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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19758089 No.19758089 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I've been watching /biz for months, did my own research and I came to the conclusion that Statera is the best thing in 2020. I am going to buy as we speak. Do you anons agree with me on this?

>> No.19758104

Agree, also new website, audit and probably Kyber this week.

You are early

>> No.19758151


>> No.19758160

we hit the limiter on 2-3 threads per day every day for almost 3 weeks now, what do you think?

>> No.19758163


>> No.19758164

I've been scammed so many times so I'm hesitant to put more in, but I've put all my remaining crypto assets into this

>> No.19758212

This is also something that I've taken into account.

>> No.19758298

what's the minimum i need to throw at this shitcoin to make it worth it?

>> No.19758359

please post in the statera containment thread

>> No.19758429

I swapped all my crypto to STA.

>> No.19758467

I've been watching for a week or so, seems like it could be a good time to finally dip my toe in the pool.
Several days of sideways movement with decent volume is usually a good sign, right?

Someone tell me why i shouldn't buy in, without using words like scam, pajeet, or anything like that.

>> No.19758601

Suicide stack is 100k anyone who says different is late

>> No.19758603

yes, STA is the ticket.

>> No.19758663

Then what's my 2 million stack called

>> No.19758695


Pajeet scam

>> No.19758701
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stacklet, most of the other wallets are mine.
i own 63 million STA and im washtrading it all to supress the price aswell.

>> No.19758704

Don't sell quickly at 1 buck

>> No.19758996

I'm late, I don't own any. is it worth throwing an eth in or should I just wait for the next ?

>> No.19759017

how much did you pay for that stack?

>> No.19759057

>tfw was one of the first 50 wallets but only bought 70k

I'm dumb as fuck

>> No.19759075

too late anon, this shit is expensive as fuck

>> No.19759209

thought so, damn it

>> No.19759272
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Word up discord trannies
no one cares about your daily sta circle jerk threads.

>> No.19759303

1 eth now gets you approx 3500 Sta.

If it goes to a dollar and above, as projected, then what do you think, anon?


>> No.19759376

lol no

>> No.19759383

Didn’t read not buying sorry

>> No.19759524

So what's the plan?

Anons know they are late.
STA is only really shilled here.
No one buys.
Holders will get nervous they won't be able to sell their bags to anyone.
Cue mass sell offs?

>> No.19759530


>> No.19759538

thats a woman

>> No.19759546

Sweet vishnu baby jirl ples send bobbies

>> No.19759567

a dollar huh? why not m, really I just want to be part of this craziness

>> No.19759576


>Washtrading a deflationary token

Don't listen to that fudding faggot, this will be $1 once the public gets wind of it

>> No.19759616

Or people learn about it outside of biz like every single other coin that becomes big?

>> No.19759663

I'd only buy more if there are signs of the STA "community" caring about more than just 4chan and Reddit shilling

>> No.19759716

They do. Where exactly do YOU promote it? Or do you expect everyone else to do everything?

>> No.19759729

same. at 10c. still holding like a soldier of DEATH.

>> No.19759780

It's basically chainlink but for latecomers. Get on boards faggots

>> No.19759811


>> No.19759897

Sure but don’t expect to make it, 1-2$ is a reasonable number don’t be delusional in thinking this shit will go to 100 and you’ll make it off your paneer stack

>> No.19759931

this is a winner anon, if u know u know

>> No.19759945

Think I got two more days to increase my stack or will we lift off by then?

>> No.19759959

Damn this thread makes me feel good. STA is the way and a month from now you will regret now buying earlier.

>> No.19759967

Are you retarded?

>> No.19759999

can someone do a favor and dump pls

>> No.19760036

Those are some nice digits. But no, not selling

>> No.19760106

posting from a different device, I just threw an eth at it, not holding my breath. what's the deal with adding liquidity to a pool? is it worth it/benefits?

what's the time frame? I can't see 1$ happening too soon

>> No.19760134

You will get 20% STA, which is infinitely deflationary and required to buy into the pool. Which is again incentivized because STA is infinitely deflationary. And holding this token itself might become worthwhile because it continues deflating due to the balancer trading and maybe even other trading it to get in and out of the pool. At least that's how I understood it.

>> No.19760135

1$ is EOM after audit, marketing and big exchanges in following 2 weeks

>> No.19760137

It will be noticed outside /biz. Chainlink was nothing until /biz started threads about it and look now. STA is the same, /biz knows that this is what chainlink was in the beginning price wise or Ethereum. It is inevitable that STA is going to be top 20 on CMC. /Biz supports it and like me buying every month more when paycheck arrives.

>> No.19760155


$1 seems pretty delusional too though. I won't believe $1 until we break 15 cents... it's gonna take some time. If we can't get over 15 cents, then $1 is a pipe dream

>> No.19760157

*That, and other people can add the deflationary token to their own balancer pools. Which automatically gives it value as STA deflates.

