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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19803489 No.19803489 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see your big boy stacks. In five years time, Imperial will be worth a $1 per token.

>> No.19803560

fuck off scam, Bucc you pathetic faggot curry nigger bitch

>> No.19803612
File: 61 KB, 888x499, boogeyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this must be jim goose

>> No.19803969

don't know jim goose but bucc did do imperial i was one of the first to receive airdrop, in the telegram for imperial he forgot to change his name from bucc. Go take a shit you curry nigger faggot

>> No.19804080

cool name and design, but never heard of it

>> No.19804093

>i hate for no reason
>i got an airdrop and still complain

The state of FUD. Bucc is multiple people according to this board faggot. The one associated with bizcoin is very different from the guy running this. He did buccaneer previously.

>> No.19804130

fuck off with your scam bs faggot yes exactly the buccaneer pajeet that's who i'm talking about you filthy little curry nigger bitch. look at you, shilling some shitty erc20 ngmi faggot

>> No.19804175
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, b6xa2ujdr2d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off with your scam bs faggot yes exactly the buccaneer pajeet that's who i'm talking about you filthy little curry nigger bitch. look at you, shilling some shitty erc20 ngmi faggot

N-n-n-o I just hate a project I got f-f-free. I want it to dump because I'm not one of the people who fudded and dumped ittttt so I can puuump my own shitty sc-scam coins... See through fudder. One of the fudding pnd tranny gangs. seethe

>> No.19804409

Hes fudding because hes afraid it will take off and leave him behind