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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19816011 No.19816011 [Reply] [Original]

>like in UK near London
>355 sq ft is £250,000

When the fuck will this shit collapse?

>> No.19816449


>> No.19816574 [DELETED] 

money printing is about driving those prices higher. it hollows out the middle class and leaves a small layer of ultra rich and then nigger scum at bottom.
decide which stratum you want to be in.

>> No.19816588

move up north retarded southerner

>> No.19816659
File: 97 KB, 1000x563, krijg kanker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, just reading your post made me suddenly have 10 million GBP in assets, ancestral land ownership, and a network of business and political connections dating back to having gone to a private primary school

>> No.19816739
File: 135 KB, 680x435, boomer-morning-dabbing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't
I look forward to you buying my 355 sq ft apartment for £500,000 in a few years zoom zoom

>> No.19816794

why would you want to live in london lol it isnt worth it

>> No.19816835

Aren't all of the Muslim rape gangs up Norf though?

>> No.19816885
File: 859 KB, 2970x2483, 1591124039502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to be rich to get rich in clown world. Have some self-respect and basic agency, then maybe your kids will have all that bullshit you just listed

>> No.19816959
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yes anon, everywhere north of Watford is full to the brim with abhorrent muslims who do nothing but rape. You used to be able to go for a nice walk in the peak district, but nowadays the hills are covered in hoards of brown hairy rapists

>> No.19817006

When people either don't want to live in London or don't have the money to

>> No.19817638

Why would it be allowed to collapse? The UK isn't for you; you're more like a feedstock to be ground down and fed into the machine.

If house prices fell, all the associated taxes would fall, and subsequently the government wouldn't be able to pay out those juicy triple lock pension increases for their important voters.

>> No.19817686

It has happened before, it can happen again.
>Addressing themes of urban decay, deindustrialisation, unemployment and violence in inner cities, the song is remembered for being a hit at the same time as riots were occurring in British cities.

>> No.19817898

>Why would it be allowed to collapse?
Quite simply because the government can only artificially prop up the housing market for so long. People need salaries that match the prices or it is just slavery. £36000 a year is not enough to pay a mortgage in London and live comfortably. If everyone is just renting there will be no community spirit.

>> No.19818302

fuck off we're full
no suvveners

>> No.19818892


>> No.19818988

Also there are other factors, not just house price, like how it takes about the same time to cycle to central London as it does to take a train in rush hour, the poor air quality and the way people are fucking idiots that are factors affecting where people want to live.Corona being 4 times more prevalent in London might also be a big motivator.