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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1977176 No.1977176 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Biz,

I have the opportunity to either study Financial Management or Quantitative Finance at a top tier university in the Netherlands.

I know a bit of both fields but I can only choose one. What do you guys think I should go for and why?

Much appreciated.

>finally a non-fucking-crypto thread

>> No.1977179

Quant, less competition

>> No.1977180

O btw I already have a BSc and an MSc in Medicinal Chemistry and a BSc in Entrepreneurship.

>> No.1977182

Okay, fair enough. But I have already got an offer at the best uni in NL for Finance. So not necessarily more competition.

>> No.1977185

Why dont you get a job instead?

>> No.1977190

Quant because you will enjoy life as a Quant more

>> No.1977191

Because I changed my mind and I do not want to work in Phama anymore. Instead I want to work in Finance/ Quant.

Since I do not have a degree in said fields I cannot get a job.

>> No.1977196

How so?

>> No.1977243


>> No.1977721


>> No.1977733
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>top tier

choose one

>> No.1977734

Yes, it's intellectually stimulating.

>> No.1977762

Currently studying at UCL. Supposed to be top tier. I am literally shocked how bad education in the UK is.

Then I recognized that even the shit universities in NL are better than UCL, that says a lot.

>Top tier
>The Netherlands has one of the best educational systems in the world
>The Netherlands doesn't have Harvard OMG NL MUST BE SHIT!!!!!

>> No.1977807

UK has dire education, which is getting exported to the rest of EU. Not long, trust me.
But it's in english and it's familiar to the world that offers high salaries.

NL if you want freelance and be independent, UK if you want to work in London, as it gets you more familiar with the environment and you're right there, if you want to lobby.

>> No.1977845

Exactly how are the top UK universities "shit"? Is it because they dont spoon feed you during lectures and exams like they do in Europe?

Please. By all means. Provide some examples.

>> No.1977859

Meh I was actually suprised how low the salaries are in London.
But unfortunately UCL does offer a way into "higher" paid jobs, but the level of education is so fucking terrible. Again I was/am shocked...
And the asain invasion isn't helping. Those people are dumber than spit.

>> No.1977906

I assume that you consider UCL top tier? It is according to every raking.

I'll start by explaining a little story. I started my MSc here last year.
I quickly found out that at least 50% of the class was Asian and consequently the classes are dumbed down because these people are literally retarded.
I am stuying chemistry and the first semester of my MSc was literally a repeat of what I did during my BSc in my first year...
I found out that most students in this MSc were actually quite shit at chemistry and some didn't even know the absolute fundamentals.
A small group of students including myself was extremely worried about the level of education of this MSc.
We even needed to do a calculation test (grammar school math) because the level was too low.
I took it upon myself to talk to the supervisor of the course who said to me that this MSc is one of the harder ones.
It was also said UCL is on the same level as Emperial or Kings.
The whole dumbing down of the classes was admitted when I asked for it and my supervisor said this happened everywhere since they didn't have a choice.
Furthermore, they did not do any interviews or checked GMATS or GRE.
We even do this in NL, most MSc's even have interviews.

Now, on a more general level. After checking tons of MSc's I saw that they whole two semester system is idiotic.
Most MSc's have a bit more over 4 modules that are extremely broad and finalized with an essay exam.
This essay exam usually comprises 4-6 questions of which you can choose 2-3 answers to answer. Wow great system.
Compare that to the Netherlands were we have 6 periods (~2 months) instead of 2 semester (~3-4 months).
All periods are finalized with at least 3 test and all test usually comprises a shitton of questions so that the student is required to know everything.
At UCL most students study llike 60% of the material because they can choose the questions they wanna answer. Great system.

>> No.1977926

Also, just to finalize this whole story. I talked to several natives and students that did both their BSc and MSc here.

They all said the same: the educational system gives you very basic general knowledge and does not at all prepare you for the real world. They all agreed that the essay system is retarded.

Furthermore, the larger part of students who did a BSc or MSc both in and outside of the UK, like Swiss/NL/Germany even France, said the system in the UK is shit.

>> No.1977993

If you really are that smart and the course is easy for you, why the fuck are you complaining? Enjoy the free ride. I really don't get people like you who complain about the course not being "hard enough" and still get 99% in all exams.

