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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1975775 No.1975775 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to be poor? What is the distinction for you?

Technically my income puts me in a low bracket (About 25k a year, age 28). But I live well below my means, save money (have 60K to my name and no debt).

Is poor about gross income, or is it income minus expenses?

>> No.1975798

Im a student w no income i eat pasta with eggs every day

>> No.1975802

>no debt
literally richer than many Americucks
far richer

>> No.1975812

poor is not being able to save enough money for the future without making sacrifices or living paycheck to paycheck. plenty of people living in expensive areas with high paying jobs are stuck in a lifestyle much like poor people, just with larger amounts of debt and liabilities and a more comfortable environment, but no better financial security.

>> No.1975856

Fucken preach

>> No.1975872

If you are not living off passive income you are poor

>> No.1975875

I think being poor has two components
a. the inability to afford basic necessities, or maybe the extreme amount of work to get them, or the stress to not be sure to always afford them (paycheck to paycheck)
b. the inability to afford the enjoyable things in life (which is pretty much most things beyond the basic necessities)

pic related. kind of patched up from a long thread I once saved from /b/. a testimony of our times.

>> No.1975876
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>> No.1975885

I think poor is about sustainable freedom. If someone decides to live in a shack and live off rainwater and can sustain that lifestyle, they're not poor.

The one constant about poor people is they have no agency. They can't choose when to work, who to work for, where to live. They're just handed circumstances and they HAVE to inhabit them. I.e. Born in bumfuck town - no money to move out. Get job at walmart - must keep job at walmart to keep out in bumfuck town. Pop out kids - must get second job at gas station to raise kids in bumfuck town.

Each action they take is almost predetermined by circumstances 'out of their control' (' marks since it may or may not actually be out of their control). In a way, a rich person can also live a very similar paycheck-to-paycheck railshooter-esque life of a poorbrah.

>> No.1975891

It's how many BitBeans you have.

>> No.1975978

this needed to be posted

>> No.1975993



You are either working for money or money is working for you.