>> No.19760164

If you have a small stack, I wouldn't worry about the pool, but if the price goes way up, you could add to the pool as a way of taking profits while still getting benefits of owning STA. A dollar EOM might be pushing it, but a dollar is inevitable

>> No.19760177

should I buy it right now or in few hours or tmrow?

>> No.19760178

**And adds value to STA because it, too, trades and causes deflation of STA. But somebody might correct me. I have no real clue myself.

>> No.19760197

I'm buying throughout the day now.

>> No.19760205

Y'all are gonna get scammed by this copy/paste coin

>> No.19760229

I think low 6c might be the best price. It keeps bouncing between 6 and 7c. The audit could be complete any time today or tonight and might pump the price


>> No.19760269

Look at the smart contract and compare it to a previous exit scam token, BURN. It's almost a word for word copy.

>> No.19760294

thanks that's good to know

>> No.19760295

idk but thats what my gut feeling is telling too and I know nothing about shitcoins but I just dodged few exits

>> No.19760313

I know im stupid but cant the devs just take the balancer money and gtfo to africa?

>> No.19760334

You had a week to accumulate faggot stop FUDing with obvious lies

>> No.19760350

This is improved. Burn did indeed failed and there was a lesson learned how to avoid those failures. So now you have a 100% bullet proof token.

>> No.19760372

No. The balancer pool was created by a different dev team. It is not exclusive to STA, STA is just the only one using it in this way. The balance pool has been audited and you can inspect the code on github.

This faggot
is a fudder trying to buy cheaper STA. Burn was not a scam it just wasn't successful, but it also didn't have the balance pool

>> No.19760377

Lol, here we go again. This guy is always replying when the point is made that it's a scam token. How about you make some money getting a real job instead of scamming NEETs you little dicked good for nothing scammer

>> No.19760403

what about the balancer token thing that I saw in statera site, is it worth it?

>> No.19760409

The devs are clearly not Sergey who dumps all the time on chainlink holders. In fact, the devs airdropped the majority of their holdings. So greed like you have with chainlink or any other uniswap scam token is pretty much out of the question. Second is that you're the owner of the balance in the pool.

>> No.19760415

Nice, only took a few days to think hard against someone this out. This is a scam I'm calling it rn. I looked at your code, not only is it poor quality, it's a literal copy paste spaghetti mess from other projects. Fire your devs lmfao

>> No.19760417
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Nice FUD, faggot

>> No.19760421

thanks im absolutely retard but that means that sergay can stop dumping any moment right?

>> No.19760429

Just kys retard. Its not a scam just because you FOMOd in at 15c and then panic sold the bottom. There is nothing sure in crypto, but saying index fund is a scam is beyond retardation

>> No.19760432

That is what you get when you contribute to the pool. It is just a placeholder for your percentage of the balance pool. There is also BAL mining tokens that you will get for pooling but they are not being distributed yet. We are waiting on the balance pool devs to finish working out the details of the BAL tokens

>> No.19760446

Literal retard response. THE DEVS ARE RETARDED

>> No.19760459

ty man, I understand that statera is absolutely great investment. but do I get this right that new token with even better idea with actual use can adopt the balancer with similiar 1% burn right?

>> No.19760466

He won't. Look how fed up chainlink holders are the past month. Give one good reason why he wouldn't cash out?

>> No.19760471

Don't you ever get tired of being an insufferable cunt? How depraved do you have to be to aspire to be a piece of shit lying fudder? The token is a basic deflationary token, it is the connection to the balance pool that is important.

>only took a few days to think hard against someone this out
Literally sandnigger-tier english

>> No.19760480

see you on the moon anons

>> No.19760487

That diff means nothing. I can use MS paint too


Don't you ever get tired of scamming people?

>> No.19760491

my knowledge about the situation is that he is new jesus who likes to put thumbs up. I know nothing but im good at thinking and trying to figure out crypto.

>> No.19760530

>new token with even better idea with actual use
Like what? It is an index fund. That IS the use case. You aren't going to be paying your cable bill with cryto any time soon

>> No.19760537

Pajeet this is pathetic and your village is clearly starving right now. Stop posting and get to work

>> No.19760542

Index scam. FTFY

>> No.19760550

They tried many times, most of them were just exit scams, this made /biz wary and many know that Statera is here to stay for a long loooooong time, so people put their money rather in Statera and thus growing liquidity, price and balancer pool. Nobody is stupid to put money in a copy with just a few $k liquidity. That is plain stupid and extreme high risk of exitscam. Statera grew beyond this already and growing daily now.

>> No.19760551

idk I think were heading to new time with crypto that it actualy needs to have use and new wave of pioneers will soonr ise. I still agree that statera is great.

>> No.19760574

350k is no liquidity at all. This shit has less of a reputation than Payfair.

>> No.19760602

>Index scam
Hmm, okay, explain why it's a scam. I'm listening.

>> No.19760608

Compared to 10 to 20 k makes a huge difference. Besides, liquidity is not only on uniswap, but the whole market cap just in case you don't know economics. That is way more than $350k. Nice try better luck next time with fudding.

>> No.19760652

Then start your own coin and add a million to the pool. I'll wait.

