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19823988 No.19823988 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please have a discussion about second wave of covid? Yesterday there were 30k+ cases again in the US, last time this happened was May 1st and with all the BLM protests its gonna grow really hard the next week and Trump wont lock down again.
Are we in for another crash? The online upside is that NYC should have some sort of immunity (20%+ antibodies) so Sergey should be safe

>> No.19824003
File: 27 KB, 956x477, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 7 day moving average.

>> No.19824029



>> No.19824045

If you look at the cumulative number of cases vs the total population, there’s still a long way to go. Sweden has let the virus run in hopes of achieving herd immunity but it seems to be taking much longer than they predicted: only 15-20% of the general population has antibodies and models suggest herd immunity will need at least 50-80% to be effective. The virus is going to win, the wildcard is how long it will take governments to admit to it and just let it run. All in all shaping up to be quite the habbening desu fampai

>> No.19824060

I got corona when I went to los Angelo's couple weeks ago. Gave it to my gf too. And her family now has it and my family too.

Shit spreads like crazy.
Mild symptoms and easy to get teated. I just hope it's not airborne aids and I'm fucked for life.

>> No.19824083

Oh yeah I forgot, fuck China for purposefully lying about this to help spread it so they wouldn’t suffer a competitive disadvantage. Fucking monstrous

>> No.19824085
File: 15 KB, 320x180, 8A43571F-97EC-4B33-82BB-51C1BE4B95F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 million will die
>er I mean 1 million will die
>uh, I mean just the comorbid who are elderly, morbidly obese, diabetic, heart disease
>uh I mean 500,000
>whew good thing we closed the entire global economy...hehe...he...heh
>I dunno...
>muh second wave!!!!!!

Holy shit, you people are worse than a Friday the 13th movie.

>> No.19824103

there is no such thing as herd immunity if the anti bodies are gone after some weeks

>> No.19824117

In case you hadn’t noticed the response to virus is indeed worse than the virus and the powers that be dictate the response. If they say there’s a second wave, shit shuts down again. Simple as

>> No.19824123

>Anglo countries most devastated by covid
>Anglo countries with more pathogenic version and all haplotypes
>Anglo countries getting sick last fall
>Anglo countries waging economic war in china since 2018
>Anglo countries infecting china with swine flu
>Anglo countries fostering Hong Kong protests
>Anglo countries arming Taiwan and promoting anti Chinese rhetoric
>Anglo countries lying about babies being thrown out in incubators, Iraq had wmd, entire underground cities hiding taliban

Hurrhurr china did it

>> No.19824131

My mom has symptons since early march and it doesnt really go away... I wish I was kidding mate...

>> No.19824140

Literally kill yourself chang. Yes china did it and china is gonna pay for it.

>> No.19824144
File: 3.77 MB, 483x556, 099AA183-315C-492C-9000-37C5C7655A4A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmkay. Would you be so kind as to translate that into English for me?

>> No.19824146
File: 257 KB, 460x460, suterchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish for Suterusu and Asia's recovery.

>> No.19824202

I hope that she will make it fren
My dad (70) had it probably and lucky it was only mild.

>> No.19824478

I hope this means more staycation.

>> No.19824497

Did you buy the dip anon?

>> No.19824521

My dad is in this exact situation. He's got a bad cough that just won't go away.

>> No.19824533
File: 133 KB, 745x848, new york only 96 deaths without underlying conditions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will not be scared a second time.

Pic related: when NY was at 16k deaths, only about 100 had zero severe underlying conditions.
And even they had an extremely high average age.

>> No.19824577

Eurofag here, i got infected in april and while most symptoms went away after 3 weeks, im still suffering from exhaustion, elevated heartrate, shortness of breath by the smallest exercise. I also wish i was joking, the long term effects are a bitch, im almost wondering if it will ever fully go away ..

>> No.19824578

Why do you think there would be less than a million dead? A couple of million dead are still on the table.

>> No.19824594

Very few Americans have zero underlying conditions though. I mean a whopping 10% are diabetics, just for starters.

>> No.19824678

The average age of covid deaths around the world is well into the 70s.
The fact that nearly all of them had pretty severe underlying conditions is just in addition to that.

If there is a second wave, young people will not be cowed into staying home again.

>> No.19824735
File: 24 KB, 922x530, daily deaths us june 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think there would be less than a million dead?

>> No.19824750

meant for >>19824594

>> No.19824779

you need to consider that new cases contribute to the new deaths about a week or so later. so ofc we dont see a spike in daily deaths yet.

>> No.19824785

Yes, we can!
OP, because China is worthless data-wise, it's pretty important if we look at the next hotspot, Europe and see how things have been happening there. And there's no reason for alarm.
The new cases data is worthless without comparative testing. We test A LOT more than we did back then, it's perfectly natural we find more cases, so that graph evolution is not particularly informative. There's two things you should look at:
a) Hospitalizations, because they give you the load in that particular moment. Considering we know that the rate of hospitalizations (whatever it is) won't vary too much (and if it does, it's lower than two months ago because of a weaker viral load), that also gives us the number of active cases.
b) Excess of death, and not just death. Excess of death because some countries under-report, others, over-report, and when you compare the number of deaths with the last 10 years in a similar period, it's pretty easy to see where how much corona is killing.

With that in mind, what happened when europe ended their lockdown? Did they get more cases than the previous 2 weeks or so? Yeah, sure. There's hotspots, they go there and test, a lot. They find cases. Did hospitalizations spiked in a similar rate? No. Did excess death spiked? No, quite the contrary, right now we are seeing death rates across the countries pretty normalized with past years.

The whole herd thing is still a big misconception, because we don't know when the virus started spreading. 2 days ago italy water institution release the info that their december wastewater samples had traces of the virus (https://www.iss.it/en/primo-piano/-/asset_publisher/o4oGR9qmvUz9/content/id/5422725)) We don't know the percentage necessary for herd, there's right now a big chance a large group of people that won't ever get affected, or won't show up those particular antibodies, why? Because of how our own heterogeneity works.

>> No.19824792

There would have to be a much bigger spike than the first one to go from 120k deaths and rapidly declining, to 1 million deaths.

>> No.19824875

Figures are similar to a severe flu. When you take into account deaths wrongly attributed to covid, and deaths due to lockdown, it's a nothing burger. Look at annual flu deaths. It's in the tens of thousands, yet no one flinches. It's manipulation of statistics, nothing more.
It's by design that this has happened. Yes it's a fucking conspiracy, and yes, you're supposed to hate China for it. Wake up. How many times can you fall for the 'Hate this nation, hate that nation' narrative?

>> No.19824937

There are pretty valid reasons to hate china tho
>The coof being not one of them

>> No.19825044

I live in central Europe, and we just were "hotspot" long before you because it started in Italy. Burgers were just later and also more incapable of handling the crisis. Also our half socialistic welfare government countries did quite well, also our free health care system and at least somewhat fair distribution of goods averted major outfalls because people are content on average. we dont really have niggers who live from 5$ a day here. so people just stayed home in their magnificent homes and were happy. but its probably just starting over here.

>> No.19825089



>> No.19825099

Austria. Sweden is not central Europe

>> No.19825263

I dont understand how unemployment here only went up 10% with the country shut down for 3 months

>> No.19825974

ok drumpf, looking forward to it buddy!