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19831109 No.19831109 [Reply] [Original]

COMP is about to surpass ETH's price and it was announced only 5 DAYS AGO.

Its not too late to get in the Compound lads. Its comfy in here.

Coinbase listing imminent. Moon lambo imminent

>> No.19831176

Seriously /biz/ all this coin does is pump.

Surprised more anons arent capitalizing here. Best new coin of 2020 by far.

>> No.19831267
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We are approaching $1 billion in assets.

>> No.19831279

I sold this way too early. Damn. Oh well.

>> No.19831280
File: 166 KB, 2450x1140, fuckme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compound overtook makerdao
nexo is storing all funds in compound
exchanges are sending funds to compound (ftx, poloniex)

if you can't see that this has reached escape velocity and will be 10b, stick to your shitcoins

>> No.19831284

>compares coins by price
>buys shit when overvalued instead waitinng
>coinbase listed and pum pove shilling point: "coinbase listing"

Aske me how I know you are new lol?

>> No.19831301


theres a lot fewer COMP than ETH (hundreds of millions, inflationary) - if youre comparing price, 1 COMP is way better than 1 ETH

vitalik / vlad both say that the best apps built on ethereum might be worth more than ethereum

>> No.19831334

Looks like OP still made better choices than you did

>> No.19831347

Better in what lol?
I know Comp is good but why would I buy token im farming 30/year free lol

>> No.19831367

Market sentiment drives price to an extent. COMP stalled near ETH's price for a bit but now it's blasting wayyy beyond ETH and will continue to pump this week.

Nows the time to get in before we go to $600 by Friday

>> No.19831389

Again whats the point in comparing coin to eths price?
Yo didnt buy over 200 did you lol?

>> No.19831425


COMP is getting listed on Coinbase on Monday and is going to moon.

It is literally the #1 project in DeFi

>> No.19831428

1.09 eth per comp

>> No.19831480

Will wait for the eventual dump back to $50

>> No.19831501

What's a suicide stack? This shit is expensive.

>> No.19831507

you wish

>> No.19831514

What is the difference between this and DMG?

>> No.19831549

You won't be getting 30 per year I can tell you that. As more capital flows on the platform, your share of COMP will be diluted out.

>> No.19831711

Yes prob not but still made 0,3 in 3 days so 20+year sounds still fine
Also 0 incentive to buy before corection if I can mine for free and wait dip...

>> No.19831727

Dude, how fucking dumb are you to compare coins by price

>> No.19831756

How much do you currently have lent/borrowed in the contract to get that return of COMP anon?

>> No.19831768

I mean no way is it dumping to 50 but it's going to dump after the CB hype dies and the coin stabilizes. That would be a good entry point for people who actually believe in the project.

>> No.19831903

is etoro okay to use? it's an israeli company, sketchy putting stuff on there

>> No.19831983

What's the best way to stake this shit, does it matter if I use eth vs wbtc, ect.

>> No.19831998


farmer's almanac

>> No.19832140

Is this coin literally only 5 days old? Otherwise, why do charts only go back 5 days?

>> No.19832154

right now is BAT

>> No.19832193

its 5 days old and coinbase is already decided to list it - can you even comprehend what that means and how powerful comp is

>> No.19832857

4k bucks lol
Thats not even 10% of my cryptostack thinking to put more literally printing money....

>> No.19832924


My bad I invested 4k bucks its folded on 4x levrage so 16k exposure in lend borrow thats what you where asking right?

>> No.19832947

Where is it listed ?

>> No.19832955

poloniex, FTX, uniswap, and on tuesday COINBASE

>> No.19832960

Chances of comp reaching 4,000 usd?

Chances of being listed in binance

>> No.19832975

in 5 year, decently likely

100% on binance at some point - this is the first time burgers feast first

>> No.19832991

fuck man it just keeps climbing.
I almost bought at 60 bucks.
I just fucking should have.

>> No.19833061

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.19833107

It’s not on FTX. Poloniex is not for US customers.

>> No.19833207
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>trading at 2.6 billion$ marketcap

hint: look at what happened after OXT's debut when the supply was better understood

>> No.19833229
File: 97 KB, 818x560, Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 4.34.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure it is fren


>> No.19833309

imagine not farming COMP right now with BAT

>> No.19833336

Ok where do I store compound?

