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19809947 No.19809947 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever given investment advice to your friends? How did that work out?

>> No.19809989

Told my 2 best frens to buy chainlink in 2017, one didn't buy and says he wasn't ready to take the risk, the other didn't buy in 2017, then I told him in 2018 and he didn't buy, then in 2019 and he didn't buy, and in 2020 he says I never ever told him about chainlink, I remind him of when I told him and what he said every single time, and he denies it.
humans have bad memories

>> No.19809998

Honestly i want friends to shill to but idk anyone long enough to trust them. Only told one guy about link recently who ive known for years off the internet. It worked well for him

>> No.19810038

Is a man.

>> No.19810143

I tried to get my family to buy the March BTC dip.

They didn't I did, easiest 2.5x of my life.

>> No.19810185

Made a pal $2k in a week my making him into


>> No.19810195

Shilled Chainlink for over a year. One has only just decided to buy in, but he's waiting for the dip. I told him that anything under 10 dollars is a steal. He doesn't really get it. It doesn't matter if he buys, he'll sell far too early.

>> No.19810200
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>> No.19810284

Don't do it unless your friends have a very good understanding of risk and investing (and even then).
Most normies will be moderately happy if they end up making money because of you, but they will 100% blame you if they end up losing money (even if you make it clear that they have to decide for themselves).
It's not worth it.

>> No.19810506

I tried to explain what smartcontracts were to a friend in mid 2019 once I knew LINK was a safe bet. He literally "those are some words" and then said well how about you put $1000 in for me and if it goes up I'll give you the $1000. I guess he thought I was retarded but he basically asked me to take on all the risk but give him the reward and didn't understand why that was a problem. I literally never mentioned it again. I've made 10s of thousands in the mean time at least.

I stopped working out of nowhere and he asked me what I was doing to pay bills. I didn't mean to give too much information but I said I was comfy from crypto and doing short term trading in between. Our relationship hasn't been the same sense. Lol I tried so hard. It was weird I felt like someone gave me a lotto ticket that anyone could buy but it wasn't valid for a few years. I was so excited to share the knowledge with people I cared about. I told him books to read(The 4th Industrial Revolution of course) and ran down the concept flawlessly. I was obsessed I was reading about LINK for hours a day almost everyday. I could quickly tell he didn't really care at the time.

Thank God for my father though, hes high IQ as fuck, easily understood, and even being 70 he literally said BTC and ETH sound like shit in comparison. I told him the term was "shitcoin" but he was dead on. Lol I explained the progression of blockchain and crypto to him. BTC and ETH are fine investments overall but you get the point

>> No.19810667

I convinced my redditor friend to buy LINK at $2.35. I would say it worked out well.

>> No.19810687

they missed out on legendary pumps
now they think I'm some kind of prodigy

>> No.19810698

My friend told me to sell my bitcoin when it was $200. It peaked at $232 then crashed to $130. Based friend saved me.

>> No.19810868

Tried getting several people to partner with me on a restaurant deal.
This was like 2 months after I just spent $150k on a different deal so I was wiped out.
The minimum investment was $200k but I was going to get a deal for either $100 or $150, I forget.
If the place went bust I still got paid back because that’s just how this guy does business.
I start reaching out to everyone trying to pitch the deal, I send them spreadsheets, the investor deck, and explain I personally know the operator and it’s a guarantee payback.
The issue was that the only way we could get this to work was to form a multi member LLC and then use that LLC to invest. I’d be getting a loan and they’d put in cash. I think I also needed to take a personal loan from them as well with like 8% interest.
Anyway everyone’s excuse for not entering was wanting to buy a house. I told them they can buy a house any time and there’s streets full of them but these kind of private deals don’t come around often especially at this price point and they’d likely never get another shot.
Obviously it never went through despite me really trying every play I had

>> No.19810953

i told most of my family and friends about Link in 2018 and nobody bought, not even a literal aspergers neet friend from college who trades forex with the hope of becoming independently wealthy. it's lonely desu

>> No.19811147

pleas who is he

>> No.19812371

Yes. We grew poorfags whe were never thought about the jews financial fuckery. Spent all our wages and used debt to pay for fancy shiney things. Few years ago I found this place and began to get my shit together. I tried telling them, tried so hard they called me crazy. I even told them about link. 3 years ago I was 15k in debt earning €26k a year. Now Im debt free and I earn €38k a year. I also have 1 btc and a little under 18k link. I stopped talking about money with them. They are always short of cash waiting for payday. Not their fault it's how 90% of people operate. They all accept its work to retirement. Im hoping to retire by 30, or at least be in a position to do that or anything else I want. Im 24 now.

