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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 1832x609, 2017-04-21 17_46_01-(0.00000634) BTC-BAY BitBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1977338 No.1977338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1977345
File: 69 KB, 666x325, model_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... so were these stupid fucking memes all true? my portfolio is going fucking gangbusters

>> No.1977347

>getting pumped to fuck
>last candle is literally the start of its dump
ah yes, very good

>> No.1977354

I really hope it dumps a bit desu. I want to buy in.

>> No.1977356


>> No.1977357

> 5 min

>> No.1977368

37,26% increase from bottom to top today. Even you should understand this.

>> No.1977533

I just want to see the face of that one guy that always posts the CP about how bitbay is a scam.

>> No.1977539


I hate that faggot so much. he gets btfo every time and keeps posting the same fucking thing. He even rewrites it, it isn't even copypasta. FUD is real.

>> No.1977676

what is going on? I bought some cause I was bored and now I made money.

>> No.1977679

>I just want to see the face of that one guy
I don't want to. He is going to use the same fucking image again.

>> No.1977693

Word is probably getting out about Bitbay because of Blocknet adding them.

>> No.1977696

enjoy being poor and retarded, you're already half way there mate x

>> No.1977698

You think its a hold or sell?

>> No.1977727
File: 41 KB, 532x343, Moe Stonecutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go motherfuckers.

You were warned.

Official /biz/raeli buy-in amount was in the 300 sats or below range.

Still time to get in before we hit $1 though.

>> No.1977730


Fucking LONG hold, it isn't even a penny yet.

It isn't even a FUCKING penny yet and fudders will tell you not to buy this.

>> No.1977738

Ree okay. I bought it just to test bittrex as my first coin. Guess I got lucky.

>> No.1977755
File: 448 KB, 2308x1112, Screen Shot 2017-04-21 at 12.53.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on the Front page of Trex folks

>> No.1977757


How long before this sell wall gets beaten down? Looks sizable.

>> No.1977760

I think it will dip first. Over the weekend it will pump over to 700.

>> No.1977763


>> No.1977767

Hold the line senpai

>> No.1977768


Hard to tell. I'm trying to figure out if I should just hold tight on everything I've got right now or if I should try selling the peak and buying the dip with at least some of my coins.

I won't be too greedy - the coin has a lot of potential and it's only /just/ now being marketed properly. Slowly but decently.


Yeah that was fast as fuck. We might be hitting 800 in a few hours.

>> No.1977778

Can you imagine if this thing blasts off as quickly as PIVX did? I regret selling my stack at 30 cents. I wont make that mistake with bay

>> No.1977786

I sold 40k Bay yesterday at 470. Regret it so much now, at least I still have 82k Bay left.

>> No.1977794

What's so promising about this coin. I did my own research I just want to hear some other opinions.

>> No.1977804

Basically a decentralized Ebay with low fees. Has some fucked up pegging thing about it too. Rumored to be getting added to blocknet that is why its raising.

>> No.1977813

I'm most excited about luxury items/real estate being sold on the market.
https://www.bitpremier.com/ is an example of what you will probably see in market in the future

>> No.1977888


>> No.1977973

Because you should be using bittrex. Just send over some ethereum.

>> No.1977976
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>> No.1977982
File: 61 KB, 500x363, GETTHEMOUTREMEMBERTHISFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek yo've been posting this since it was 300 sats, stay Hurt ETHCuck/NoCoiner


>> No.1978046


Thanks /biz/. You guys are going to make me rich someday.

If I wasn't such a poor fag my gains would be in the thousands instead of the hundreds.

4chan is always right.

>> No.1978089

I've been on 4chan for a decade but I just started browsing /biz/ in an attempt to learn to not be retarded. Is there really decent advice and speculation going on here?

>> No.1978097

I would say so. I made 10k from Trumpcoin and 8k from PIVX. I'm balls deep in Bay and I've got some btc scattered in lepen, trump and putin. I think that trump and putin will pump with lepen in the next week

>> No.1978106

I will greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction to learn about getting into crypto trading. Any essential guides or posts you recommend? Any quips to share?

