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19740538 No.19740538 [Reply] [Original]

Thanos Power @ Over 354k $

>Space Stone - $200k Liquidity ACQUIRED
>Mind Stone - $400k Liquidity
>Reality Stone - $600k Liquidity
>Power Stone - $800k Liquidity
>Time Stone - $1,000,000 Liquidity
>Soul Stone - $1,500,000+ Liquidity

>What is STA?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some NoStankers here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where else?
You can trade STA on Saturn, mesa and now bamboo. It's growing!

>Where do I see the price?
Use UniVision for all your fractal charting needs.

You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

Coingecko is up to date and accurate thanks to the v2 update. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

>Link to the Medium article on STA, feel free to share

>Official Github

>> No.19740552
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>Official Github
Anonymous (ID: 2PuqyMay) 06/15/20(Mon)10:59:45 No.19731809▶>>19731832
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112 KB
>>19731789 (OP) #


So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19740572
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>How do I check TXs?
Statera Token Tracker: https://etherscan.io/token/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
Uniswap contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

>Balancer AKA Thanos

>Scott's nerdy ass tryin to educate you stupid fucks

>For all you Github FUDders . Finally, everyone's ears may yet recover from your screeching.

>Live Sta coinstats


>TG Channels
Statera Price Talk (Unofficial)
Statera Announcement

>What do we do when we hit [insert amazing price milestone here]
Once we hit $1, don't dump your bags like retards, slowly shave off a percent or two once a week, and enjoy the accumulation upwards while reaping benefits along the way.

>> No.19740593
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If this hits $100, I will legally change my name to Statera and become a tranny.
T. Top 100 holder

>> No.19740596
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Hello again; we're constantly trying to branch out the ways you can purchase/trade Statera. Today we're happy to announce that we've received confirmation that Statera is now available for trading on Bamboo Relay!

The benefits of using Bamboo Relay include a live order-book, candle-stick charts and more arbitrage opportunities for 'Sthanos'. You can trade STA on Bamboo Relay here:


Thanks guys!


An updated QRD on Statera and its uses

>So, we know you’ve all been patiently waiting for something to come from us.
We’ve been working hard over the past few days and we’re really excited to announce that Statera is now trading on Saturn Network, which means you no longer have to worry about slippage and liquidity issues. Currently they are working on getting our official information audited and listed on their exchange, however, you can still trade Statera through this link:


STA is listed on a new exchange that utilizes something called a "Ring Trade". This trades assets across a liquidity pool as opposed to selling each slice in chunks.
Yes, this means the audit is almost complete, yes this means that Kyberswap is a qualifier for upcoming listings.

>We are now able to be traded through the Gnosis Protocol!
The dapp to trade on Gnosis Protocol is called Mesa.
Currently we are not whitelisted on there, however, you can go to
Upon going to that link you can input the STA contract address to trade:

Statera is now recognized on the Delta app, used to track pricing and returns in your portfolio over time.

>> No.19740614
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>STA overview
https://youtu.be/M1u3t7tOQCY [Embed]

>STA Tokenomics
https://youtu.be/f_a86WIbA7A [Embed]

>STA Pool ownership breakdown
https://youtu.be/SnH3mAv920Q [Embed]

>STA Balancer ovewview
https://youtu.be/0fVmFs01_Fs [Embed]

>STA in action
https://youtu.be/k7pFhIo6OLg [Embed]

>Whats happening inside the pool
https://youtu.be/0YlrsLcznTA [Embed]

>Sending STA to Pool
https://youtu.be/tYwsP2QbV4I [Embed]

>STA cant be fudded
https://youtu.be/wxa6l-lahDk [Embed]

>Adding liquidity
https://youtu.be/fIxwfd9qkaI [Embed]

>> No.19740635
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Some BASED comments from the team

>I think the difference between STA and GBTC is the fact that when you enter the STA ecosystem, you're getting onboard with not just bitcoin, but with arguably the top cryptocurrencies, hence you're betting on cryptocurrency as a concept moreso than on just solely bitcoin or Ethereum. Also, the STA ecosystem itself promotes the growth of the four coins as it constantly buys and sells them, the theoretical perspective being that eventually it creates an equilibrium.

>101 million tokens was the starting supply. I can't particularly answer how tokens being out of circulation appreciate the value of circulating tokens out of fears for speculation. I'm not going to give a random number without any factual basis, however, we can apply the law of supply and demand to get a conceptual answer. Deflation and inflation both work on this concept.

