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1982652 No.1982652 [Reply] [Original]

Time and time again I've seen this board full of autistic NEETs shill some "scamcoin" thinking it to be bullshit, only to see them see 10-100x gains.

Well, I'm going to take the plunge. I want to invest 15K in cryptocurrencies.

Which are the best options atm?

>> No.1982658

50% BitBay, 25% PoSW, 25% ETH, 25% find your own that you truly believe are undervalued, maybe edgeless or XRP.

>> No.1982660

buy the bean

>> No.1982667

Why BitBay? Does it actually have anything unique going for it?

The two that I was thinking about were Waves and Ripple.

At the moment Waves isn't very successful, but the idea behind it seems pretty good. They have made somewhat steady progress etc.

Ripple has big banks behind it so I feel like it's a safer bet, but with less moon potential due to 100B supply.


>> No.1982670

BTC and ETH then a few grand on one or two others that stand out to you, my other major holding is XRP, there are a number of others worth a bit of a go, checkout the ETH tokens as well.

>> No.1982673

P O S W 1 0 0 %

or stay poor

>> No.1982675


Considering you want to start in with 15K, you'll want to make this thread in about 28 days. You can buy 5K of bitcoin per week on Coinbase. Factor in verification days.

But, when you finally get your bitcoins ready to pull, in about a month, it will all have changed so drastically anyway.

But Pivx, ETH, BitBay, LTC are where you want a bulk.

Then, divy it up with XRP and SYS, because it's only a matter of time...

Lastly, buy a few meme coins for the lulz. I won't name any because I don't want to appear like a shill.

>> No.1982681

>no bitbean

kill yourself

>> No.1982682

I wouldn't call XRP a safer bet, I feel it has the most potential out of the major coins to hit zero in an instant, I just want it for cover on the banks muscle.

>> No.1982683

quick rundown on SYS?

>> No.1982688


Get BitBean too because memes

But BitBay is very unique and it's already finished, functionality wise (still ugly as sin and not granny friendly). It's the first truly decentralized marketplace besides OpenBazaar, and it's much better than OpenBazaar. Top notch security features, one of the most transparent teams in Crypto (id link u to the slack but I'm mobile and can't be assed someone else will invite you I'm sure). Double Deposit Escrow kills the middle man, so virtually no transaction fees save for like a 2% cost of utilizing the network or less. I'm at work I'll finish in an hour or so

>> No.1982692

True. The fact that only 30% of the total supply has been circulated has me hesitant too. I guess the fact that it has backing from reputable (well for banks anyway) companies behind it gives me more peace of mind than some random Russian devs.

Also I think Ethereum is worth investing in, tho I am waiting for a substantial dip (if one ever comes).

>> No.1982702


Please just check the roadmap. We want our new friend anon to get a feel for doing a bit of research and seeing what his money is going into, but they SYS has into Azure for quite some time.

>> No.1982707

Go all in on POSW.

Not even memeing

>> No.1982708

For me the banks could either be the gift or the curse, XRPs future is pretty much all in their hands. We're talking a few fucken clear and decisive blokes with strong ties who will at some point say what boils down to yes or no - with yes leading to fuck knows where maybe the moon, but no pretty much banishing it to worthlessness.

>> No.1982709

Just to make sure I understand this, is a roadmap basically timeline of planned updates?

>> No.1982716

I definitely understand where you're coming from and appreciate the honesty. I do plan on actually reading up on all the tech/people behind it before I invest.

>> No.1982719

Alright boss cooled down lol. The big feature coming roughly Q4 2017 (David is pretty good at meeting deadlines in a timely fashion) is the rolling peg. It will be a soft peg tying BAY to a certain USD value depending on the inflation rate voted on thru the client via algorithm or manual override. This will allow for a huge decrease in volatility I.e. What scares people away from crypto. Best of all is almost no money has been spent on marketing (unlike sys - they're a solid team they just jumped the gun a little) so it's still supremely undervalued. I'm pretty much the self appointed marketing man, and I do it all for free. Big things are in store for BitBay, I sincerely mean that. Please do your research and decide for yourself, and feel free to ask any questions you may have.

>> No.1982728

But if its value is tied to that of the USD, doesn't that mean it can't really go up? Or am I misunderstanding something here.

From a currency stand point the stability would be really beneficial and encourage people to use it over more volatile alternatives though, I suppose.

>> No.1982742

They're definitely solid outfits so if they were to commit in the future it could be massive. Biggest question for now might be whether or not they would stick with XRP or build their own when finished testing. Have a look around and you'll find plenty of articles on the impact blockchain in general could have on financial institutions.

>> No.1982783

Hey mr marketing man.
is this coin going to 10x in the next few months so then i can dump it? that's all i really care about. if not, it's pretty much worthless to me. thanks for you prediction

>> No.1982789
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Here is an answer from the developer. Like I said, I'm just marketing so the best answers will come from our tech squad in the Slack.

>> No.1982793
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Check out Wetrust coin (TRST). It's a couple of days old coin, developed by some guys who used to work at google.

It's a bit less than 1 cent right now and the price is relatively stable.

Easily can moon like ARK anytime

>> No.1982794


Well, for what it's worth I tripled my investment in 3 weeks. Im no Nostradamus but I

>> No.1982798

"potentially an algorithm"? sounds like this is really solid and thought-out

>> No.1982801

It's very interesting so I appreciate your responses mate. Will definitely do some research on it.

>> No.1982803
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Fuck it you get it I hit post on accident. Here's more from the man himself.

>> No.1982812


Potentially meaning the users vote on what to peg it to if they so choose, but also an algorithm determining a "good" or valid rate of inflation will also be an option, for people who don't like LARPing as the Head of the Federal Reserve when they're just trying to shop on the client.

>> No.1982814

it's never been done before? lmfao it's done all the time in derivatives and leveraged ETFs

anyways, is this shitcoin going to 10x or not, cause otherwise there are better coins to pay attention to than this shit project

>> No.1982821


Sir please go invest in BitBean if you are looking for 10x returns, You would really enjoy the family oriented community and Quick as a Mexican Jumping Bean transaction speed.

>> No.1982834

you have my attention, but i'm still not sure. i have kids.. it would have to be really good-natured and child friendly.

>> No.1983002

Anything BUT pivx, posw, bitbean, and bitbay.

>> No.1983135


>> No.1983567

Don't call it an investment.
It's a gamble.
Accept that, and you will have the right mindset.
Otherwise you will face much mental anguish.

>> No.1983604

definitely edgeless(EDG).

>> No.1983662



>> No.1983668

LePen easy 10x

>> No.1983686
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>Time and time again I've seen this board full of autistic NEETs shill some "scamcoin" thinking it to be bullshit, only to see them see 10-100x gains.

Fuck off cryptocuck dealer. There are hundreds of coins and most of them failed and lost people money.

>> No.1983696

Decred update in 2 days. get in

>> No.1983932

It was the dumbest coin ever, even dumber than BITB.

>> No.1983940

Notice how the chinks flood in during china hours?

strange how that works!

new wallet

24/7 dev roadmap website at same time

beanstore.co going live soon

point of sales system with bitbean as payment method alongside major credit cards

active developer you can literally ask all your shill questions to 24/7

developer confirmed non-jewish

mascot is kid friendly and there are actual unironic plans to make an animated series to introduce youngins to ideas like crypto and saving money

in other words you're a stupid motherfucker for not just going to bitbean.org and asking your questions to the developer himself.

>> No.1983982
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Bitbean is the way to go.