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19800377 No.19800377 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed that capsule hotels are selling for relatively cheap on alibaba


and seeing how successful podshare, what's the viability of buying a bunch of capsule hotel beds and renting them out? Especially in areas with high rent and real estate like the bay area, where I could provide a relatively cheap and importantly private place that someone with a lower income could live in or stay for a vacation

Seeing how successful Podshare is, these beds look more stylish, more comfortable and most importantly, gives guests more privacy

>> No.19800388

Hotel? These will be the way 90% of the way people live in about 2 years.

>> No.19800401

The American Dream: From a house and a white picket fence 7 decades ago to a fucking pod house in 2020. The disparity can't be anymore evident.

>> No.19800407

honestly pretty good idea

try it out

>> No.19800431

i'm utterly positive this would succeed if the rates were competitive

>> No.19800490

imagine the smell

>> No.19800510

How do you take a shit

>> No.19800527

You will make bank renting these out to city based wagecucks but keep in mind you have to hire people to clean and probably bleach out cumstains

>> No.19800546

From a traveler's perspective, I would unironically prefer these to half the motels and all of the hostels I've stayed in

And compared to the dorms I stayed in for college, these are much better, at least I can study quietly without my roommates snoring and vaping


I was thinking, maybe a sort of a pilot program in an area that gets a lot of vacation traffic but relatively cheap real estate, like in Montana or Wyoming

>> No.19800568

something like a gym locker/shower room

>> No.19800591

Don't do it, anon. If you wanna make good money unironically buy some low caps like ARPA and wait for the MPC bubble.

>> No.19800601

Terrible idea. Regular travelers will avoid this bullshit for a regular hotel, even at a steep discount. You need soiboi cucks because they're the ones who think it's neat to live in a pod

>> No.19800908
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But soi people love novelty
>omg pod hotel, just like glorious Nippon
>omg so Cyberpunk:tm:

Also it would be especially viable in SV. Plenty of tech workers want to work there but not pay $4000 a month for rent. I can see a lot of single dudes wanting to live in these for dirt cheap while they make bank for a year or two. New York too, basically any city that's has a ridiculous cost of living

>> No.19800925

That's what I said. Not cowboy country, cuckboi country

>> No.19800949

This is why Tracy, CA exists. Suck up the shitty commute for 2-4 years while your initial stock grant vests, get your resume blessed with FAANG magic, then GTFO.

>> No.19800975

Japan: This hotel is nice and cheap. I wish the guy under me would turn down the volume on his porn

America: Wow I hope I don't get stabbed by niggers. Are gays having sex in the pod next door why is it so loud?

>t. American who lived in Japan for 2 years
I'm behind you 100% OP, but how will you solve these problems?

>> No.19800995

There's a street outside, Pajeet.

>> No.19801031

what is living in japan like, anon?

>> No.19801055
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I would have a strict one person only per pod and masterbaters will have their cock cut off policy.

Also, no niggers.

>> No.19801169

They have a romanticized view of America, but they really like most foreigners. Bars are really fun and they have a really cool party culture. It's kind of like Australia. Most people are pretty polite and you might get into some awkward situations. Overall, it is pleasant and everyone just lets you do your own thing.

>> No.19801228

tear gas nozzles in every pod

fine print in rental contract outlining zero tolerance for conduct breaches

You can rent again after your first offence but on your second the door will be sealed during the spicy contract enforcement cycle.

>> No.19801285

lolol I lived in tracy for 18 years and my dad was a super commuter. You get kids, and suddenly you find yourself dealing with Tracy Unified teachers and staying put until they turn 18 while your $500k house is not paid off. Once you are in the bay area ecosystem it's way harder to leave than you think, and once you do leave it's impossible to come back.

>> No.19801333


>and you might get into some awkward situations

What's that mean? I get in awkward situations in 50% of social situations.

>> No.19801338

I looked into this before.

Fire and building code in California (And most of the united states) is hostile to small rooms let alone capsules. Capsules are essentially confined spaces and unless you can find a way around western norms you are semi-fucked. Japanese in the US have already looked at the idea and passed which should tell you something.

>> No.19801701
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I've thought this over since playing Deus Ex. Perfect if UBI is ever implemented as a NEET storage facility. Ideally I wanted themed floors like futuristic, simplitic modern low light

My plan was to give it everything for extended living, showers, dining area, mail check-in, gym, etc. No smoking, drinking or eating in the pods.

>> No.19801865

you can't cram americans like you can the chinese

>> No.19802188

looked into this years ago. problem i came across was housing regulations won't allow it in many places "safety" concerns "iving conditions", maybe that's changed

>> No.19803474

Got no interest in running a capsule hotel but I think of stumbled on my perfect off grid home when I make it.


>> No.19803494

>which should tell you something.
That the Japanese are spineless pussies that will not push boundaries, take risks, or fight for their right to do as they damn well please.

>> No.19803633

This would be perfect for those of us on fixed incomes who don't qualify for anything else.

>> No.19804292

its nice until the next virus kills your business

>> No.19804310

that isnt anywhere near off grid

>> No.19804569

I've thought it might be viable to set up a chain of small capsule hotels inside major hub airports, for people with long layovers who want to nap or just relax somewhere quiet. Definitely not a good time for that right now, and regulations would be hell to navigate, but it's something I've wished existed a number of times.

>> No.19805830

stayed in one once... they're cheap tacky and shit at least those pic related late 90s fucken weird space cuck box... just start a normal hostel but have semi pods built into the place with a light, USB power ect, and make sure its a fully enclosed pod that the only exposed part to the other people in the room is the area at your feet youll also need a fan obviously but these places are THE shit waay better than a normal hostel... basically you get privacy but fuck these weird plastic pieces of shit...
>t. backpacker

>> No.19805836

Individual assigned bathrooms.

>> No.19805861
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It's a very profitable endeavor if you can get a warehouse or large indoor space in a metropolitan area.


>> No.19805863

>Coronavirus season
>Opening a hotel

Great investment idea.

>> No.19805878

These get reported and shut down just so you know. The girl freaks out at people reporting her for breaking the law like it is a personal attack.

>> No.19805882

They aren't anti-social pieces of shit niggers like you, which is why their country has the lowest rape, crime, ratios in the world, the streets are always tidy, you won't get molested in public, but can still watch your loli porn while at home where you aren't bothering anyone else.

Sounds like paradise to me, as opposed to your cancerous shithole called USA.

>> No.19805893
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>> No.19805896

*A cancerous shithole that is currently being burned to the ground by niggers pushing boundaries. Definitely worth imitating.

>> No.19805911

Refuted by Bobby Fischer (pbuh). Japanese culture is a product of America. The pornography, homosexuality and efficacy rampant there is the direct result of American meddling. If it wasn't for America japan wouldn't have any pornographic filth or cartoons for grown men.

>> No.19806003
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nice straw man, stormnigger. these are some gorgeous digits, you wasted.

>> No.19806107

You know nothing.