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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19782205 No.19782205 [Reply] [Original]

>Reserve Bank economists considered urging the Federal Government to shut down the real estate industry, "pausing" sales of established homes to avoid perceptions of a coronavirus-inspired housing market crash.
>Documents from inside Australia's central bank, including many marked "highly restricted", also suggest house prices could slump up to 15 per cent.
>The "pause" would not mean there was no activity, he wrote, "although it could indeed be wise to recommend that the [Government] temporarily halt all sales of established dwellings".
>"If people start mistakenly thinking that we're experiencing a housing market crash, it's not going to help things," he added.

Literally the only thing that matters to these kikes is real estate number go up haha. For all of us waiting for a crash, I say we need to get ready to wait even longer. These pieces of shit will try everything they can to make sure the number doesn't go down. What's hilarious to me is their "worst case scenario" number of 15% isn't even that fucking bad. Oh no, a $1.5 million dollar house could now be selling for $1.275 million. BOOMERS ARE FINISHED AND AUSTRALIA IS A RETARDED SHITHOLE.

>> No.19782232

No surprise at all. Australia's entire retirement plan is just real estate, real estate, real estate. The maintenance of that house of cards is all that matters, even if it means completely fucking young people out of affordable housing.

>> No.19782249
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ooooooooooooo hahaha they know whats coming this is going to be biblical im so excited bros

>> No.19782253

>If people start mistakenly thinking that we're experiencing a housing market crash, it's not going to help things

I wasn't thinking that, now I am

>> No.19782286
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how is that legal

>> No.19782290

Everything's legal when you make the rules.

>> No.19782308
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>> No.19782781

they can postpone what the markets really want but they will never ever be able to contain it. this will be biblical. the forchpicks will come out. Naturally they rather live another day

>> No.19782953

When JobKeeper ends we are in for some serious trouble. On the other hand, if you own 100k linkies you'll be able to cash out and buy a mansion.

>> No.19782992

The chink money will be back and people will conveniently forget about how they lied to the world to spread a viral pandemic so they wouldn’t suffer a competitive disadvantage. Just like people conveniently forget about Falun Gong, Tibet, xinjiang, Tiananmen Square and all the other horrific bullshit China has pulled. We’ve been sold out so hard we can’t even appreciate the magnitude of it

>> No.19783025

>Documents from inside Australia's central bank, including many marked "highly restricted", also suggest house prices could slump up to 15 per cent.
Wow, a whole 15%!? Heavens ta Betsy.

>> No.19783136
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>tfw will never experience peak aussie of the 70s and 80s that mum and dad got

>> No.19783210

It's going further than that. Once boomers realise the housing market is not just infinite money making they will pull out along with heaps of investors from china. This shit is going to at least 50% screencap this

>> No.19783232

And more money will flood out of China and buy up the cheapies. Cap it

>> No.19783255

We solved it bro

>> No.19783256

this or some other market swamps it up. A 50% crash is just not going to happen, the elite would never allow it. It would be too easy to "make it" if prices were reasonable again

>> No.19783287
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TIMES UP BOOMERS - This is the last thing you will see before your property portfolio gets fed to the crocs.

>> No.19783298
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>how is that legal

>> No.19783305

Yeah I sometimes think I’d rather be one of the batteries feeding the matrix than a meatbag feeding the current system. At least being a human battery in some twisted post-apocalyptic future at least sounds kinda cool, being a tax slave to the system considerably less so

>> No.19783365


Curious to see how the impact of the extremely poorly built apartments over the next few years. So many buildings are completely fucked and way overpriced. The shit they get away with in residential construction is criminal

>> No.19783986

>Chinese will pull out
Into what the dollar? Lmao

>> No.19784089

epic simply epic

>> No.19784554

So Chinese to save the day again, got it

>> No.19785073

how do i short the australian real estate market?

>> No.19785105
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its called fking free market ,fking cokehead stonks junkies deserve to bleed out

>> No.19785114

why not banned shorting and selling altogether.

>> No.19785145

Oy vey goyim you seem upset
Pausing house prices is a logical safeguard

>> No.19785155

>constant government incentives for people to park their money in real estate
>negative gearing
>desperately dragging in overseas money to prop the whole thing up
iTs a fReE marKeT

>> No.19785160
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The rba wants to literally step in and say "No you cant buy a house at a lower price than all time high". THIS GAME IS RIGGED REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.19785194

Free market is a meme
Nat soc soon

>> No.19785305

it would be the same thing