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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19825982 No.19825982 [Reply] [Original]

Market Cap: 1.7 MLN
Token handle: $DXD
Circulation supply: 23 695 / 123 224
Team: Great members of Loopring, Kleros, Gnosis, Ethereum
DXdao powered Dapps: Mix.eth / Omen.eth / Mesa.eth - revenue from Dapps goes to DXD holders.

DXdao is a decentralized community that develops, governs, and grows DeFi protocols and products. Its initial members were seeded through a 1 month process where over $20M in ETH and other tokens were staked and 400+ addresses received Reputation.

Since then, DXdao has been advancing critical DeFi infrastructure like Mesa.eth, a recently launched frontend to the Gnosis Protocol, and Omen.eth, a soon-to-launch prediction market platform.

The DXdao is also involved in developing Mix.eth, governing DMM, and maintaining the DutchX trading protocol. In order to bootstrap these efforts and broaden its stakeholder base, the DXdao recently voted to launch a public OpenRaise campaign.

more info and links

>> No.19825990
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fuck communists
fuck trannies
fuck the workers
fuck kikes

>> No.19826050

DXD will go $5k+ in the next bullrun no doubt

>> No.19826083

Can someone tell me why I would want to buy a coin that only makes me a 10x if it does a 100x in MC? how can that be worth it? they purposely make it impossible to grow in price because the market cap grows exponentiallt?

Can someone refute this fud? I saw it in a thread yesterday and I dont want to believe the returns are actually this bad..

>> No.19826096

I would like to see someone squash the fud

>> No.19826305

>what is income generating passive income?

>> No.19826321
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>> No.19826357

I saw this yesterday too, I hope there is more to it that the fudder left out. This is the only thing stopping me from all inning.. if it miraculously becomes the same MC as maker, its only a 10x in price from here.

How do you get passive income? from what I've read they will just be selling the tokens into the curve, so you will need to sell your dxd to make any profit, and that doesn't seem very passive.

>> No.19826398
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>How do you get passive income? from what I've read they will just be selling the tokens into the curve, so you will need to sell your dxd to make any profit, and that doesn't seem very passive.
This is correct

The idea is that once the platform starts generation revenue, the sell price could become higher than the buy price, naturally pushing it upwards. Except it'll never generate enough revenue to surpass speculation.
It's unironically a never ending ICO with increasingly worse and worse prices, it's never going to pump.

I (the magnificent Rias poster) of course have a bag but I won't be telling you why.

>> No.19826445

>I (the magnificent Rias poster) of course have a bag
Any Breadcrubs kind sir?

>> No.19826493

pls sir explain why this is a good investment.. I know your bag is probably 200+ or something insane, I've seen you ironically fudding for weeks. there has to be a reason, let us in on it sir

>> No.19826519

10% (can be increased by a vote) of the revenue from the dapps of the dxDAO will go to the buyback reserve, increasing the sell price of DXD on the site. DXD sold there are burned and thus removed from the supply. New DXD can only be minted at ever-increasing prices.

>> No.19826570
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If you can't see how to profit from a legit project that literally has a price ceiling, then I cannot help you.

>> No.19826671

>Can someone tell me why I would want to buy a coin that only makes me a 10x if it does a 100x in MC? how can that be worth it? they purposely make it impossible to grow in price because the market cap grows exponentiallt?
>Can someone refute this fud? I saw it in a thread yesterday and I dont want to believe the returns are actually this bad..

Explain in more details

>> No.19826786

It's because of the curve. If the coin were to go to 4 eth for example (roughly 9 or 10x from here), there will be 200k dxd in circulation. That means at 4 eth, at current eth prices it will need to have a market cap of 180m usd. Which is a 100x in market cap from here while the coin price 9-10x from here.

>> No.19826805

this coin is dead

>> No.19826815

you know, i somehow didn't think of it that way until now
thank you smug anime poster
(not a sentence i thought i'd ever be typing)

>> No.19826982
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Yeah but where do you see the problem sir regarding the bonding curve.

The ICO is in no doubt the biggest fail since eth inception. Especially we see an entire inequality in allocation of token amounts. Bonding curves offer the option the get the fair value.

Spoonfeeding on:
„ Tokens are bought and sold according to a “bonding curve” — an equation that defines the token price as a function of token supply. It’s like having a market that’s just determined by the software.

At any point in time, a token holder can sell their token back into the pool, burning the token, and taking out a proportional amount of ETH.

When you buy tokens into a curve what you are doing is you’re for example sending DAI or ether into this curve and this curve is minting new tokens for you, and so what happens in the other way around, is you sell these tokens and then you get part of these reserves out in ether or DAI or whatever the reserve ratio is defined in, and so that’s how bonding curve works and it’s very exciting because you can, in the case of Aragon fundraising, get rid of centralized exchanges.

Bonding curves can help anchor or influence the “time value” of participation in the network, helping projects overcome the issues of initial hype and demand as well as sustaining continued support from their communities. The value of the network is more naturally tied to interest. Networks are allowed to grow and die naturally.“
Spoonfeeding off

>> No.19826997

Ppl are not investing bc 99,9% does not understand the entire mechanism. It’s just a matter of time until ppl realize the potential of a TRUE decentralized structure.

>> No.19827018
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you're a retarded pajeet but you're going to make me so much money, so I guess thanks for that