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File: 287 KB, 1440x757, holyshitthisisbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19741602 No.19741602 [Reply] [Original]

so I was doing some digging on this coin and it looks like it's a pretty big deal. sleeper gem? i think i'm gonna get a bag.

>getting listed on cool exchanges (Bitcratic was a few days ago)
>a few days ago BURNED 60M (60%) OF THE SUPPLY
>created around a month ago, big names have been mentioning it
>whitepaper is fucking legit
>they're followed by the amni group on twitter, which is a MASSIVE chinese crypto company who are partnered with chainlink
>just had quite a big dip recently, seems like the perfect entry point

>> No.19741647

Holy shit big if true where to buy??

>> No.19741662

https://bamboorelay.com/trade/XYS-WETH is the best price at the moment. some HUGE money is going into this. it looks like people are dumping due to lack of knowing this coin but the big buyers are holding tightly and scooping more up. i think im gonna buy a couple eth worth just in case this is as big as i think it is gonna be.

>> No.19741739

obv samefag

>> No.19741747

not me homie, doing my DD

>> No.19742207

Thanks i will accumulate this

>> No.19742237

i think the color means your fingerprint is close to each others. means you either used vpn or your mobile phone which has traces of your desktop fingerprints

>> No.19742241

same fucking retard shilling this shitcoin that's only been going down since last month
same fucking schizo who's been talking to himself using two IPs jesus just give up already

>> No.19742242

bro are you new here

>> No.19742251

this is the first time i've ever posted about this coin you fucking moron holy shit did you market sell this or something

>> No.19742273

Not true you posted this early with the same pic and the same pic name

>> No.19742284

i saved it from the earlier thread dude what's with the fucking village uprising

>> No.19742335

retard i bought this scam early and sold after it pumped hard
that's what you're supposed to do with uniswap shitcoins
accept the fact that you're holding this bag of shit forever
the sooner you accept that fact the sooner you'll move on
by shilling this dead coin you are wasting time to get in on other opportunities
cut your losses

>> No.19742345

why do you think it's a scam?

>> No.19742364

also i don't understand what's so hard to understand about this nigger i currently own 0 (ZERO) of this coin but i spent about 6 fucking hours researching it and it looks fucking solid

>> No.19742373

i don't think this is a pump & dump uniswap scam tho

>> No.19742381

i have nothing to do with this coin. Just pointing out the obv. When i shill i do it with 100% new fingerprints and residential ips

>> No.19742385
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same, did research looks good let them miss out they don't deserve it

>> No.19742394

dude colors in your ID are randomly generated, they have nothing to do with "similarities in your ip address"

>> No.19742423

"fingerprints" "residential ips" watch out we got a haxxor over here!

>> No.19742433

true. but they are randomized after your fingerprint and it seems that it's either a huuuge coincidence that you almost got the exact same color on the only two people in the same thread or you actually got busted.
This happened to me too when i forgot to wash my prints for new sessions

>> No.19742455

free thread bumps from me. Alright, Time to sleep

>> No.19742461

It just means we're gonna make it faggot

>> No.19742473

These are all the same person.

>> No.19742488

me too? that would actually be pretty clever. But nah

>> No.19742492

ur both schizoposting and i don't know if you're doing it ironically

>> No.19742503

this whole thread is one person. I admit it

>> No.19742580

ok fuck you shizoposters can we actually talk about the coin?

>> No.19742593

ok fuck you shizoposters can we actually talk about the coin?

>> No.19742602


>> No.19742620

I got my bags y'all missing out

>> No.19742633

nice. You are doing it right now :)

>> No.19742658

bro honestly take ur meds

>> No.19742695
File: 145 KB, 851x695, EZgWnD2X0AAti63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bump before i sleep. Thank me later.

>> No.19742699

Kek I have a fuckton of this shitcoin are we gonna reach $1 bro?

>> No.19742709

should i buy?

