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19815050 No.19815050 [Reply] [Original]

You know if you happen to buy early, you'll sell early and refuse to buy in again, waiting for the dip, claiming it's too expensive

You know if you happen to buy late and see your assets crash, you'll refuse to sell, you'll want to "break even", instead of cutting your loses and buying something else worthwhile.

You'll never make it.

The closest you can get to making it:
Get a job. Save money. Put some in bonds, rest in boring-ass boomer ETFs every month.

>> No.19815092

>Get a job. Save money. Put some in bonds, rest in boring-ass boomer ETFs every month.
I'll never be able to enjoy living that way. Why live at all if you're going to be a working class loser?

>> No.19815157
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because even that boring strategy leads to early retirement while you gamblers turn into alcohol and suicide.

>> No.19815775
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>> No.19815839
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>You know if you happen to buy early, you'll sell early and refuse to buy in again, waiting for the dip, claiming it's too expensive
>You know if you happen to buy late and see your assets crash, you'll refuse to sell, you'll want to "break even", instead of cutting your loses and buying something else worthwhile.

That is (you) not me, anon.

>> No.19815881

I bought chainLINK in 2018.
I intentionally never learned how to sell crypto assets.
I never need to worry because that money is gone, I had excess in 2018.
I won’t sell until I reach my price point of...
Never you fucking mong.

>> No.19815928

congrats you're not a trader, this thread isn't about you.

>> No.19816564

>Stupid fucking retard doesn't realize the market is a zero-sum game.

You realize guys like me who actually make money trading NEED the average trader to lose right?

>> No.19816589

Lol as if any of us would trade our prime living years just so we can have an early retirement as an old broken ugly fuck! Enjoy trading your youth for safety and security when you're old wrinkly low-T and a foot away from death anyway! All while having lived an uninspiring life.

>> No.19816711

enjoy bankruptcy, most professional traders lose to S&P500 over 10 years. Spending your youth staring at lines stressed the fuck out isn't living, just look at suicide rates for people in your business.

>> No.19816754

Holy fucking based.
You can mop this thread up, jannies. This one's over.