>> No.1978109

bitbean is the new Dogecoin - fun great mascott ! get in early for 10000% profits!!

crypto for the under 25's

>> No.1978144
File: 1.33 MB, 900x1520, skelegates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately I don't have any guides to link, but the way I learned was just by reading /biz/ threads and by watching random youtube videos discussing why or why not to invest in certain coins I was looking at. Eventually you will be able to decipher through bullshit. Remember that you will make mistakes and bad trades, but the important thing is to not be discouraged by it and to learn from those mistakes. I sold early on Trumpcoin b/c of weak hands and I regret it all the time (could have walked away with 40k). Just keep your head up and stay vigilant and you will make it.

>> No.1978157

Thank you very much for the info. Is it still possible to turn a small initial investment (say, several hundred dollars) into serious profit with enough vigilance and research?

>> No.1978166


Yes. Not much time though. I can honestly say when i started a couple months ago there were like 5 i thought were undervalued, and 3 of those 5 have mooned. So I'm officially balls deep into this game, i'm glued to the computer. I know in my heart it will pay off though.

>> No.1978183

Seriously, thanks for the responses. Last thing -
Say I have $500-$1000 to invest right now. Any hints on where I should be sniffing?

>> No.1978193


PoSW and BitBay are my FAVORITES. I have researched them thoroughly so you can unironically trust me that you won't lose you rass with those two (unless the PoSW guys are scammers, which is possible, but that's always possible in Crypto).

PIVX is also on a dip and may be a bit of a safe bet, but this market is constantly changing. BAY and PoSW are the only two i can tell you with 100% certainty are good investment vehicles.

>> No.1978211
File: 229 KB, 1771x830, bitbay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that was easy to debunk.

>> No.1978226

Yeah, basically you should research the cryptocurrency platform, and if you agree that the concept could be revolutionary, then you should probably invest. Likewise, if you think the coin has appeal off of it's potential to go viral, you can invest in it as well.

For example, I bought ETH at $6, and I thought it had potential, but I didn't think any devs would use it, so after the price fluctuating up to $13, and back down to $7, I sold half. I was impatient, as obviously, the currency was relatively in it's infancy, and people were still developing apps for it. The biggest mistakes I ever made with investing, is panic buying when you think x currency is done for. I did this with z cash, because I thought btc was done, and I did this with eth classic, because I thought ETH was done.

Don't panic buy, don't panic sell, spread your risks, and you can easily get 100 - 1000% ROI. Also, get in on the initial coin offerings of cryptos that you actually think have an application, I can't stress this enough. You can make pretty good gains from selling immediately after the ICO

>> No.1978234

Thank you for the great info. I have a few questions.

Do you have suggestions for the best places to keep track of crypto-related news, such as ICOs? And when you say selling "immediately" after the ICOs, how soon are we talking? I understand that this is exceedingly volatile, but I have no frame of reference for the timeframes going on here.

More generally, is CoinBase still the best place to buy BTC?

>> No.1978244
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>> No.1978245

One other thing I have failed to grasp from my research - how frequently are people trading day to day? Watching trends, it seems that certain coins rally extremely high day to day or even hour to hour. Any advice on discerning when to hold and for how long? Or does it vary wildly?

>> No.1978263

Nobody knows anything about crypto. It's only been around for a few years and everything completely changes all the time. All I know is that I earn double the amount of my paycheck from investing in random shitcoins and cashing out when they are worth more.

>> No.1978273

I figured as much. Thanks for the insight

>> No.1978380

>Use 1000+ exchanges for the coin meme scam
Makes sense.

>> No.1978471
File: 1.25 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw approaching 700 sats
Will we break 1000 sats this week?

>> No.1978480



Would sure succ to be one of those NoBay faggots right about now.

It's only up from here, too.

>> No.1978859


We might break 1000 sats tonight my dude.

Stay tuned.


>> No.1978870

Oh fuck! That shit is gonna crash hard.