>We're working on the marketing to create that demand, all whilst the supply is continuously dropping. Statera will continue to drop in supply even if all external trading ceased to exist as the Balancer will continue to trade STA to keep the 20% equilibrium, thus in turn burning 1% of every transactional value.

>The marketing is being worked on, I can't make influencers respond faster, I can only control what I can physically do myself. And I can assure you I wouldn't be up at 3:31am if I wasn't working on things I can personally do to impact the growth of this project.

>Q)'What happens if a coin in our balancer completely collapses?' A)'What happens if the Sun dies out?'

>> No.19740680

Yeah, it would be cool if they did a video, but they are being obnoxious. They said they have been trying to do the interview for weeks, which is obvious BS

>> No.19740683

which pool do we use?

>> No.19740779


>> No.19740803

tfw top 200 STAlet

>> No.19740841

I dont have the other tokens, can't I add just STA?

>> No.19740894

Yes, the bot will swap 80% of the STA for the other coins, so it is just like adding all 5

>> No.19740906 [DELETED] 

It show me 371k $ liquidity here https://noproxy.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.19740916

Yes you can. Swap Sta for Bpt over here preferably pool in gradually when sta's mooning - https://uniswap.exchange/swap?outputCurrency=0x0e511aa1a137aad267dfe3a6bfca0b856c1a3682

Note - there's another method that doesn't involve uniswap and some say it's cheaper.

>> No.19740926

You just accidentally your whole house

>> No.19740966

it asks me to unlock all the other tokens though, even if I dont have them

>> No.19740986

The balancer doesn't load for me at all. Nor does uniswap when my wallet is connected.

>> No.19741001

Yes, that is correct if you are using the contract method. It will cost a few dollars in gas fees too. The other way might be cheaper, but some people have said you might get less BPT due to slippage

>> No.19741013

Did you try restarting your browser? Metamask sometimes acts screwy for me

>> No.19741096
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I see, thanks. I unlocked all the tokens for a couple bucks but adding liquidity button is still greyed out, and the other tokens are still in red

>> No.19741124
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>> No.19741138

Yes, you will need to follow the instructions in the telegram article. The way you are trying to do it would require all 5 tokens


>> No.19741290

why is gas one pound

>> No.19741300

Because you’re in England.

>> No.19741302

For what?

>> No.19741314

moving bpt luggage to the sta rocket for the journey

>> No.19741328 [DELETED] 
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First time investing in anything, somehow started browsing biz from tv when it was around 4 - 7c going to ~12 - 14c. Was new and didn't think it was going to go back down, but glad it did as I doubled my stack and have 5.5k+ now.

That last thread I saw that anon worrying about not making a passive income even though he bought cheap and is now top 40 or something. To the any other accidental whales, when this reaches $1 you can buy every non bobo in this thread a lambo and a professional tattoo.

STA is going to the moon. You're going to mars, where you will be transferring your grandchildren a half a STA a decade to fund their extravagant lives.

>> No.19741343

Guys I'm drunk and I want to say we're all going to make it. I'm still gonna die before I hit 50 but at least I'll have some cash. I love you all, comfiest hold

>> No.19741373

Why are Statera holders so homophobic?

>> No.19741394

Depending on which way you do it, at one point you have to pay for gas for all 5 coins at once if I remember right.

There are so many with a similar story as you. Same thing happened to me with Eth a few years back.

Comfiest hold indeed.

Homophobic implies that people are afraid of them

>> No.19741454

I've seen this exact comment before. Stop using dumbfuck jew words. It's not phobia. It's disgust.

>> No.19741641

6.5 cents

>> No.19741789
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00 00 37 51 CMP
I'm having a hell of a time maintaining my body position down here; I keep floating up.

00 00 37 56 LMP
Well, there's such a great tendency to - to try and put a little force ... want to stay there. Just forget about all that and go wherever you want.

00 00 38 11 CDR
Okay, I got the SYSTEMS TEST meter set up on 4-B and ... attitude ...

00 00 38 18 LMP
4-B, okay.

00 00 38 19 CMP
What are you reading?

00 00 38 20 CDR
I'm reading 3.50.

00 00 38 26 LMP
... our attitude quantities ...

00 00 38 36 CC
Houston, Apollo 11.

00 00 38 41 CDR
Hello, Houston; Apollo ll.

00 00 38 46 CMP
OPTICS ZERO is OFF. I'm going to jettison the ... cover - -

00 00 38 50 CC
Apollo 11, Apollo 11; this is Houston through Tananarive. Over.

