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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19743272 No.19743272 [Reply] [Original]

and is now a good time to buy in?

>> No.19744592

I wish I knew. I got a 10k bag just in case. Fundamentals are there but markets are always a bitch to them.

>> No.19745512

Yes and yes. Now delet before pajeet wakes up

>> No.19745641

>Yes and yes. Now delet before pajeet wakes up
This. Go read https://medium.com/blocktown/https-medium-com-blocktown-updated-analysis-and-valuation-of-republic-protocol-e2b813277b5d

>> No.19745787

i thought they shifted from privacy

>> No.19745957

How do you mean? The Renvms operate within complete darkness, hence the name. The value, as the article explains is immense when you think about it. I have 2 btc and was considering wbtc, but it's a centralized auth which defeats the purpose. Renbtc is anonymous and backed 1:1 by hard funds, not over collatarized (liquidatible) assets. It's actually a game change if you look into the meat of it.

>> No.19745958

No and no

>> No.19745973

sounds like someone is still accumulating. FUD Harder pleasee

>> No.19746301


>> No.19746400

would have bought some if only the team was not so chinky
sold off all of my chink shitcoins in 2019

>> No.19746514

This is the counter argument to 19745641 & 19745957 - top fucking kek. I'll see myself out. The counter levels of stupidity should be proof enough. Go learn something: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3YKD0fKzerLXB7uE37vtkA?si=FwgF5iJMT7-az1HDQIDw0g

>> No.19746550

I bought 100k 4 days ago I dont want to miss this train and a chance to have a darknode Ren could be the catalyst for the next bullrun unironically

>> No.19746750

Regardless of if you want to speculate or host a darknode, the value proposition of Ren & RenVM's and what they're allowing users to achieve is immense. It doesn't take half a brain to realize this, either. A decentralized, trust-less, backed 1:1 in value - custodian to seamlessly swap coins between different chains. The sky is the limit here; you just have to imagine what swaps will eventually become available. Remember, the key part is this solution is TRUSTLESS & DECENTRALIZED. The whole purpose behind crypto to begin with. I'll see you guys in 1-2 years when Ren is valued @ $5.00+ per and darknodes generate $50k+ per year in passive income. Actually fucking screenshot this.

>> No.19747254

CEO and CTO are Australian.

>> No.19747363

>Regardless of if you want to speculate or host a darknode, the value proposition of Ren & RenVM's and what they're allowing users to achieve is immense. It doesn't take half a brain to realize this, either. A decentralized, trust-less, backed 1:1 in value - custodian to seamlessly swap coins between different chains. The sky is the limit here; you just have to imagine what swaps will eventually become available. Remember, the key part is this solution is TRUSTLESS & DECENTRALIZED. The whole purpose behind crypto to begin with. I'll see you guys in 1-2 years when Ren is valued @ $5.00+ per and darknodes generate $50k+ per year in passive income. Actually fucking screenshot this.
there will only be 1 blockchain so ren is useless

>> No.19747481

BTC and ETH at a a minimum will be around for years to come.

>> No.19747543

Yeah, just like there's only 1 browser, 1 frontend framework, 1 programming language, 1 bank.

>> No.19747939
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she can't see your keys anon

why aren't you all in

>> No.19747952

yeah humans are fucking great at deciding on one common standard

>> No.19748105

Right? The ignorance levels are through the fucking roof right now. "1 Blockchain EVER MAN!"
holy fucking kek.

>> No.19748240

how much does a node make?

>> No.19748939

Null at this point, it's going to be a bit before they become truly profitable, probably after year 1. But, people are speculating (thus Ren coin price increase) on the fact that Ren will become one of the biggest bridges in the space, and buying up coins early to eventually sell for big profit, or run a darknode for hella good passive income. Again, go read: https://medium.com/blocktown/https-medium-com-blocktown-updated-analysis-and-valuation-of-republic-protocol-e2b813277b5d

>> No.19750109

You make some good points anon

>> No.19750327

I actually screenshot this. Thanks anon

>> No.19750463

I've been on 4chan for years, feel free to post it when 100k Ren is "made it" status, I'll respond.

>> No.19750544


Collateralized assets still increasing. BTC Cafe. All systems go. Pamp eet.

>> No.19750570

50k per year in passive income would be a dream come true. My concern is would it truly be passive? i.e. as a dark node operator is there anything one needs to check on daily to make sure their 100k REN doesn't get slashed or something?

>> No.19750591

Imagine how big this will be when WBTC & renBTC become the defacto standard for 1% APR margin

>> No.19750764

no...occasionally top up your node with eth gas money....but small amounts. 0.1 eth would probably suffice for a long time (year or so?)

>> No.19750819

Sounds good

>> No.19751228

You have to fuck up pretty badly to get slash, ie, acting maliciously, submitting false signatures, etc. For me, a previous sys/network engineer, super easy stuff. The check in on the nodes is minimal desu, just make sure you host on a half reputable VPS provider, follow the super basic instructions from Ren, pretty easy tbqh.

>> No.19751703


its also cheaper to use RENvm (.1) over WBTC (.25)

>> No.19751744


>0.1 eth

not with the price of gas these days.

>> No.19751777

Right, but I guess my concern is if somehow my node was hacked or let's say digital ocean is down etc. what happens then?

>> No.19751844

The scripts Ren deploys are made by the dev team, so as far as it getting hacked you're pretty safe. Same goes for Digital ocean down time, highly unlikely given the scale of their business. As far as I understand it, you actually have to attack the network to be slashed.

>> No.19751882

I see, thanks for explaining

>> No.19751997

No worries mate. It's a great project, just research lots.