>> No.1978871
File: 59 KB, 1836x555, 2017-04-22 01_54_18-(0.00000731) BTC-BAY BitBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1978881

You just broke Aaron, congratulation beaners you fucktards.

>> No.1978886

Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.1978896
File: 194 KB, 499x499, 1492435803326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's at an all time high.. What better time would there be to buy?

>> No.1978903
File: 47 KB, 456x432, 1411268810148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg why isn't it dipping yet

>> No.1978908


This won't dip until it surges past 850 sats.

I plan to sell 10% around there and buy back when it dips to 600 again.

Daily reminder that /biz/ has been telling you about how this coin will hit $1 USD within a year for weeks now.

>> No.1978911

I don't even think bay is all that bad, just can't bring myself to stake money on it

>> No.1978923


The words of someone who missed the boat at 200 sats, 300 sats, 400 sats and so on until all of his buddies from the forum became literal billionaires upon BitBay taking over eBay in 2020.

>> No.1978963

Whoever just bought 8000 units at 731, you set the record for the day.

>> No.1978973
File: 26 KB, 397x262, 1435204555539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I'm putting another BTC into it, but I'm just sitting here waiting for a dip.


>> No.1978988


And it just keeps going.


I'd honestly just buy in right now. You know that the coin has all the tech in place already, right? Only marketing is left, which has literally JUST begun, and that's going to result in an unusually straightforward path upwards.

>> No.1978992

my fucking sides, wasnt expecting the billionaire thing after
>I plan to sell 10% around there

>> No.1979019
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>> No.1979023
File: 92 KB, 1080x1350, 1468623052322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right. Fuck man. This shit is intense. It's gonna hit 800 this weekend without question.

>> No.1979027

dude don't give in to the hype, just wait, it'll dip to around 500

>> No.1979029


More like in the next few hours. 1000 this weekend for sure if no major dump. It's been dumping and re-buying up this whole climb, so really it would only be a whale that checks in for the first time in 12 hours and blows his load.

>> No.1979039

I honestly check here, but you could always go to https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ also, when I say immediately after the ICO, I mean possibly the next day, or week. If it's a good crypto currency, the devs should list which exchanges it's on.

I used local bitcoins, and I have a kraken account as well as a coinbase account, but I've only used local bitcoins, and I've used what I initially invested to invest into other projects.
Crypto is highly volatile, and it's difficult to pin down which ones are going to take off, although there are some trends. If you were to do this day to day, I would try to limit the amount of trades, to one or two, when you notice a trend moving a certain way.

>Nobody knows anything about crypto
While it is in it's infancy, there are quite a few people that are legitimately invested in their currency, and see the benefits from having it, and plan on using some in the future.

>> No.1979338

just hit 800

>> No.1979346
File: 739 KB, 766x795, Kek Secret Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So unbelievably comfy right now. Don't say that you weren't warned, /biz/. We've been waiting.

>> No.1979350

yobit is sketchier than bittrex.

>> No.1979358

Anyone else feeling smug as fuck with their BAY purchase with all the people that called us bitgays and shit all over it?

>> No.1979368

I'd like to imagine the price rises in a similar manner to pixv. I'd be set for life should that ever happen

>> No.1979375
File: 11 KB, 436x488, Pepe Asking Reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know it my dude.

GG to all the rubes who doubted the value of a coin with more functionality than even fucking Ethereum for less than a cent.

>> No.1979383

now its worth more than 1 cent kek

>> No.1979405

How much more can she climb?

>> No.1979408

30$ by the end of the year

>> No.1979409

We're going to hit 1000 sats tonight.

The pathway to $1USD is a lot closer than we think.

And I don't mean to get too far ahead of where we are right now, but the pathway to $10 and even $100 some day is laid out for us.

This is insane. Any theories as to what's driving the sudden increase right now? Obviously /biz/ slept on this so it's not from here.

>> No.1979413
File: 1.32 MB, 167x170, 1459917349722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'd cash out with 63 million

>> No.1979419
File: 155 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my portfolio biz.