>> No.19741838
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Ha nice. Took me a second

>> No.19741965 [DELETED] 

I'm comfy af holding the bag till I can pool. Pumping neetbux into STA to reach that minimum suicide stack but thanos is growing strong. Dont worry though I don't need the money.
I had a thought that we should start writing down the anons participating and seeing if any have any skills to contribute like the art anon. Someone should write an unofficial wiki page or FAQ for the questions asked in most threads, an explanation about the risk of investing, the risk of statera and the potential future gains without sound pajeet. Anyone who could help the team's workload in getting the good word of STA out there in exchange for smalls donations from a few STAtesmen. Never know who reads these threads, any anon could have the time and skills to help the community.

>> No.19742004

Is this worth selling a sidecone for?

>> No.19742012 [DELETED] 

oh and anyone whos not dev team that spends time to bake the new breads should be given some STA for having done it for free, they're not mods they're STA bros, but might have enough STA as it is idk, just drunk

>> No.19742013

I would tell people to dive in but I don't want to seem like a dum dum when it fails because I'm a pessemistic fuck

I'll just gift them houses when we're on mars

>> No.19742018

Ponzi scam.

>> No.19742051

I agree. I don't mind helping people but it would be nice to have somewhere we can send people for the common questions so we don't have to type the same thing over and over.

I don't know what that is, but this is a solid investment that will pay off probably within a week or two

>> No.19742120

Thanks just sold everything because of you

>> No.19742139

I am good at hand drawing if you want. Me to try am also good at making websites and math . Pooor fag . Will do anything for Statera

Spread some cheese on this poor cracka

>> No.19742150 [DELETED] 

The problem I suppose is that its hard to explain to the new investor who knows nothing about crytpo (friends and parents). If we got some Economics anon to explain it out, made an unofficial explination and hosted it somewhere.

Something I wouldn't feel bad showing anyone because they'd know as much as I know about it, the potential for profit or loss. They're adults its their money but i'd show them if it was explained well.

It would have to be unofficial though because it would look like a total scam if they were shilling their own product

>> No.19742152
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My top skill is having my face stepped on by Furudo Erika.

>> No.19742159 [DELETED] 

I am sure people here will donate to you if you can make decent website. Just use info in the OP and make FAQ or something

>> No.19742189

Anyone else watch the etherscan for burns and wallet totals more than price like me?

>> No.19742216

Ok imma try to make wiki
I’ll be back lateer

>> No.19742268

I can make music, not sure how that can be combined with STA tho lmao

>> No.19742327
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She's not available for the moment. Don't you worry though - I've got a message for you from this piece. If you are willing to wait until Statera reaches 1$, surely your little miracle will occur.

>> No.19742522

trying to sell some STA for ETH on uniswap v2 but it won't let me confirm swap

>> No.19742563
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Such a shame that you're selling this early.
Increase slippage to 1.03%, or higher.

>> No.19742635

nope still doesn't work. when i click confirm swap it just shows the same thing, again and again confirm swap, click, confirm swap, click. Worked in v1, but refuses to work in v2

>> No.19742663

if this is going to hit $10 EOY I won't sell anyway, was just diversifying.

What price do you think it will hit EOY?

>> No.19742666

Restart your browser

>> No.19742674

tried it in two different browsers

>> No.19742692

Try 2% slippage maybe. Someone on the tg said 1.5% didn't work but 2% did

>> No.19742729
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My optimism is making me hope for $5 EOY.
Real estimate would be $1. But in the early days of the coins, and by that I mean 15 days ago, my estimate was 0.05 by the end of the first week if everything went well. So take what I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.19742849

lala FOMO faggots

>> No.19742890

>tfw $3 would make me a millionaire and it's basically guaranteed already

Feeling so so comfy

>> No.19742937 [DELETED] 
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there we go we got an anon if devs ever need royalty free background music, or do a meme jingle in the mean time.
im sure any anons making good STA memes for example would be rewarded if they posted their wallet for donations (even though they are banned in sticky, but im sure with exception to people like art anon).
With the burn of tokens + the low price of STA, its not a bad investment for the community to encourage anons to contribute. something for us to do while we wait for moon

>> No.19742946
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i do

>> No.19743016
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I don't think it would be necessary to reward people creating memes. Would be inorganic even if it could motivate some creativity. I love it when people make these for fun

>> No.19743030


>> No.19743069

Cut through the FUD, Statera!

>> No.19743072
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He Knows

>> No.19743304
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me too!