>> No.19760735

How about you stop scamming, Scott? :).

>> No.19760743

Still waiting

>> No.19760753

Made it stack. Remember to withdraw 0.1% a week while it's above $1.
If it manages to climb upwards to $10, you're now in retired status.

>> No.19760773

>This is a scam I'm calling it rn. I looked at your code
Do you read the code of a lot of the tokens mentioned on biz? If not, then what made you curious/determined enough to specifically read statera's code?

>> No.19760781
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The harder the fudders do their thing, the harder the thread get bumped, the harder people wanna buy on how stupidly obvious the fudding is.

>> No.19760785

You're a shit programmer for someone with ~10 years of experience. Honestly surprised you would come to 4chan to pull a scam coin. I guess South Africa laws are lax. Or maybe not? We'll see :)

>> No.19760799

What kind of fud are you going to switch to once the audit is released?

>> No.19760903

Anyone with 100K is making it.

>> No.19760908

Most likely this nigger piece of thrash will start shouting - "oh b-but statera will never gain traction outside biz, how are you guys gonna have your bags pumped", or similarly retarded shit.

>> No.19760938

who made the balancer btw?

>> No.19760965
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enjoy your last 24 hours or so or fudding ranjeesh.
When the audit drops it's game over. we just broke 7c resistance btw. So suck it up and buy now or bye!

>> No.19760976


>> No.19760984

thanks bro

>> No.19761005

Sounds about right

>> No.19761013

Doesn't really matter to me since the code is ripped off another project, but we'll see if it's legit. Just remember, someone knows who you are Mr. Bought-a lot of information :).

>> No.19761059

>since the code is ripped off another project
source? as far as I know no code has been released

>> No.19761063

k, keep me posted

>> No.19761452

how the fuck is the code ripped off another project? if you read it its just a deflationary coin. they stated that its a deflationary coin, they arent hiding anything. the real magic is the balancer and the project as a whole. I cant wait until we reach 50 cents and you can order rope, FUD harder next time

>> No.19761584

Him in two weeks:
>0.50 is the absolute top faggots, it's going to dump so hard. It will NEVER reach 0.55. 25c incoming losers!

>> No.19761739 [DELETED] 

I've been around for many years in the crypto community, and I know my shit. I can not even begin to express in words how much of a scam this is. If you have any iota of intelligence left, you would sell your entire stock of STA right now and invest elsewhere. Trust me when I say this, I have vast qualifications and experience and have been analyzing these types of trends for decades.

>> No.19761783

Totally believable. I've been around long enough to tell you're lying out your ass. What's your angle shitbag? Don't say you're helping anons or being altruistic, you're taking the piss. Nigger.

>> No.19761916

well see in the coming month, you are right if it is not 15 cents in a month or so it will take years to get to 1

>> No.19762026

Almost 1800 wallets and about to quietly move above 7 cent!

>> No.19762191
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I'm gonna cum

>> No.19762306
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not to be bullish or anything

but strap in

>> No.19762351

STA has a vulnerability that has been know for a long time and shouldn't be present in a smartcontract created 18 days ago: (_allowed[msg.sender][spender] = value;) you can check this line of code is present in their token, the exploit is known as race condition attack and is classified as SWC-114

>> No.19762426

This is the equivalent of saying that your car has a vulnerability because a crackhead could steal it if you give your keys to him

>> No.19762460

It's amateur hour to have a race condition vulnerability in your smart contract. It's just a big red flag for sloppy code. Look what happened to PAMP 2 weeks ago.
Be careful anons

>> No.19762466

it's just so that thanos (sender) can give u (spender) love

>> No.19763777

where can i read this in the STA contract? I'd like to double check that

>> No.19763788
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>> No.19763859

>race condition attack
Just because that line exist does not mean that there IS a race condition exploit present.

>> No.19764388

Fud is becoming desperate, waiting for a paycheck pajeet?

>> No.19764560

Statera is genius. I'm in it for the long haul. Make it stack depends on timeframe. Just like when Bitcoin was $5, I'm sure most people would say a make it stack was 1000 BTC back then. Today you're lucky to have 1.

>> No.19764604

One of these days i will kill myself.
I bought 52k STA for couple of eth, and I sold them at a loss in the first dip.

Now I would have tens of eth worth of STA and my first long - term holding.
Now im locked out...

>> No.19764636

>Now im locked out
Why don't you buy back in? You had a couple of opportunities to buy less than 2c

>> No.19764668

You're not, price predictions are above $1. Sure you might not make 100x. But a 10x is still amazing. This is only 15 days old ffs. All good projects get shilled here first. Don't let FUD like the guy above get to you. Even if it's better FUD than the usual crap we get thrown our way.

>> No.19764752

I can't think of a single project that didn't have a fudder passionately calling it a scam. They're just trying to get a cheaper price I think, because they know this is a long term hold and if they can get a 20% cheaper price now, it makes a huge difference down the road. Lol

>> No.19764814

True. It's still a shitty tactic though.