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19756888 No.19756888 [Reply] [Original]

>he spends his youth slaving away to the banks to "pay off" his mortgage for the house that he thinks he owns instead of renting
>he will finally "own" his cardboard house well into his 50s in the best case scenario
>b-b-but muh renting is throwing away money

If you are not a retard you can actually save money while renting and investing those savings to get enough cash to buy land and build your own fucking house instead of sucking bankers dick for decades

paying mortgage is a mental illness. there's a reason why actual jews always rent, when the hard times come your house won't be worth shit.

>> No.19756923

What if I use the land for business by renting out rooms and growing stuff?

>> No.19756951

That would be even a better scenario. I was just mentioning the "your own house" shit because some people are obsessed with having their own place to live when they are old, they feel more secure I guess

>> No.19757494

Or you can make enough money to afford a 10 year or 15 year fixed rate no pre payment penalty in your 20s and have it paid off by mid to late 30s without paying extra. Refinancing is only good if it really drops your interest rate considerably otherwise you should not have been getting a 30 year mortgage anyway for the “purchasing power”. A home should not be seen as an investment nor should you consider it as a future HELOC. A home is your own place that you take care of. MUH TECHNICALITY THAT YOU DON’T OWN A HOUSE ONLY RENT FROM A BANK HURRRR. Whether it’s a Jewish reptilian overlord bank or landlord, does it really matter? If you plan to stay in a place for a long time it makes no sense to stay in a place that continuously raises rent to match competitor rates albeit slightly lower. Renting and buying BOTH have their pros and cons. I’m an Ag underwriter and let me just reiterate that WEALTHY PEOPLE OWN LAND AND OWN PLACES TO RENT TO OTHER PEOPLE. They don’t live on retirement and retirement accounts cannot be put into trusts. You can’t pass on a property to your heirs (god forbid you care about someone other than yourself) that you are renting. Multigenerational wealth involves inheriting real estate AND stocks.

>> No.19757563

Whats worse?
Mortgage or student loans?

Also when a couple has kids due to institutionalized blackmail ("by accident" but under silent threat of child support) they effectively have to get a house before they are financially stable in many situations

>> No.19757622

>A home is your own place that you take care of.

aka a money pit

>> No.19757626

What are you trying to make fun of? The question is what are you doing? Spend your money on shitty status symbols? Or not working at all and spending your life in housing provided by the government waiting to receive your food stamps beginning of each month?

>> No.19757800

I am saving up and renting which is more profitable in the long run

>> No.19757867

Pretty hard to be part of the landed aristocracy if you don't own land, you stupid pleb.

>> No.19758176

Mortgages fuck up your debt ratios. Always rent or live with relatives.

Use your credit to become a landlord, and rent out to other goyim.

>> No.19758218

I am currently paying $1715 a month in rent
I am going to get a mortgage for a place that is twice as big and in general much higher quality. The mortgage will be $1400 a month over 25 years, of which a third will be interest

Really a mortgage over rent is a no brainer.

>> No.19758269

what is this, the landlord jew psyop thread?
you're still doing it for free

>> No.19758354

you can take a loan/mortgage or you can be debt free
Those are the two options

You can buy land a build a house on it, or you can buy land with house already on it.
Those are the two options

You're talking some gibberish where you mix those two completely separate things up.

>> No.19758407
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Rentcucks are poorfags and mortgagecucks are wageslaves.
Take the /rich NEET/ pill like I did and just buy a house with cash.

>> No.19758450

What is equity, Alex.

>> No.19758469

how does a neet earn that cash?

>> No.19758580

Just in case someone is considering mortgage vs rent, please do not listen to random anons and actually calculate both options.

My break even point was 4 years, after that mortgage was cheaper. Did not consider extra cash available for investment and cost of selling the flat if forced to move for work.

>> No.19758595

>Bought a flat


>> No.19758620

>actual Jews always rent
False Jewish families help their children get houses even earlier than most other ethnicities

>> No.19758640

And you probably didn't consider the opportunity cost of invested capital either.
You shouldn't be comparing a mortgage to renting. You should be comparing a $x mortgage to renting AND investing $x in other assets (e.g. stocks).