>> No.19743314 [DELETED] 

yeah youre right, the best part sometimes is that you know someone spent the time to make whatever it is. Was just an example of a use, but an inorganic one i suppose

>> No.19743430
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Royalty Free, Thank Me later


>> No.19743554

What's all the lain posting about?

>> No.19743573 [DELETED] 

dont forget to send me my commission

>> No.19743587

My only real concern with this is that there is some programming flaw in Balancer or the contract secretly lets the devs mint infinite tokens.

>> No.19743589

some fag wants to force lain as our anime waifu

>> No.19743632

Balancer is from different devs and has been audited and the contract audit should be done within a day

>> No.19743664

Sauce? I mean that isn't a concern, that's a fucking deal breaker

>> No.19743698

It's a hypothetical concern, there is no sauce

>> No.19743755

This thing is a ticking time bomb. Once that guy who added 100k to the pool pulls all that out everyone will panic and this shit will go to zero.
I'm not fudding. I hold sta. Just saying what's gonna happen.

>> No.19743760
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>> No.19743782

Not sure if really bad fud or just retarded.
I think probably both.

>> No.19743808

I’ve unironically had gay sex multiple times. I’ve fucked and been fucked, sucked and been sucked. It was a lot of fun. Now I live a very comfy life with my girl, oh and I’m a top 20 STA holder. I spent $1500 at less than 1c for my bag.

>> No.19743828

No one got paid to make link memes and I guess that’s the key difference

>> No.19743845 [DELETED] 

yeah memes was a bad example, but the FAQ page or the art anon are better of what i meant to say

>> No.19743849
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>> No.19743853

I’m sure he went to all the trouble of pooling it to just leave it there for 4 days

>> No.19743868

This is like the biggest pro and con of the coin, it requires community effort which means people work together to pool and make this a dream project. However if whales start tapping out then poof. I feel like there's still a lot of upside potential here but hmmm...

>> No.19743908

Is this your first crypto or something? With the wallet distribution, no single whale could tank the project. It would take a pretty coordinated effort from many whales to do that. Because of the balance pool, this has much stronger resistance to dumping than pretty much any other young crypto

>> No.19744050
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If any whale did do a significant dump, their transactions would be burning a lot of their sta and the balancer would be buying back their bags, now that there's more liquidity

>> No.19744063
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>> No.19744102

Almost 7C

>> No.19744139

Hello good & kind sirs. I am to be writing to you in regards to the best project to be in cryptospace now! The name of this great and wonderfull porject is named: The Idena NEET Security Protocol Token sirs.
This is be 100 percent clear moon shot to Ganesh sirs! Once you are to be touch the lotus woman, you will to know that the moonshot is to be soon and that we are all bless sirs. Many cow urine and vull semen will come to you and your village if you pruchase 10 IDENA NEET SECURITY PROTOCOL TOKEN. It will provide your village and brahim clergy many many many gainz soon and after moon sirs. My cousins Tejaswi, Parasikavaswi, Somwyashivakashavara, Prajeet ii & Visakanthra have all investe our 72000 Rupees in the IDENA NEET SECURITY PROTOCL isrs and have already received back 1 HOLE IDENA NEET SECURITY PROTOL TOKEN after mining on our Windows 95 kind big sirs.WE NOW HAVE ALMOST ENOUGH TO SHIT IN DESIGNATED SHITTING STREET WITHOUT FINE AND BEATING SIRS!
Please to be informed that the IDENA NEET SECURITY PROTOCOL TOKEN will give us many blessings, it can be bought on best exchange qTRADE sirs, where all best coins are to be traded with INDIAN Rupee, which is best RUPEE.

BUY IDENA NEET SECURITY PROTOCOL TOKEN SIRS, best coin from village congregation

>> No.19744148
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Anyone know if Anon related neck'd himself for not buying in earlier today?

>> No.19744215

He had two weeks. He better get on board now or he really will neck himself when it hits a dollar

>> No.19744301

Anyone know what does it take to get on CMC? Or to get a symbol on etherscan?

>> No.19744365 [DELETED] 

add this kind of thing with the wallet distribution to the FAQ if anyone does do it, i think 1 anon said he could write some code, someone else could write the Qs

>> No.19744369

Seems that we decisively moved outside of our accumulation zone boys. This price will unironically be the new floor after the next pump.
Price discovery within two weeks

>> No.19744410
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Can't unsee now

>> No.19744419

why the fuck hasn't my uniswap chart updated for half an hour :)

>> No.19744459

They were having issues with it yesterday too. It's a uniswap problem not specific to STA

>> No.19744486 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19744511

Have You Taken The STA Pill Yet?

