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19825899 No.19825899 [Reply] [Original]

So a dean of Stanford Law school just published a paper comparing Kleros to traditional mediation methods.

Everyone knows this is gonna boom, yet its been crabbing for months. How many people will jump off a bridge once it 5x’s in one day?

>> No.19825923

my body is ready

>> No.19825954

So is mine, will cry tears of joy. The only thing keeping this down is the uncertainty in BTC. In a bull market this will be liquid gold.

>> No.19826121

Based Pink IDs

>> No.19826137

source: dude trust me.

>> No.19826140

I honestly don't know when. I've been using part of my PNK stack to trade other coins and making decent profits in the meantime though.

>> No.19826306

Kleros is an amazing project. Colin Rule from Tyler Technologies is a big supporter of kleros.
I think most of us can see where this is going..

>> No.19826988

When you really think about it, it already has immense value, but we have to wait for the general consensus among the public to catch up to what is self evident truth to us.

>> No.19827035

Post the paper.

>> No.19827215

It's not even a paper. It's like an interview.

>> No.19827271

That’s not even what we’re talking about moron. Multiple people from Stanford Law are looking at this. https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/jdr/vol2020/iss1/10/

>> No.19827303

>Randomly shilled by pnd grp relentlessly, making it very clearly to not touch this with a 10 ft pole. biggest scam red flag warnings since bitconnect. Why wont anybody buy my bags ????

Kill yourself retards

>> No.19827338

The paper in your link is neither published by a Dean, nor from Stanford. Who's the moron again?

>> No.19827354

Lmao that's not at all what you claimed. Kleros discord strikes us again.

>> No.19827356

See you at 15 cents.

>> No.19827541

Kek. Who has the link of this mysterious paper

>> No.19827604


>> No.19827679

Nothing on Kleros desu