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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19797651 No.19797651 [Reply] [Original]

why don't they post here and flex their gains?

>> No.19797664

Because those gains were lost on shitcoins in 2018

>> No.19797682

to busy fucking escorts and relaxing in top-tier capitalist NEET comfy lifestyle

>> No.19797716

I didn't make it because I held and panic sold the bottom in dec 18. I did happen to cash out enough money to live in different countries around the world for 3 years and not have to work, i studied web dev/programming so i could fall back on something during that time. never going back to the cubicle, ever. rather die. i just went threw the rest of my money back in at a pretty good entry. this time i'm going to sell the top like it's going out of style

>> No.19797721

>did any anons here actually make it from the 2017 bullrun?
You are not one of them

>> No.19797737

neither are you

>> No.19797771

>neither are you
He doesn't know

>> No.19797790
File: 68 KB, 673x789, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place got unbelievably shitty over the past 10 months its slow, low quality, filled with schizos, depressing. Who wants to be here? Unrecognizable to what it was not to long ago

>> No.19797819

prove it then faggot. I know you won't

>> No.19798181

it got shitty in 2018

>> No.19798361


this, no-motivation incels sad they missed the 2017 bullrun and pajeets shilling their shittokens came flocking in 2018

>> No.19798374

I doubt anyone of those people hang out here regularly. Flexing gains in front of /biz/ is like flexing in front of ants.

>> No.19798376
File: 86 KB, 680x748, Taste of Success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link still has a long way to go

>> No.19798387

No, I plan to make it in the 2021 bullrun.