>> No.19744522
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>dat volumn

>> No.19744538


>> No.19744587

Vol was 1m daily on the first big run from 1 cent to 14.

>> No.19744638

7 cents it is

>> No.19744655

Can we sustain it?

>> No.19744689

nah. we'll dump again at 8 cents. lots of people got in at 4 cents. surely they been waiting for their 2x.

>> No.19744696
File: 18 KB, 225x225, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PUMP MY BAGS SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19744728

Yeah, I expect resistance at several levels all the way up to 15c as people that bought high break even and can finally unclench their asshole

>> No.19744745

10c and 12c will be ferocious resistance, but they’ll fall

>> No.19744762

likely ping pong back and forth from 9c for a while, wick up to 11, hit a snag around 14c and see a big swing. Just gearing up for the next move to 30c and beyond

>> No.19744774

All *clap* selling *clap* is *clap* bullish

>> No.19744789
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This nigga sold? uh huhhh bitch let me tell you about my man Thanos, he gon' whoop yo weak handed ass

>> No.19744795

I haven’t sold, nigger. Top 30 here with titanium hands. I’m selling at $1.50+.

>> No.19744806

>muh audit!
I’m also the guy that makes fun of the audit every time it comes up. I made some goys very upset last night. But the price is pumping now and the fud must end. Bon chance.

>> No.19744807
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>> No.19744825

>the fud must end
see you at ATH fudder

>> No.19744832
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once this baby hits 15c
you're gonna see some serious fomo

>> No.19744851

I won't be seeing anything but hookers and blow anon

>> No.19744859

What are your PT's anons? I'm waiting til we hit $1.60 then I'm going to start shaving off 0.5% per day, half of which will be going into the pool

>> No.19744877

probably sell at a dollar but only to derisk, I will probably go into the pool too

>> No.19744878

Mine start past 56c but I'll only be taking .1% per level
I have not mapped out anything past 76 cents, crossing that bridge when we come to it

>> No.19744895

haha I called you a faggot

>> No.19744902

Depends on how fast it goes up. If it shoots up super fast, I will probably only take 5% at $1, but if it takes a while I might pull 5% or 10% at 0.50

>> No.19744933
File: 57 KB, 960x534, zCYCKPp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Kids, When in Doubt, Adjust the Slippage.

>> No.19745007
File: 186 KB, 754x1225, 16JUN20_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuesday off to a good start.

>> No.19745027

Should i be adding my stack to the liquidity pool or holding it?
when i do take it back out can i take it all back out in STA?

>> No.19745049

Wait for the price to go up some and then you can add a percentage of your stack. I think you can take it out as STA but I haven't actually removed anything from the pool to know for sure

>> No.19745071

So keep the stack and ont add it to the poll yte?

>> No.19745115

Not unless you have a pretty big stack. It will have more of an impact if you pool at a higher price and if the price dips after you pool, the value of your pool share will only go down 1/5th of whatever STA dips by

>> No.19745164
File: 191 KB, 720x960, 1592284340462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time poster here, been following the threads since day one but can only post now unless if my ISP is still banned. Hiro can kiss my ass. I wonder where we'll be, one year from now. I think I'll at least remember fondly this little accumulation period. Between the Kengan chads or the guys who keeps posting 07th Expansion stuff, LainAnon, the doctor avatarfagging, the little memes people are building and of course the anons who keep explaining the same shit over and over for newcomers. The STAble coin jokes, or even the fudders who were actually bullish on the project. No matter how Statera will evolve I will remember this experience, goes to show that every board can be decent

peace out, fuck jannies, advertisers, trannies, niggers, Fredrick, Jordan, weak hands, and most of all suicide STAtistics who will seethe and miss this moon mission

Not selling until $20

>> No.19745232


I've learned so fucking much in the last two weeks, it is unreal

>> No.19745315

Hmm, should there be more holders? I’m wondering at what price should we have at least 2000?

>> No.19745427

Weak fud, we are very inclusive, now fuck off faggot

>> No.19745453

good day so far

>> No.19745543


>> No.19745678

I think I'll add to my stack

>> No.19745742

So are we just hitting sell walls at this point?

>> No.19745936
File: 1.32 MB, 1440x1487, Bitconnect scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead coin.
Say hello to Abu-Bakr who will dump on your sorry ass when the time comes.

>> No.19745949

guys did I do a dumdum and lose some ETH?