>> No.1979420

Let's not get too crazy, remember that it has a suplly of over a billion coins, even $5 would be more than ethereum currently is, $100 would be far higher than bitcoin.

>> No.1979421

this guy

>> No.1979424
File: 84 KB, 500x334, 056165000414122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he bought pink and xvg

>> No.1979435
File: 120 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170421-233545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird how close are portfolios are. Same piv, sam posw, bunch of Bay, nearly same ether

>> No.1979437
File: 80 KB, 440x292, 1328894004480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 ETH

>> No.1979448



>> No.1979451

well its almost at 900, so...

>> No.1979452

>must be blind
>doesn't know what money is

>> No.1979496

everyone better buy this dip. its hitting 1000 this weekend

>> No.1979498

Just buy and hold, geez.

>> No.1979500

How much BAY are you all sitting on? I've got 5200, considering getting more.

>> No.1979501

4927, buying more at every dip

>> No.1979506
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sad-pepe-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it's kind of close

>> No.1979509

its gonna dump guys. TY BOBSURPLUS.

>> No.1979516

dip incoming. Watch the charts and get ready to sell.

>> No.1979518

I legitimately want to know how all of you anti-BitBay faggots are feeling right now.

Because I'm getting ready to retire.

Sitting on several million coins and literally ordering strippers to my house as I type this.

PM me for my address if you want to join.

>> No.1979523

How high are you guys expecting it to go before it starts dumping?

>> No.1979530


Looking at the Order Books on Bittrex I don't see this pump slowing down any time soon. We could be looking at 5 cents by the end of the next 24 hours.

>> No.1979536


~0.000025 btc imo

>> No.1979540

850k, bought in at 370 sats. How do you nocoiner faggots feel now? Talking shit about my man D A V I D Z I M B E C K

>> No.1979543
File: 387 KB, 382x379, 1465932558009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck we're gonna hit 1000 sat this hour aren't we

>> No.1979549

just bought 16k for the first time

i know im late, but did i do gud?

>> No.1979569

912 right now

>> No.1979570
File: 39 KB, 914x1091, Pepe Bumblebee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should be mocked for your tardiness, but I'd say that you're in the clear for sure.

>> No.1979579

i think i read there are 1 billion coins in circulation?

if so, the price will never reach $1 like the shills are saying...

anyone got any ideas as to what a good price to sell at would be?

>> No.1979581

I have ~100USD that I was going to spend on something else for diversity. Am I still in the clear to drop it on BAY instead?

>> No.1979582

oh, and can i stake altcoins?

>> No.1979585


i bought 115k at 850-880. It will most likely continue to atleast 2000-2500, i'll probably sell here. It might go to 10000 if you're lucky.

>> No.1979586

wrong thread lol

>> No.1979588


I actually think that this could hit $1 fairly realistically, but it could take a few years.

Keep in mind that crypto is basically a completely secretive cult-tier phenomenon for 99.99% of the population right now.

But remember that there are actually a ton of practical advantages to crypto.

This is going to be like the dotcom boom all over again, except this time it's the guys on 4chan that make off with the money rather than a bunch of pre-internet autists.

>> No.1979593

Look at that confidence in the upwards movement, it's not even dumping, we are probably going parabolic with a similar increase to the last one, 6 times increase is easy so I would day the target is around 55 mill market cap which seems very feasible, that would push the price up from 927 to around 4500

Tfw you held through all the bull shit fud

>> No.1979595

lol all good points.

i dont know how were gonna get the normies on board though. Plenty of them cant even use a web browser. when their money does flow in, however, the moon is imminent

>> No.1979600
File: 87 KB, 292x292, IMG_9099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is going to be like the dotcom boom all over again, except this time it's the guys on 4chan that make off with the money rather than a bunch of pre-internet autists.

