> No.19841637

Unironically buy tech stocks. H1B is terrible long term.

>> No.19841639

>just googled: trump suspend h1b and 3/4 of the first page is indian website sources.
jesus christ it's real

>> No.19841660
File: 455 KB, 701x2232, trumpsuspendh1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toppest of fucking keks

>> No.19841667

You forgot about draining the swamp.

>> No.19841679


Cringe. Get your statism out of my economy you wanna be commissar.

>> No.19841691

This was one of the biggest reasons I voted for him as a SWE. Not a single other candidate even mentioned it in their platform, Dem or Repub. Just Trump. Really stuck out to me.

>> No.19841710
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fixed image for you racist fucks

>> No.19841751


...They're married

>> No.19841766

his wife would still have gotten one if it wasn't such a retarded system prone to abuse

>> No.19841849
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"Includes broad exceptions"
Imagine still liking trump

>> No.19841872

>he thinks the state isn't heavily involved in the american economy

>> No.19841887




>> No.19841903
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The US economy has traditionally been protectionistic with regards to international economics, which we cannot control, only mitigate and defend against. A free economy is important domestically but people were never under the false impression that could work globally as well since others can easily take advantage of and subvert that for their own gain.

The federal government is given the duty to protect America from the rest of the world, military wise AND economically, and they've failed to hold up their end of the bargain for a solid 50 years now.

>> No.19841910
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>> No.19841951

there's so much more that a person gives to society than the stuff he does at the workplace you cocksucking retard

>> No.19841965

and h1b only looks at that one single attribute

>> No.19841983

and even extremely inefficiently at that

>> No.19842101


>> No.19842137

No guns slash hella hard to get. Next

>> No.19842215

Wow, why are you withholding these game changing secrets from management?

>> No.19842245


Well he tried to be frens with them but they all shit on his twitter and censor his voters so now the bargaining is over it seems.

>> No.19842255


Imagine actually thinking white men will be hired now. Only if youre a tranny, the rest will be filled with POC womxyn with at least one workshop in java

>> No.19842267


Cool, you think your employer cares about that? If they can hire someone with your skill set for less money, then they will. It’s called business.

>> No.19842344

true. it's the STATE's duty to look for society's wellbeing and make laws to improve it, if a business does that in an enviroment that doesn't give a shit about it they'll be outcompeted fast

>> No.19842403

American raised pajeet here.
> I only get along with my white lords
> I only fuck my white lords
> H1-B is gey and needs to be gutted
> Fucking majority of the code written by H1-B is fucking poo poo
> I hate my Indian manger and love my white mangers
> every fucking time i get Indian manger i just wanna kms

>> No.19842407

>force companies to hire locally
>orange man bad!
I just don’t get you people

>> No.19842423

i dont get this either...
>we need to get our jobs out of china
>trump bad!
its like ANYTHING he does good or bad gets shat on by everyone

>> No.19842436

I don’t think you understand how greentext is intended to work friendo

>> No.19842690

So crazy and chaotic to continue doing the same shit for 4 years

>> No.19842772
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>hating your countrymen and praising whites for good boy points
Sounds about right.