>> No.19745977

lol you missed the dip
get better fud next time

>> No.19745987

You mean breaks 15 cents, should be sell offs at the last barrier from weak hands who wanna break even. I don't know if this coin is perfect but it seems primed to pull a raiblocks in a bullrun

>> No.19745990

Audit and kyber network soon. We will be at ath within a week.

>> No.19745997

what a suicide stack?

>> No.19746011


>> No.19746016

yea thats not happening

>> No.19746119

If you look at volume there was basically nothing bought at 15 cents. 12 cents is where most bagholders were born.

>> No.19746137

I’d say 25k

>> No.19746169 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 449x783, Annotation 2020-06-16 075456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not unreasonable I suppose, but 2.5k US can be hard to come up with short term for a lot of people esp. now with unemployment.


Any donations to suicide stacks welcome lads, I want us all to make it before it moons or gets too much exposure. Post your wallet if you hold a small bag, it might cheap enough for some STA holder anons to help you out as their good deed or just to sacrifice some tokens to Thanos.

Also fuck mods if they ban me for shilling myself ill just read the threads. Do the FAQ someone for the sake of the threads alone. Goodnight STA bros.

>> No.19746215

Lmao it’s about 3 times this price now

>> No.19746230
File: 150 KB, 750x876, 6EDBB5A6-519D-468C-86A0-6C77B959473B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you estimate larger buys.

>> No.19746359 [DELETED] 

>Post your wallet if you hold a small bag, it might cheap enough for some STA holder anons to help you out as their good deed or just to sacrifice some tokens to Thanos.
Fuck it I hate sounding like a begger but I did bought my 20k bag at premium prices of like 13c and been holding it ever since. So if there is any merciful whale out there: 0xfEc45E7A46d5292ef4A82771fb2357444F3d272A

>> No.19746387 [DELETED] 



I only have 646 STA because I'm an unemployed poorfag third worlder, even just 100 STA would be a big help for me

>> No.19746447
File: 210 KB, 820x892, woj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19746453

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.19746481

Reminder that begging is not only a bannable offence, but also fucking embarrassing to see.

>> No.19746513

20k at least

>> No.19746559
File: 76 KB, 1817x869, amidoingthisright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right? I can't wait another month until growing awareness and listings such as kyber-network pumps us to >$1. Where do you think we will consolidate after the next leg up anyway? are ~80 cent realistic? Can we reach $2 by the end of the year? Assuming all goes well...

>> No.19746642

Sells are good, they burn token

>> No.19746650

And how will he do that?

>> No.19746820

please end the madness

>> No.19746825

Are you ready for a nice little poomp?

>> No.19746873

what is going on, value of 1 sta looks good but currently if i would buy or sell with bigger ammount I would get like nothing in uniswap?

>> No.19746888

I'm a top 50 wallet and dumping my entire stack only results in 30% slippage. What's a "bigger amount" for you? Are you using v2? Pretty sure they moved the liquidity from v1 to v2...

>> No.19746923


Yes tried with 75k, but as you said it seems that liquidity is transferred, I tried V1, all good with V2

>> No.19747242

Use v2 set 1.03% slip

>> No.19747329
File: 250 KB, 399x512, AAVEworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry what? I bought more AAVE.

>> No.19747373

Think we can get to 8c by tonight GMT?

>> No.19747431

Finally added to Blockfolio, very bullish

>> No.19747441

I think we will

>> No.19747478

Good for you.

>> No.19747502

What madness would that be anon?

>> No.19747561


LINK good news = LINK dumps

As per tradition.

>> No.19747568

Why does that happen? I genuinely don't understand.

>> No.19747623

if LINK dumps then the balancer insulates us
then LINK gains slow traction again and we pump

>> No.19747629

Buy the rumor, sell the news

>> No.19747657

So once link is actually confirmed to be worth the rumoured $1000, we'll dump to $0?

>> No.19747724

No, you can see the scheduled announcements on crypto websites, people price the announcement before the official release and then take profit on the actual day of release

>> No.19747765

What was BPT's price a week ago?

>> No.19748076

It was somewhere around 5 ETH for 1.
Not sure if that's what it was a full week ago but late last week it was around there

>> No.19748182

African American Vernacular English?

>> No.19748195


>> No.19748248


>> No.19748257

Good morning America. What a beautiful day to wake up as see positivity. Let’s show these international boys how we do it. Let’s break down the 0.07¢ barrier and never look back. Today is feeling like a good, no, a damn good day to pick up more STA.