I love you guys

>> No.1979604

Dubs don't lie

>> No.1979605

I think it's a bit ridiculous to just apply a multiplier like that when the amount of money in this coin is vastly higher now than it was a month ago. More likely than not, this pump will be muffled by people selling off their bags

I'm selling 5k if it gets to 2500, for sure. Just to pay off my investment. TFW sold 4000 at 600 a couple of days ago. Smh. All I did with that money was throw it at some shitcoin that probably won't go up.

Oh well, live and you learn. Should've listened to my gut instinct.

>> No.1979607
File: 1.98 MB, 960x540, ETHbulls in 2040.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont know how were gonna get the normies on board though
We won't need to. Ethereum and coins built on it will make us rich af.

>> No.1979611

Then again, POSW went up like 4 times and it literally has a fraction of what Bay actually has.

>> No.1979620
File: 44 KB, 2295x485, bitbay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir yes sir!

>> No.1979626
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OHH WTF It's OVER 1000

>> No.1979627






>> No.1979628
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w e w here we go lads

>> No.1979630
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We haven't even fucking begun.

1300 incoming. What the fuck is happening?

>> No.1979631 [DELETED] 


>> No.1979633
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>> No.1979634

this is going to 2k!!!

>> No.1979637


i posted this 40 minutes ago and its gone up 400 sat. since

>> No.1979638


>> No.1979639
File: 368 KB, 1266x880, thx aaron ag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 12k

>> No.1979645




>> No.1979650

its called a dump ya nerds


it's k i got bob surplus'd before. baka.

>> No.1979658

Nah, >>1979645 was right. It's rebounding hard.

>> No.1979660

Who here /bought the dip/

>> No.1979662

Why is it gaining value? As far as I know, nothing happened so it's obvious its going to drop no? I have 17k bay.

>> No.1979664
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 1491256980698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold bitbay at 75

>> No.1979665

what dip? when it went down to 775? I didn't. wish I did :( Would've sold 5 mins later at 1000 lel

>> No.1979666

Your welcome, couldn't let a weak hand end this bull run early. WE'RE GOING TO 4k TONIGHT LADS

>> No.1979670
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>> No.1979687
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>> No.1979692

How much are you holding?

>> No.1979695
File: 44 KB, 611x393, IMG_2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 2 mill. I'm smoking dabs in a garage with a satanist and two normies. Heavy metal is blasting as I'm watching the price rise this is insane my life is a meme.

>> No.1979698

My life is also a meme.

Watching posw take off while eating Doritos and drinking mt dew while blasting eurobeat.

>> No.1979700

Holy shit. Congrats, brother! When did you buy in? Also, can you really cash out that much BTC from these exchanges? Never profited at that level.

>> No.1979702

You owe me one faggot, just fucking hold till 4k. After that is the dump but not before and I swear to god if I see a 2mill weak hand I'll go broke pushing it to 8k just to spite you

>> No.1979719

pls gib some bitbay BFbKLE4JBPyKNyUF7LEwVZkyJ1MoGdH3zX

>> No.1979722

Thanks senpai and I think so it would just take a while. I plan on holding until it goes past a dollar.
I wont dump senpai im in it for the long haul

>> No.1979723

Do you think it is still worth buying in during the coming weeks? I've got 11k right now.

>> No.1979727

If its under 10 cents its a steal imo senpai the tech is amazing

>> No.1979733

that is, what, like 8000 satoshi?

>> No.1979747

>mfw I was already holding some BAY but bought .1 btc at 800 sats and sold a shitton at 1100
I have a buy order for when it dips after this short term recovery. It's gon be good.
Fuck off leech

>> No.1979752

>tfw /biz/ laughed at me when I bought 92k bay
>still holding strong

The dev keeps mentioning 0.1 cent in all of his tutorials. Seems like that's where he wants it to go.

>> No.1979761

Slightly disappointed. Was invested since before the first pump, but saw it consolidating for a loooong time afterwards and decided I still have time to buy back in. Transferred money from Bay to other cryptos so it woildn't just be a stagnant bag on a calm chart. Was JUST hoping to buy back in recently below 400 but then it just exploded. Meh.

