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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19765623 No.19765623 [Reply] [Original]

Every day, I come sliding into this board to watch all the rats skitter around eating scraps.
You hop on every day, and shill your shitcoins. Before anyone replies to your threads, you bend down and suck LINK's cock.
Crypto has been hovering around the same value for weeks, yet you still buy.
I hate to break it to you lads, but you're being played. You're being bamboozled, you're being USED.
Hedge funds all over WS and the globe have custom built ML models to play your crypto night and day to make a profit. You are simply hitching a ride on billions of dollars in assets to HOPE you sell at the same time the model does. Pathetic.
I've made 60% the past month, safely and strategically on the stock market through long and calculated plays.

Come join your parents on the street, and leave your crypto worshipping chamber.

>> No.19765648

nice lunch money

>> No.19765671

You're poor. Literally.

>> No.19765673

Dude I 2x'd yesterday on COMP, buying at $55/COMP & selling at $100/COMP within 2 hours of buying
Last week I damn near 3x'd on DMG within 3 hours of buying

So you keep chuckling faggot.

>> No.19765697


>> No.19765700

Wow, 3100 dollarydoos. Keep it up and maybe someday you’ll get that used Civic you’ve been dreaming about

>> No.19765704

Robinhood nerd, if you want money, get on Uniswap and buy Kleros before it becomes a Reddit coin.

>> No.19765713

>3x'd on DMG

2x? and still....no liq. You WILL 3x on DMG, but just relax.

>> No.19765721
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1589503209831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. i like this meta of memes. good one biz! xD

>> No.19765729
File: 116 KB, 528x960, 1591313338583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard, how long have you been doing this that made you earn what you have shown us? 3k isn't much to brag unless you made that in like... i don't fucking know, 3 days?

>> No.19765755

My RH it pure crab, but I've only been at it 2 days and small buys.

I am going to get serious, but first I have to post 14% with small money. Only then can I trust myself with 10k.

>> No.19765786 [DELETED] 

This is unironically the shoe shiner buying stocks. Yes, i'm sure "it is different this time" anon, keep buying.

>> No.19765972
File: 14 KB, 712x93, 6040E73C-F935-4AE3-B250-F5012328861D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying?
you’re still but a shrimp lad

>> No.19766079

teach me please

>> No.19766082

Crypto is for the gays. I’ just started investing back in March and I’ve put 3k into stocks just like you. I’m trying to day trade since I’m addicted to My E*TRADE app.

>> No.19766095

>owns an android
All I can do is lol

>> No.19766201

>>If you want money invest in worthless crypto
Get a load of this guy

>> No.19766897
File: 330 KB, 350x444, 1590240572497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You hop on every day, and shill your shitcoins
So what?
I need friends for our yacht party

>> No.19767127

>>Can't afford a yacht so have to hire one out.

>> No.19767153

Literally exact same scenario. Started with $200 on Monday. Up to $215 right now. Won’t trust myself until I hit $250. Have a couple of grand ready.

>> No.19767187

I smile. I fart. I invest.

>> No.19767253


>> No.19767381

This has to be a troll. Only reddit fag would show off 3 grand.

>> No.19767421

You will get burned day trading. Trust me. Go long it’s genuinely the best way to stonks

>> No.19767452

>tfw made made 6,000% on STA
>tfw made 260,000% on hex2t
Started with 3k usd gambling money last month
Nearly passed 100k yesterday.
Stay poor crypto is the new gold rush

>> No.19767457

>long and calculated plays
Post proof

>> No.19767469

[ ] not told
[x] no country for told men

damn this should have hurt badly, I don't think we will se OP anywhere soon after that

>> No.19767470

Lose lose for this anon.

Either he shows that he invested 2500 last week and got lucky on a quick green candle. Or how he’s been on the app for 3 years and took 2k into 3k

>> No.19767479

>1 post by this ID