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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19815678 No.19815678 [Reply] [Original]

Just recently obtained £100,000 compensation from the courts by suing Sainsbury's for negligence and a list of other things ( Sainsbury's is supermarket giant in the UK ). I am now wondering where I should best invest my money? I am absolutely clueless when it comes to investing money, or where best to do so. So, should I invest in BTC? Bluechip stocks? currency? Point me in the right direction /biz/

>> No.19815705

Btc and invest a small portion into the new and promising haircomb token.

>> No.19815846

Put it all into divdend stocks and with a 5% yield you can enjoy 500 a month

>> No.19815961

Story anon?

>> No.19816013

I was sold 5 week expired chicken breast off the shelf in the fridge section. I never checked the date as I assumed it was in date and was going to be eating on the day. Long story short, I hate the chicken, was in hospital for a few days with constant vomiting and dehydration. Then I contacted a solicitor swiftly. Litigation was short lived as sainsburys tried to avoid court by offering me £5k, to which I kek'd and turned down, and so court proceedings went froward.

>> No.19816065

So tldr you made money by being retarded. Food for thought

>> No.19816081

Being retarded made me money. Its always good to overplay the symptoms when money is involved.

>> No.19816109

>food for though

>> No.19816177

Bullshit. This would have been national news.

>> No.19816195

We actually contacted the daily mail about our story and they never got back to us. I guess they'll wanting to put it in the news now its been concluded. We literally got the payout less than a week ago.

>> No.19816293

OK I'll wait and see. For the money my advice is to invest it all in Hertz, it's a good solid company, and we're coming out of this recovery so people will be renting cars again. You can turn that 100k into 1 million. Good luck.

>> No.19816296


People like you never learn how to make money, go jump in front of a truck next time

>> No.19816340

I'm actually in a great job, but just wanted some advice on how to invest such large sums of money. My subsidiary income from my job mostly gets put into my savings so I never get chance to do these kinds of things.

>> No.19816349

What did you sue for?

>> No.19816369

Thanks for the advice anon, will look into Hertz right now.

>> No.19816371

so you ate rancid, nasty chicken breast so you can somehow sue some company out of debt money

>> No.19816417

Theres a list of things sainsburys were liable for on this occasion. However the main one was clean cut negligence. 5 week expired food should never have even made it to the shelf.

>> No.19816444

Precisely anon. The chicken actually didnt taste too different. I just felt like I was gonna die for the next few days after.

>> No.19816481

Did you tell your parents to also buy life insurance before?

>> No.19816636

didnt it STINK of eggs?

>> No.19816689

shit man. i ate some watermelon from 7/11 and i was sick for 2 days, never went to the hospital though i had already thrown away the packaging.

>> No.19816704

It did smell something like eggs when I was cooking it but it didnt taste horrendous

>> No.19816926
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should buy a nice car and get a custom number plate with SALMONELLA or something similar and always park at the disabled spot when going shopping at the supermarket

>> No.19816946

Based advice. This is a quality investment.