>> No.19833375

any Ethereum wallet, its erc20

>> No.19833379


>> No.19833424

just lend it in their platform, its like %23 interests right now on BAT, if you want to make more you would need to borrow from them

>> No.19833463

can you send it to metamask?
I can't seem to find it when trying to "add token"

trying to swap for it on uniswap

>> No.19833606


>> No.19833752

Add that as the contract when adding a coin. That's also what you can put in on uniswap to find it.
There's a direct link
I got 15 of these for 55 usd. Sold 5 for another coin. Probably shouldn't have. Will be holding these last ten for a long g long time.

>> No.19833908

LoL thank you so much anon
I was literally hitting my table with my head
thought i lost this shit

>> No.19833977

I'm dumb pls help.

If everyone is farming COMP, who the fuck is buying and why is the price going so high? Is the coinbase hype so big?

Also, I understand that sooner than later there will be some vote on gaining interests and shit if you own COMP, but is that enough to justify this price?

Also I don't understand how 30% APR
+ farming is sustainable, won't it stabilize and drag the price down?.

>> No.19834990
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Just threw some money at it.
What are we expecting, realistically?
I've read the whitepaper and seen the website, but I have to admit that some things are still way over my head as of now. If some of the more knowledgeable anons could give me a quick rundown for simple minds such as myself, I'd be very happy.

>> No.19835026

whales are going to pull the rug out from under these retards like they always do. they'll keep it going a while to sucker the noobs in and let them think they're earning big money, then trap them in underwater CDPs

look at the SNX chart to see how it played out there, many, many people got fucking rekt

>> No.19835098

Snx chart looks solid if you aren't trying to swing and got in early.

>> No.19835126
File: 87 KB, 540x482, 1592704840281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What time frame should I be looking at for SNX to see what you're talking about, anon?
The more I read and see about comp, the more I'm inclined to believe that I got in relatively early.

>> No.19835145

I do wonder how many sold that first dip though lol

>> No.19835165

you are fine. Number one defi in crypto. There will always be funders. Look at even maker with its recent is problems is doing good still. Comp is much better than maker.

>> No.19835237
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>Number one defi
That's a bold claim.
I'll see where it goes, but I don't expect this alone to be the reason it will go up as intended. We'll see by Sunday 21:00 GMT if it was really worth putting my money in.

>> No.19835385
File: 19 KB, 222x227, 1592706102891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't read it here first, but huge sell wall incoming at $300.

Hope you've put your sell orders.... Our next destination is $120.

>> No.19835389

holy fuckk

>> No.19835402

>he will fall for such an obivious PND
It's not because the price is high that it won't happen to you. I can't even fathom how this shitcoin managed to reach such a high mcap, but don't worry it will fall soon enough. Retards need to learn their lesson the hard way I suppose.

>> No.19835430
File: 389 KB, 1074x1818, Screenshot_20200620-212706_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its crypto so its hard to say. I'd just say its one of the best bets thats come along in a long time and a great long term pick.

>> No.19835445

Also watched it go from 110 to 60 and people thought it was ogre.

>> No.19835689


Ok the deal with COMP. some venture capital whales are pumping the price they got in dirt cheap sub $30, maybe much lower. You just have to use common sense here. nothing about this is organic 5 days ago it's added to uniswap and already it has over half a billion market cap? A few brainlets will fall for it inevitably though.

>> No.19836381
File: 53 KB, 820x444, 0-8163_emoji-directory-pepe-the-frog-retard-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is marketcap

>> No.19836402

There's a lot of big money invested in comp. The small money of biz is not why this has done so well. This is going to 1000 before it stops pumping

>> No.19836462

If you think this is big imagine how pumped DMM is gonna be.

>> No.19836507
File: 1.52 MB, 540x540, 1592712331934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me on DMM? You've been saying this in a lot of comp threads I've noticed.

>> No.19836595

Someone just bought 98 of these things at this price

>> No.19836646

maybe he knows something we don't or is that confident

>> No.19836711

Overpriced as fuck. Wait for a 85% retrace from ATH. Or just buy DMG and wait.

>> No.19836736

What's the ATH

>> No.19836745

why number only goes up ? i dont understand,i boughtthis for 60 dollars now im scared
what do ?

>> No.19837109

I'm getting scared bros why is it going down

>> No.19837382

Fuck why did you tell me to buy the top

>> No.19837441


>> No.19837442

classic biz

>> No.19837485

buy the dip anons you wont regret it