>> No.1978047

My god you are stupid. I pay (15K course, 20K accommodation) for a quality course. It has nothing to do whether I am "really that smart".

As I explained is the quality of the course shit and apparently it is better than most courses.
I answer your question with quite extensively and this is your reply?

You know why you don't understand people like me "who complain about the course not being hard enough"?

Because you don't stop and think about the consequences of these kinds of degrees.
You don't stop and think about all the thousands and thousands of under-qualified people in positions they do not belong because they think like you. Terrible.

Stupidity is a pandemic and it starts with people like you, accepting a shit tier education from a "top tier" university.

Also your final sentence doesn't make any sense what so ever. So if someone finds the course too easy they should just get low grades or smth?

>ah shit this is too easy
>well might as well do nothing anymore and fail the course

>> No.1978117


You put your self 35k in debt without doing any research?

Wew lad, you sure your not in the right place ?

Chemistry as well, my fucking sides right now

>> No.1978198

Does anyone here has anything remotely useful to say or are you guys all suffering from down syndrome like >>1978117

Does anyone has anything to say about the topic of the thread? Otherwise please do not respond

>> No.1978256

>Also your final sentence doesn't make any sense what so ever. So if someone finds the course too easy they should just get low grades or smth?
>ah shit this is too easy
>well might as well do nothing anymore and fail the course

Nope that is not what was said. Read it again:

>I really don't get people like you who complain about the course not being "hard enough" and still get 99% in all exams.

In plain English, that simply means you're going to pass with high grades (top of the class) anyway but you still want to whine and complain about the course being so "easy" and not "challenging" enough just to validate your huge ego.

>Stupidity is a pandemic and it starts with people like you, accepting a shit tier education from a "top tier" university.

So we should all find the course "easy" just because can do it in your sleep, right?

You probably are a smart person with an impeccable academic record. But you sound like an egotistic shitlord tbqh who would fit right in with the other autists in Quantitative finance.

>> No.1978271

Told you not to respond didn't I

>> No.1978296

You're going to find it hard to fit in as a quant if you can't even take a little criticism on some anonymous chicken teriyaki forum.

>> No.1978307

O no no. I thrive on feedback and criticism.
I just think your respons is completely redundant and I don't want to waste my time, even though I am doing that right now.

Don't worry anon I'll be fine. I just wanted some advice and you failed to give me that.

>> No.1978521
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>Muh down-syndrome strawman
>Asking for career advice on 4chan
>Got robbed by meme university and or egotistic humble brag

Pot calling the kettle black ?

If this actually is your life seek help for autism or find a rope

Jesus bumping on /biz/ too ? You really should just neck your self.

>> No.1979791


am in a similar position

>> No.1980343

Rotterdam? Is that the MSc in Finance and Investments? Thats a good choice m8, I got a few friends that got into it and say it's really really good. The job prospects aren't bad at all either.

>> No.1980362

>BSc + BSc + MSc

So you've been dicking around in university for at least 8 years studying absolutely memetastic majors and haven't even done a research degree?

Your life is absolute trash, i can't imagine what it must be like for you to interact with competent adults your own age. There are literally people who started plumbing apprenticeships around the time you started university who are now more financially successful than you will ever be.

What do your parents think of your failure to thrive? Are they the ones bankrolling your Peter Pan-esque refusal to join the adult workforce?

>> No.1980392

Nice, thx. I actually got an offer at Nyenrode for Financial Management but rather go to Erasmus.

During the Nyenrode interview they literally told me that I should go to Erasums because Nyenrode is more for students who need 'extra help'...jesus I thought it was da best uni of NL or smth.

It's not the MSc in Finance and Investments btw, it's Quantitative Finance which is part of the MSc in Econometrics and Management Science.

You made me chuckle.

Too bad for you I studied two BSc's simultaneously so it's not 8 but more like 4.

I would kindly ask you to fuck off and respect the topic of the thread.

>BSc and MSc in Chemistry and Business Entrepreneurship
>Can apply for Pharma (Management) jobs anytime I want, choose not to because reasons I care not to explain
>The world we live in nowadays where people call chemistry memetastic.