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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19782149 No.19782149 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I just hired an escort and it was a great experience but I think I’m in love with her now, wtf do I do?

>> No.19782207

Hire a different one for next time.

>> No.19782219

Now you fuck the second girl of your life, then third, etc.

>> No.19782224

just have sex bro

>> No.19782250


Step back. Take a deep breath. Unless you're a biker/thug/pimp, you're not going to get with an escort. Remember, they're paid to simulate some form of intimacy and/or sexual desire to innumerable men.

That feeling of love? You're coming against primate pair bonding programming. Now if you were a king or a wealthy man, feel free to indulge your fancy. Otherwise, you have to treat it as a bug in your operating system.

>> No.19782282

This is why it's important to not sleep with a lot of people OP. You will fuck up your pair-bonding program like she probably already has. I would be surprised if she was capable of actual love, just being honest.

Many such cases

>> No.19782364


Whores are capable of actual love. But they're capable of far greater "deceit" while still having a main squeeze. What fucks up their pair-bonding is childhood upbringing (minus genuinely sociopathic individuals) and the example of male figures in their life.

If they grew up in an environment where the only male figures were pieces of shit...they'll seek out pieces of shit as love interests.

The world can be a dark unfair place of blind serpents and monsters who did no crime other than be born to abyssal conditions. But other than being post-singularity God, you cannot mold them into your ideal.

The acceptance of tragedy is one of the duties of a man if he is to act effectively in the world. That means knowing when you cannot turn lead into gold.

>> No.19782423

Is this what americunts do with their stimulus check??

>> No.19782428

Excellent thread. Good reads.

>> No.19782438
File: 340 KB, 1300x864, sage is a pretty plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Business and Finance

>> No.19782453

That's kind of beautiful, but also sad. I recently failed in such an endeavor, from a certain point of view.

>> No.19782487

Kek. She doesnt love you and never will and will never think of you again. Good luck with that

>> No.19782489

Cut yourself off before you simp yourself into poverty

>> No.19782510

That was a man

>> No.19782516

give me her #

how much was your donation btw?

>> No.19782565

where do you find escorts

>> No.19782599

She's already forgotten about you.

>> No.19782622

females and their actions are directly related to Business and Finance

>> No.19782635
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>Guys I just hired an escort and it was a great experience but I think I’m in love with her now, wtf do I do?

Realize that most men get this way about the girls they fuck, except instead of a few hundred bucks an hour, it ends up costing them a house and 18 years of child support

>> No.19782663

Marry her as soon as possible.

Have children too


>> No.19782670
File: 151 KB, 1200x1380, 1472502490380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just burned your pair-bond mechanism* on a whore.
You won't be able to forget her, and it will make you gravitate towards whores to relive the feeling.
You will always have to have self-control and discipline, you will always want to cheat on your spouse.

*One-time use, sorry.

>> No.19782681

>This is why it's important to not sleep with a lot of people OP

This is why it's important TO sleep with a lot of people, fuck pair-bonding, you're setting yourself to be scammed by a psycho borderline bitch.

>> No.19782704


Best time to get a "deal" from an escort is around 8-10 am. If they haven't made enough to get another night at the motel/hotel, they'll be desperate to secure that ASAP.

PROTIP: Do not forward money to opiate addicts.

>> No.19782727

Escorts are illegal in freedomland

>> No.19782743

Did you suck her dick? Hope it was uncut.

>> No.19782764

>thinking being a 30yo Virgin is better

You understand there was no such thing as pair bonding when no one made it past 30

>> No.19782848

This is true but fuck it. As incels we werent going to find that special one any how. Might as well fuck prostitutes

>> No.19782852

best day of the week?

>> No.19782889

Lmao what kind of bullshit ass made up chart is this nigga somebody made this in ms paint

>> No.19782908


>> No.19782909

She forgot about you the same night retard in fact she never even registered your existence

>> No.19783074

Literally came here to say this.

>> No.19783086

well said

>> No.19783143
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Stop fornicating and repent. Otherwise you will regret it in this life and the next. I'm telling you the truth anon.

>> No.19783164


Not Fri-Sun lol. If you're looking for a "deal".

Buy when demand is low, don't buy when demand is high.

>> No.19783194

>muh heaven
nice cope

>> No.19783564
File: 172 KB, 484x206, American_Beauty_jail_cell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has everyone on 4chan dated borderline and/or bipolar girls? Me too. They're the only type I can get with long term. I hate them.

>> No.19783597

I'm not talking about heaven anon.

>> No.19783603

Are you the same guy who said you killed a escort last night? You paid to be able to post on 4chan and this is the best larp you can come up with?

>> No.19783656

Gigachad as fuck, saved.

>> No.19783659
File: 15 KB, 692x607, 1587573004853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good times were amazing
the bad times she held a knife to me

>> No.19783678


Reporting in anon

>> No.19783750

Forget about her and never see her again.

Focus on accumulating as much AAVE as you can.

>> No.19783761

Make enough money to buy her

>> No.19783777

Buy chainlink.

>> No.19783796
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Shine on, you crazy diamonds.

>> No.19783839

Moved in somewhere with a screamer who rammed holes in her wall with a metal bar and ran around shouting about how she couldnt find her pants in a building with over 10 rooms. Was immediately attracted.

>> No.19785352

The hierarchy is as follows :
1) No sex before marriage, have children
2) Degenerate, have children
3) No sex before marriage, no children
4) Female virgin, before menopause
5) Male virgin
6) Degenerate, no children
7)Female virgin, after menopause

>> No.19785386

but then he falls in love with multiple escorts?

>> No.19785407

Kill her

>> No.19785425

It's oneitis. When you've never been with a girl, you think the first one you're intimate with is the personification of love (or let's be realistic, lust) itself. Follow fpbp >>19782207, it will go away once you have another girl and realise it feels exactly the same as the first.