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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19741047 No.19741047 [Reply] [Original]

Gather round and listen up.
I know that some of you are lurking faggots from plebbit and youre only here to pickup on the turbo trade wisdom and top crypto picks that /biz/ has become notorious for discovering out the gate. That's fine, welcome to /biz/ - what I'm not okay with is you faggots taking the highest tier investment advice from /biz/ to places like plebbit. Those faggots deserve to buy the scams and lose their money. Lets be honest, the only place on plebbit that isn't cringe is fucking /r/wallstreetbets - and I have no quarrel with any of you sharing select stealth bluechip picks with any of the WSB bois, they're based af. So why this rant? Okay I'll cut to the brass tax. RSR. That's right, its another bluechip that /biz/ found before the faggots on /r/cryptocurrency and the other shit tier bluepilled cuckery circles on that shit site that discuss cryptos. This one is OURS. Don't let those faggots get wind of it and if you see anything positive posted about it anywhere on plebbit, FUD it. Those reckless faggots don't deserve these gains because after all the top 25% of /biz/ posters are never wrong about this kinda shit.

Protip for all of you if you are lucky enough to have seen my post: you should be buying fucking obscene amounts of RSR right now. Coinbase listing is happening 2021. Other exchanges before then. You are just a matter of months away from being priced out of /makingit/ with this one. That's all I have time for I'm about to catch a plane to Hawaii. Keep it classy, /biz/ ....

>> No.19741370


>> No.19741421

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.19741438
File: 19 KB, 400x318, right in the cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was either a cringe meme of a braindead wojak one. you get a cringe one for your "effort"

>> No.19741920
File: 128 KB, 507x266, phemex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping your shit thread to shill Phemex, which is a much better exchange than kikebase

>> No.19741961

It should be called chinkex