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19828511 No.19828511 [Reply] [Original]

I live about 10-20 miles from Minneapolis and I am strongly considering getting an AR15. The fact that manufacturers can't even keep up with parts tells me I have a limited window to get this; compound this with a Trump election and shit is going to pop off.

HOWEVER, this will eat into my shitcoin and gambling money.

I have a mossberg 590a1, 12 gauge, light weight, reliable, wall painter. Is that enough or should I get the rifle? I have the build I want and I'm ready to buy it. So what sense does biz have to offer on this?

Stocks/Shitcoins vs long gun for the coming chimpouts?

>> No.19828541
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get the rifle and ammo Anon.

>> No.19828590

how the fuck do you get feet like that

>> No.19828907
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shameless bump. i need opinions.

>> No.19828926

Who was this guy?

>> No.19829018


a canadian legend

>> No.19829047

my dude, just buy one off gun broker and have it shipped to a local FFA. fuck those faggots complaining about "buy local", if they give you any lip just walk out and go to a different shop. they make ~$50 off you for just taking shipment of the gun...

>> No.19829096

Sir, this is /biz/

>> No.19829424

I bought it. w/e, i haven't made a big purchase for myself in a while. and with all this bullshit happening, I'm going to feel a lot safer having this around. Just a little less in my pocket when all this takes off.

>> No.19829481

Why would you buy a gun where it’s getting harder and harder to buy parts? It will end up like those Italian rifles with the weird ammo size you can’t even buy anymore.

>> No.19829500

Won't you be put on some sort of list ordering this?

>> No.19829512
File: 84 KB, 514x900, 116607F5-E4BE-454F-966D-1A1CB8C3474E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this. I saved the image but never got the backstory, but it all makes sense now. He’s the hero we need

>> No.19829521

>spends $1000s of dollars learning to shoot the thing just to get cucked by semi auto when the death squads come after him

>> No.19829552

get some anon
Trump is going to win the election
and they're going to burn down all major cities afterwards
that's just what they do

>> No.19829581
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>they actually let those little fuckers pass the police academy in canada
holy shit lmao

>> No.19829612

probably true

also guys u see how google and and amazon are all on the sides of the protestors, watch what would happen if they would do a coordinated attacks on their datacenters

google soldiers would fucking start shooting people one by one

don't believe companies, they only support them coz its not their problem

>> No.19829624
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Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money

Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your standard 'modern musket'

>> No.19829696

Minnesota has pretty based gun laws for a blue state. Plus I got a build kit to keep it cheap:


I got a reasonably priced yet durable red dot sight of amazon for $100, only thing I'm missing is lower receiver and mags, which is probably another $100

>> No.19829711

thanks broseph. I think I need to do an interview for the lower reciever.

>> No.19829749

Tbh that shotgun should be enough, just get a sidearm like a glock 19 or a .38 revolver.

>> No.19829757
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>tfw bong and can't buy gun cause boomers let gov take em away

>> No.19829764

>he didn't already have one
>he waits until the last moment to exercise his rights
kill yourself you are part of the problem

>> No.19829770
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To add to >>19829624 if you don't want to assemble a lower you can buy a complete one from PSA for $30 more.

>> No.19829776

ar15 is a semiauto platform you tremendous faggot. it's not that hard to operate a rifle.

>> No.19829783

buy a black powder revolver you dumb piece of shit

>> No.19829791

Isn't it amazing how much asians look like monkeys? Even more so than N words.

>> No.19829795

i told you i have a military issue 12 gauge. probably good enough but I want a long gun after seeing these chimps in atlanta popping them off at each other

>> No.19829810

> if you don't want to assemble a lower
I can understand the sentiment but assembling it yourself is a lot easier and gives you a better understanding of the tool you're using
This was the video I used to assemble

>> No.19829812

shotguns are a fudd meme
there's no reason not to own a rifle if you are allowed to unless you're a poor faggot

>> No.19829820


google kelly dota2, literal monkey

people with yellow fever are braindead

>> No.19829826

And guns are the ultimate way of protecting an investment, who needs regulators when you can have a ventilator

>> No.19829827

Superior in every way

>> No.19829831



>> No.19829836

shotgun will still fuck your shit up on short/medium range; you can make do with it. but i would prefer a semi auto weapon for a semi auto encounter

>> No.19829878
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>Is that enough or should I get the rifle?
The bottom line is, realistically, if it isn't enough an ar15 isn't going to save you either. If things get worse just remember it is a game of attrition. The best thing you can do is delay any sort of conflict coming into your real life for as long as possible. The """people""" that oppose you have seemingly no foresight at all, and will likely be completely spent of all resources in weeks if things somehow do continue to heat up. I sort of doubt this though. Have male friends that aren't useless homos as your social capital will become extremely valuable the worse things get, and the same goes for not being a useless homo yourself.

>> No.19829885

you're gonna short stroke it under pressure
also the tubular magazine is obsolete, why anyone in their right minds would want a 6 shot gun with extremely tedious and slow reload under pressure beats me, if you wanna face hordes of nogs get a 30 shot AR, the only drawback is overpen if your walls are made of cardboard and plywood, use bricks like a non-subhuman

>> No.19829891

Did you not hear that truckers aren't coming into Mini? You are shit out of luck. whatever is available in your home or in your location is what you can get.

>> No.19829924
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Dont forget to livestream it on twitch bro, regardless of what you try to "clean" up with your AR15 and post link here

>> No.19829963

You're fucked OP >>19829891
Better put points into DEX so you can reload that fudd bitch real fast when 30 enraged nogs are charging you

>> No.19830171

>Clean your fucking gun
this, and clean it BEFORE you shoot it, at least the bore, as it might contain manufacturing debris from the factory.

>> No.19830185

I bought 4 PSA AR15's and 1 of their AK's and just over 1k rounds for less than $2k well worth it for peace of mind. 4 AR's because 1 + 3 for spare parts if needed, otherwise they all work and they work fine. I love them all and they're a great company