>> No.1979776

You better buy in at 800 sat, or remove your internet connection because you'd probably kill yourself once we hit 0.0001000.

>> No.1979781

we're never going back to 800 sat, sry kid

>> No.1979790
File: 22 KB, 400x378, B4G5y-dCcAEWcBY.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, I've been on the Bay train since 350 sat, but get real.

>> No.1979798

pls gib some of ur tree fiddy bay bae

>> No.1979810

Predictions for the next:

4 hours
12 hours
24 hours
7 days
1 month
1 year
10 years???

>> No.1979813

we need someone to pump us past 990

>> No.1979834

I'm a Bayliever. It will grow into SOMETHING. Just how big that something is to become remains to be seen. Recondition yourself to avoid thinking in hours or days. This will take months and years to eat itself into it's niche and when it finally does, the early adopters will be handsomely rewarded.

>> No.1979896

MOON inc

>> No.1980149

It will dip the next few days I think, then people will buy the dip to 3k sat. It's one of the top volume coins at bittrex now, this will attract newcomers to the ann.

>> No.1980779
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Breaking down sell walls like pic related

>> No.1980781

seriously guys, why the fuck are bitbay, bitbean, and poswallet making the same moves lately?

>> No.1980887

As someone who bought $1,500 in BAY and POSW at the bottom I simply don't give a shit. I'm holding both until I fucking retire. Staking gains for YEARS nigga.

>> No.1980896


The fucking idiots selling the short.Anyone who selling now gonna regret it by next week lmao.

>> No.1980899

buy bitbean anon it's gonna trade right in line with both

we're going to the moon as a team

>> No.1980946


This shit is too good.

>> No.1980951

I've got ~50 bucks. Bean, PosW, or split?

>> No.1980967

fug at the current price 50$ isn't gonna turn into much with posw unfortunately.. I'd say bitbean and wait for the 1 cent spike so you can get a bit of posw on the side.

>> No.1981099

This isn't a good time to be buying into either. I'm moving my liquid (unstaked) allocations back to PIVX right now. It's going to start heading back up soon.

If you're partial to gambling and just want to catch a potential moonride, then just split between the two and set 10% stop loss orders.

>> No.1981107
File: 144 KB, 526x718, 1492573468414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills against ETH, DASH, PIVX, POSW, BITB, BAY when they're low
>shills for them when they're high to keep people out of other low price coins

just fuck off chink your scheming is played out

>> No.1981147

Check my ID nigger. I own 101k BAY and have been talking about it for weeks. It's at a local peak right now and I expect a correction before maximum moonmission. Not selling shit though. Just moving less profitable coins back into PIVX because it's probably not going to be much lower than this ever again.

I'm not convinced that BITB will continue up. Not enough volume and it's a shadow of BAY, POSW and RLC right now. I'll catch some beans on the dip.

>> No.1981181

>I'm not convinced it'll go up...

Why do you keep posting this in every bitbean thread and posw thread kike?

>everything you don't like will dip

okay lmao

>> No.1981242

I'm holding 4k POSW long though...
My only complaint about the bean is it hasn't performed as well as some other coins in this bull run. I'm doing fine so I'm comfy to wait for the cards to play out.

>> No.1981311

Back above 1000sat, boys

>> No.1981481

I bought 45k BAY last time it was getting shilled/pumped around a month ago at around 580 sats , then it immediately crashed to half the price.
So glad I didn't panic sell... think I'll liquidate some for other things and keep the rest to see how high this trip goes this time.

>> No.1981512
File: 67 KB, 1846x592, 2017-04-22 22_07_44-(0.00001165) BTC-BAY BitBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like 1500 sat is next stop boys. Remember to have at least 100k saved in your wallet and daytrade with the rest. 0,1 USD is within reach.

>> No.1981523

I only have 12k, is it worth getting more BTC to buy more?

>> No.1981529

Depends if you're satisfied with being average or if you want to actually earn money. Set a buy order at 900ish sat.

>> No.1981570

0.01 btc profit, hold me boys, i'm quitting my job