>> No.19748273

Because he needs to fill his bags before this takes off why else

>> No.19748298

literally about to break out. these people get some sort of sick satisfaction when other people lose. it's pretty sad desu

>> No.19748357
File: 62 KB, 1878x973, Tto1QZvJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19748412

What funds does Thanos use to balance the funds?

>> No.19748437

The pool

>> No.19748481

Have americans woken up yet?

>> No.19748494


>> No.19748528

East coast has. By the time our full machine is up and rolling for the day, I expect to see 8¢ by mid-afternoon.

>> No.19748661
File: 6 KB, 592x384, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you comfy? I'm comfy.

>> No.19748704

>meme lines
Why can't anyone provide an actual analysis

>> No.19748715

Green line go up soon I'll bet
dude trust me

>> No.19748716

Why not analyse the memelines?
What sort of analysis are you looking for here?

>> No.19748724
File: 29 KB, 939x546, stonknes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a coom analysis and it was pretty close

>> No.19748739
File: 45 KB, 1227x651, memelines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine

>> No.19748745

Got some analysis for you boys.


If we correspond each letter to its position in the alphabet, we get 19 20 1 20 5 18 1. 19 + 20 + 1 + 20 + 5 + 18 + 1 = 84. There are 5 tokens in the pool. 84 times 5 = 420. 4/20. Weed. The largest weed stock according to google is the Canopy Growth Corp with a market cap of $6.149 billion. It is an American company. The population of America is 328.2 million. Dividing 6,149,000,000 by 328,000,000 gives us 18.75. At time of writing, the 24h change for STA is +23.19%. 18.75 divided by 23.19 equals 0.808. I can therefore say with absolute certainty, that the next peak will hit $0.808.

>> No.19748765
File: 39 KB, 750x899, 103243012_796534420879385_9131384149883086497_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im feelin this

>> No.19749077

more reliable than reTArds

>> No.19749218


>> No.19749232
File: 6 KB, 238x212, sung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19749248

holy fuck 7.8c

>> No.19749271

nothing, unless coingecko hasnt updated yet?

>> No.19749281

If you're holy fuck for 7.8c, what will you say for 100c??

>> No.19749296

>using the wrong liquidity

>> No.19749324


>> No.19749370

It's showing 6.6c goddamnit. Reeeeeeeee !!

>> No.19749694

Why are threads getting slower? I miss the first 4 days

>> No.19749736

Its mostly the time. And also once we moon, these will get more active

>> No.19749748

Little news and little movement. What's there to discuss, crabbing? Posters in the thread we hate?

>> No.19749761

stay poor

>> No.19749780

I can see rivers of tears of people missing this gem this early

>> No.19749787

stop shitting up the board with this faggy fucking shitcoin

>> No.19749804

Sorry you missed the boat fag you could have fed your entire village near Mumbai with these gains.

>> No.19749859

You should care less about shitting up the board and more about the shitting up your streets pajeet

>> No.19749893 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 1078x1077, 1592313180514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon I sent like $5 of ETH about one week ago in one of the Statera threads. Could you please return the favor if you're still around? I fucked up several things due to alcohol, spent ~14$ ETH on obivious tops/scams and I'm unable to do even the smallest of transactions and the realizion struck me only now.

Here is my address, check your list of transactions you will probably find me : 0xA50f1A3E266e0Cba54dE6390CBf038B899325F7E

You're welcome. Otherwise I'll just have to wait a few days until I can transfer some money

>> No.19749950



>> No.19749975

Good Guy Anon.

>> No.19749995



Did I miss something else shilled in these threads?

>> No.19750019
File: 541 KB, 3000x3000, 1589819238321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea you missed the newest one called "uninuke".

>> No.19750041


>> No.19750079
File: 534 KB, 1032x729, 1590270059050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much of a good guy. You know the bobo who got caught fudding a while ago? Well that was me. I did it to shitpost, but ironic shitposting is still shitposting and it could have killed this token in the bud

>> No.19750096

Yes. You missed EthX. I turned my 1 ETH to 8 ETH on it but the fucker started to exit scam HARD on day 1 itself so I only managed to take out 4 ETH and just 5 minutes later, the liquidity went to 0.

>> No.19750186
File: 114 KB, 1723x624, stamoon6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew these lines 3 months ago. Everything is going according to plan.

