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19765222 No.19765222 [Reply] [Original]

Is Australia really as bad as the people on this website make it out to be? I’m considering moving there if/when I make it.

>> No.19765246

Isn't it still burning?

>> No.19765252


>> No.19765253

a fucking desert, wildfire every year,

>> No.19765359

Honestly, it's a fantastic country. You'll have to get used to certain things.
>Really fucking hot
>Basically nogunz
>Somewhat of a nanny/police state (still doing better than the U.K though
>Not much scenery (countryside is mostly dry, boring ass bushland)
>You'll have to get used to shortening everything you say

>> No.19765368

I heard they're full

>> No.19765386

Depends if you're going to ask for gibs. If not, We're full.

>> No.19765395

if the animals and insects don't kill you, surely the wildfires, abbos and sudanese will.

>> No.19765399

you are white: ok you can stay for some years
you are not: fuck off we are full

>> No.19765407

cityfag detected, come out bush some time ya poof

>> No.19765440

firstly fuck off we are full secondly yeah economy wise it’s dumpster fire

>> No.19765445

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. I just meant that compared to somewhere like the U.S this place is "basically" nogunz for most people.

>> No.19765460

That’s what the Abo’s said, ya fakken bogan.

>> No.19765499

If you’re white fuck off we’re full. If not we welcome you with open arms.

>> No.19765521

If you like fat chicks with disgusting accents then yes pls move there

>> No.19765553

isn't nz a lot better in every way?

>> No.19765556

It's a pyramid scheme of housing.
The only driver of economic growth over the last decade was immigration.
We've been in a per-capita recession for a few years now.

Quality of life is fucking nosediving every year. We're losing freedom, we're losing real income, we're losing health.

>> No.19765622

Now this bloke doesn't watch Sky News while smashing poor quality beer and voting Liberal.

>> No.19765658

Eh I don't think the aussie accent is that bad. The kiwi one is way worse.

>> No.19765767

No, even more full. Fuck off

>> No.19765789

fuck off we are full

>> No.19765804

fuck off we're full

>> No.19765806

Melbourne fag here. It is awful! Stay away from the cities! Espically Melbourne and Sydney. Rural cities are based (if you're white) but our economy is shit.
This Anon is right>>19765556. All we sell are shitty houses to immigrants who don't know better (I work in construction and have seen some real shockers) and overpriced coffee. Seriously it is hard to not laugh at how much money people buy these shitbox houses for. Now that corona-chan has caused a lockdown and stopped immigration plus overseas students we are fucked. Most of the universities are going broke because there are not international student milk

>> No.19765811

I’d be willing to wager that at least of the “fuck off we’re full” crowd is actually Chinese. Prove me wrong cunts

>> No.19765813
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>> No.19765819

You can come only if you're white and female. Otherwise fuck off we're full.

>> No.19765845
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So how exactly does one buy a gun in Aussieland?
>t. Texan

>> No.19765855

houses are so fucking expensive, most of the cities are culture-less and boring, outside of the cities is dry as fuck and ugly. There are some great spots in Australia, and Tasmania is beautiful, but they're few and far between

>> No.19765871

I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.19765875

those poor cunts have like 400 ping to every other place. They are totally alone in this world. Their only chance is to play games with strange people from malaysia or some shit.

>> No.19765877

doesn't matter
we're still full regardless

>> No.19765985

It is. IMAGINE hearing that’s accent DAILY, all day! Woof.

I only hope LOKI 100x's soon so I can move to Japan.

>> No.19766080

you have to either own a farm or get permission from someone that owns a farm to be allowed to hunt on their property if you actually want to shoot things that aren't targets.
if you own a farm or your going to kill ferel pests as a business thats when that they start letting you have things like pump action shotguns and semi-auto rifles, but most people are limited to bolt actions and lever actions.

>> No.19766742

They deserve it for relying on Chang. Unis in aus is garbage.

>> No.19766802


>not much scenery

Just gonna ignore the entire coastline huh

>> No.19767336
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>> No.19767350

no but really just don't move to Melbourne or Sydney, fucking rat nests, the leader of NSW is actually trying to make the state a tinderbox so Sydney hopefully burns down. Country Vic and NSW is nice but QLD is too hot for me. Tassie is sick and so is WA.

>> No.19767371
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yeah go there, those cunts will love you

>> No.19767418

Can you shoot someone in self defense without getting buttfucked in prison? No? Then you are nogunz enjoy your shitty range toys.

>> No.19767444

Melbourne is full of indians man its fucking terrible i hate it here (uk originally)

Once I get my perm res i am off to perth to see out my days

>> No.19767489

I grew up in melbourne. Its turned to shit the last 10 years. Im off to Perth as well when I can afford a house

>> No.19767499

in another 10 years time it won't be Australia, it'll be one of Chinas investments

>> No.19767504

I was backpacking here back in 2009 and cant believe how much worse melbourne is now,

>> No.19767531
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Sorry fella's. As you can tell from these posts,
We're at maximum capacity

>> No.19768090

based auspill posting

>> No.19768100

>>Really fucking hot
No. South gets warm and 40+ days in summer but it is dry heat. Much nicer than SEA 400% humidity