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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19819070 No.19819070 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19819104

Do Americans really

>> No.19819110

Window companies and fireman gear companies.

>> No.19819126

Based. Kneel submissive caucasoids

>> No.19819156

the future is a race of people that couldn't invent the wheel and would still be living in mud huts taking credit for everything created in the world

>> No.19819188

We've already profited off it. It's called the BYFC pump and dump.

>> No.19819208

Taking credit for what's left of the ashes? If blacks were in charge, they will fuck it all up and still blame it on whites. All you have to do is look at liberal cities like Atlanta where the entire government to include the mayor and DA are black and have been in control of liberals for decades. They're still blaming whites.

>> No.19819253

On the radio they were complaining that black people make up only 14% of the people in certain professions (they're 13% of the population). We've jumped the shark with diversity and inclusion. It's time to take our country back.

>> No.19819256

too late white boy. now hand over your wife and your daughters as reparations

>> No.19819274

invest in Welch's, Spalding, Popeye's etc etc

>> No.19819294

Jews are 2% of the population buy like half the CEOs.