>> No.19812402

Just send him a screenshot

>> No.19812752

and that's a good thing

>> No.19812829

You were the one most in need so I don't think that inspires any confidence

>> No.19812840

I told my family to buy LINK in 2017. I got 500k LINK, my dad got 100k LINK, and my brother got a smaller amount. We got into a big fight after the first SIBOs crash, and my dad called it a scam. I gave in and sold mine too. Made like 6x what I put in, so it didn't feel too bad. I always planned on buying back 100k at least, but never got around to it and now it's too late.

>> No.19812862 [DELETED] 

Worst part is my dad mocking me and saying "did you really think you'd become a millionaire from Chainlink?" I would've had over 2 million.

>> No.19812889

You're doing good at 24. What's your line of work?
>it's how 90% of people operate
This seems crazy to me but the older I get the more people I see spending their income without a thought. My theory is that most people are not happy with their job so they're trying to compensate by spending and living in the moment

>> No.19812915
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Told my brother in law to go all in on BYFC. He bought 10k at $1.7 and got out at $6.2
Piece of shit won't even give me a portion.

>> No.19813002

Shut up faggots

>> No.19813004

i got over 15 friends (some college and highschool buddies) 3 coworkers(one my manager) and 4 family members to buy link under 50 cents. it worked out great and they are seeking out my next call. its a good feeling to not only be validated by your stack but by your peers and family. if you fuck it anon...

>> No.19813029

This except one bought at 2.50 and the other told me to find him the next big thing

>> No.19813039

Why did it moon like that?
Found the true fag

>> No.19813043

I tried to get all my friends/family to buy Bitcoin back in 2016/2017. All laughed at me. One bought in at $3K and just hodls, he's pretty happy right now.

He owes you beer

>> No.19813065

I have an eidetic memory and the one factor that jogs everyone’s noggins is when I mention assblaster.
They remember the joke I made about how I’m gonna be rich because some guy named assblaster said so on my birthday in 2018

>> No.19813105

The blackening
(Black people supporting black owned businesses. Jews found out and pumping and dumping on these hoes)

>> No.19813147

Holy shit, that's jewery at its' finest

>> No.19813163

What other companies are following this trend?

>> No.19813204

UONE, CARV and possible AMS

>> No.19813229

Been giving advice to senpai and best friends on LINK in 2017, nobody listened and I never mentioned it again

>> No.19813364

That's interesting. So it's definitely a trend, but what are the criteria for picking a company (except the Black/Half-black CEO)? I won't ask who picks the company

>> No.19813458

told everyone I know in descriptive detail to buy LINK at $1 and even explained what gives it potential value. pretty much everyone either pretended to listen or said they would buy it but never did. people seem to be under the impression that crypto is like a standard investment where you can sit on your ass for 5 years before bothering to put money into it

needless to say nobody ever bought any, sonos I simply dont talk about. Who knew the difference between normies and millionaires was something as stupid as shitposting on 4chan and doing a small amount of research

>> No.19813621

With overwhelming regret. One dude didn't want to do shit so I tried to pressure him into doing it himself, (opening up a Coinbase account and buying the shit himself) only for him to whine and still went with my exorbitant fee of me doing it for him to buy Link.

Had another friend who was already into investments, but he kept asking me stuff about Chainlink and I'd oblige and he'd share the same information with all his buddies. Alright. But what drove me up a wall is when he called me up to say he bought a subscription for a couple grand and wanted me to vet the information on the first letter. For free. I did it. Like a simp. For free.

Now I am not going to bother spoonfeed people anymore. They don't deserve it. No one does.

>> No.19813636

What do you guys use to buy LINK?

>> No.19813685

buy harmony on binance for short term then get a sizable link stack before q4

>> No.19813710

I've been shilling btc since 2012 to family and nobody bought any.
You need to know banking to know why btc is important.

Half are jealous and pissy and the other half are cool and ask questions sometimes

>> No.19813723

used binance at first but now use cbpro because that shit they did last year with the SEC and I'm too lazy to switch back. government knows o have crypto now anyway so fuck it.

>> No.19814188
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I informed several about NEO before the insane moon mission. None bought. Told them again about link but was more persistent in my shilling this time. One bought. The only person I talk to about it IRL is someone who doesn't own any lol.

>> No.19814324

Told about 3 of my friends.

Two of them think crypto is a meme and the other one invested $50 on link at 2.20 and didn't want any more risk. He should be near $100 now.