>> No.19742757

Yes, go all in.

>> No.19742768

the fundamentals of the coin look solid, which is why i'm asking. all my research points to unrealized gem but it's incredibly rare to actually find one of those.

>> No.19742805

upto you pal. some weeks ago i put half into BUIDL and half into DXD. BUIDL has been on an amazing comfy ride while DXD dumped hard (still think it will recover eventually though).

I feel like this one could go either way of those. It's a risk I'm willing to take, I'm quietly confident. The fact that a VC group with crypto investment track record is now following them gives me an added slice of confidence.

>> No.19742824


>> No.19742837

to be honest, I'm surprised more of biz hasnt picked up on this. That's a good thing though because biz tends to pump and dump, bizbros have itchy trigger fingers and are easily bored and always looking for the next dopamine rush. That's why they never really got onto BUIDL even though its performed extremely well, probably better than anything else the last month. Even the 60% token burn didnt do anything to get people buying. Bit of an odd one really. We'll see how it plays out.

>> No.19742838
File: 3 KB, 134x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright thanks man. think i'm gonna pull the trigger and buy a couple of eth worth. it's risk vs reward like you say and it tips to reward for me.
take ur meds bro

>> No.19742841

Yeah high risk, high reward

>> No.19742855

>Even the 60% token burn didnt do anything to get people buying. Bit of an odd one really. We'll see how it plays out.
Talking about XYS there btw. Token burn happened the other day.

>> No.19742867

i think it has a lot to do with marketing. from what they say they're effectively doing 0 advertising at the moment and the people buying seem to be private investors/VC groups. gives me a lot of hopium

>> No.19742883

is here https://bamboorelay.com/trade/XYS-WETH the best place to buy?

>> No.19742904

Yeah but you'd think anyone a bit smart would see that this is prime buying time right now, yet hardly anyone from here has ever jumped on board. Not complaining about that at all though.

>> No.19742905

Yes bamboo is better than jewniswap

>> No.19742923

cool, thanks a bunch dudes

>> No.19742928
File: 413 KB, 840x821, crack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19742947

fuck you nigger who just bought

>> No.19742980

Thats why you buy before you shill anon

>> No.19743017

now i have to wait for this tx to fail lmao

>> No.19743074

Massive scam. Same incompetent retards behind bizcoin and idena lurking fags. Tranny gang.

>> No.19743085

proof? i see people say this but whenever i ask them about it they just spout memes about discord trannies without ever saying anything. are you just fudding for the sake of it?

>> No.19743137
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Btfo fudders

>> No.19743324
File: 176 KB, 313x489, 1592135923640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo fag stfu

>> No.19743375


>> No.19743616

how the fuck do you buy on bamboo? it keeps failing

>> No.19743621

keep retrying also don't change the gas fee

>> No.19743771

this fucking shit wont go through REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
ive had like 6 fucking failed txs now

>> No.19744099

Yes sir, many villages to feed. plz do the needful. Market buy


>> No.19744140


But also.




>> No.19744157

XYS feeds villages people what more evidence do you need?

>> No.19745117


>> No.19745934
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, 99127657_248959523104618_7031357377655865344_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeet, yeah thx OP looked into it, looks based. Dropped 7ETH. Descent market cap of a few mill

>Ready & primed

>> No.19745955

>uniswap scam
Its not even on uniswap.

I read the whitepaper, basically its tech the Chinese Communist Party would use to track users on blockchain. Funny part is all tracking is paid for with XYS, so the CCP would be fucking itself in the butt. They definitely dumb enough to do it though. If XYS reaches its full potential its a $100b mc token.

>> No.19745971

theres other more established coin analytic companies though

>> No.19746010
File: 133 KB, 711x720, 1592091060526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what if it's literal tech created for the Chinese Communist Party. I'm staking mine, they've literally jst released that, it's something like first 100 but obvs depends on how many you've got in your bag