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19751787 No.19751787 [Reply] [Original]

How do you become psychologically resilient if you already see your self detrimental irrational emotional, anxiety and fear responses as objectively and logically as possible and know why they're caused?

>> No.19751852
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Pray to God and Jesus

>> No.19751884

bipolar? borderline personality disorder?

>> No.19751913

What if you feel so shitty about yourself that you don’t feel worthy of God’s love? Asking for a friend

>> No.19751950

Just do it anon

>> No.19752012

I pray but it brings me little solace. This world really does just seem like a veil of tears sometimes

>> No.19752023
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God loves everyone this is evidence

>> No.19752116

don't even know where to begin. but first off your weakness is the end result of judaism 2.0 (christ).

they poisoned your mind with the idea that 'heaven' exist and thus made this world appear unbearable. they removed from you the ability to handle even the minute aspects of real actual day-to-day life.

only the 3 judaism religions suffer from this. all other religions...and most importantly actual western civilization history rejected the concept of "utopia" as existing and accepted our place

>> No.19752445

I don’t feel worthy of His love either - and I cry and break down when I’m alone.

And I know - at times you feel so burdened and tired you can’t even utter a word. That pain - that burden you can feel hit your chest? The Holy Spirit in you conveys and makes groans of this pain in your stead to God - when words fail to convey the extent of this pain.

Speak to God - I always do even in tears. It makes me feel pathetic and hopeless. It hurts. It hurts so much - this life this word and this place.

But it’s a fate we must bear. Until we turn back to dust. Do God’s Will. You’ll know it. You won’t question it. And it won’t be “I think” -

I don’t know why I’m here - why I was born to bear such burdens - and this pain and loneliness - but every single prayer and cry was heard. You get answers but they take time. You find yourself in a place you never would have found yourself questioning how you got there showing you and helping you rectify little by little the things to help you hold your head higher.

Trust in God. He who loved you from the beginning.

I’m not worthy of this love and I wonder why I am loved at times. It just makes me well up if I dwell on it for too long. It’s hard anon. This road is not an easy one.

>> No.19752489

Thank you friend. You’re not alone in your pain if that brings you any comfort.

>> No.19752648

I’m glad to know I do not hold such a burden alone - though at times it feels as if it has crushed my bones.

I’m glad I could share this with people who understand the extent of these words. I hope it brings comfort to those who read it and resonated.

>> No.19752661

By suffering, its the only way.
Overcoming fears with knowledge, and asking for help when you need it.
Also religions are based on the notion of hope, and reliance and prayer to God and with his powers to guide you in times of suffering.

>> No.19753059

>By suffering, its the only way.
>Overcoming fears with knowledge, and asking for help when you need it.
I can still move my arms and legs I can do basic bodily functions I can consciously control myself when this is happening at any stage
its just I feel awful and these feelings always fire off even over little microaggressions your instinctual fight/flight response when even slightly threatened in a situation with another person where your awareness decreases and your attention spikes

Can you understand this isn't a feeling of disappointment or anger or any sort of feeling you get when you have a cold or are regretting an injury or are falling off your bike or you lose a lot of money or miss a major opportunity or have a close relative die
this is just pure irrational overwhelming sadness combined with overwhelming fear that cause you to not want to experience life if this is a constant and repeated thing

>> No.19753177

which is pretty much dis