>> No.19750199

>could have killed this token in the bud
I doubt it. Sure fud can cause some people to sell, which can snowball. But killing the project is a bit extreme
This isn't some shitcoin that's relying on hype to stay afloat. It's like saying you could have killed ETH in its early days with fud

>> No.19750209
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>> No.19750232

Yes, timetraveller anon here

>> No.19750542
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1585161407915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the price of LINK in 2026?

>> No.19750629

0, sorry

>> No.19750657

it stays at $4 until 2025 though

>> No.19750673


In 2026, LINK oracles would be able to cure cancer. World rejoices.


>> No.19750687

Which year were the Rothschilds finally beheaded?

>> No.19750689
File: 213 KB, 496x407, 1583855542300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price of a link token in 2026 is 81000 united states dollars.
could be 4 dollars all the time before then but it will be 81000$ then.

>> No.19750715


Financial Reports are out.

>> No.19751009

EOY cannot come fast enough, I'm too excited for things to come

>> No.19751034
File: 2.36 MB, 1280x720, 376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19751426

well, i asked on here yesterday, consulted the original post, and tried many different ways to add liquidity and into the pool. no luck, for some reason the transactions keep failing and i'm just not grasping what im supposed to do.

>> No.19751469

Opened the pdf and lost all my link, thanks. What does it say?

>> No.19751497

Can this team be any more based

>> No.19751580

The Uniswap method should be no different than buying STA. What exactly happens when you try it?

>> No.19751582

Do you have STA?

>> No.19751612

Did you increase slippage tolerance to 1.03%?

>> No.19751648

yes im using the uniswap link for BPT, and when i try to swap STA for BPT it just keeps saying it fails

>> No.19751674

is that a virus or something

>> No.19751727

Did you increase the gas fee? Apparently gas fees are kind of high right now

He's joking.

>> No.19751729

Are you using uniswap v2?

>> No.19751773

yes, using uniswap v2 and the gas is 1.03%. it just is stuck on pending for a long time and then ultimately doesn't go through.

>> No.19751810
File: 33 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200616-074507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financial Report Coming Thru



>> No.19751826

Gas fees are different from slippage. Try changing the slippage to 2%, and when the Metamask confirmation pops up, click 'edit' where it says 'gas fee', and then click fastest

>> No.19751862
File: 194 KB, 1024x779, ced809c06841e52ee083afe88d8a4e50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now ask yourself Stautists, why would they need to provide such documentation? What "box are they checking"?

>> No.19751898

They hype box

>> No.19751942
File: 384 KB, 350x263, 1581553986603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19752049
File: 427 KB, 767x564, 1590770718367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are checking the OOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOooooOOOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOooooOOOooooo-box

>> No.19752119
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1583609397374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and we are not Stautists we have confirmed to be STAGGOTS since when you hold STA your kind of sort of also holding chainlink which makes you gay.

>> No.19752306

yep tried that as well with fastest and still is stuck on pending after 20 minutes.

>> No.19752551

They pop more on the weekends. Lots of anons work x.x

>> No.19752618

Did you scroll down on Metamask and clicked ”save” on gas fees instead of just closing that small window?

>> No.19752720
File: 76 KB, 1381x724, Screen Shot 2020-06-16 at 10.56.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19752725

yes i did. Im supposed to be switching STA to BPT or ETH to BPT?

>> No.19752800

looks like there's room in the triangle for another dip down to 0.00025 before it breaks out

>> No.19752898

Liftoff SOON

>> No.19752919

Either one will work. You might need to try a different browser. Sometimes a tx will get stuck and until that tx gets unstuck, nothing else will work

>> No.19752937

Why can't I sell some of my STA in V2?

I press confirm swap and it does nothing, it just keeps repeating, theres no pending or anything. Its really pissing me off, I don't want all my money locked up in uniswap.

I have my STA in my coinbase wallet, is that the issue, if so why does it work fine with V1?

>> No.19752969

Change slippage to 1.03% or higher. Only use Uniswap v2, v1 has no liquidity anymore

>> No.19752995

But I have slippage at 2.5%

Does nothing

>> No.19753044

did the needful

>> No.19753051

Restart browser or try with a different browser. It's just the universe telling you you are retarded for selling

>> No.19753065
File: 425 KB, 2406x1814, 1565676918772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup folks

>> No.19753082

That volume profile says we lift off soon, not sure you get the dip

>> No.19753119


>> No.19753120

How are we today my fellow staggots? EOD price predictions? I’m looking for $0.085.

>> No.19753192

0.05 pleaseee

>> No.19753195

Could be 2 days till liftoff. Pack your bags anons

>> No.19753204

Y-Your supposed to be dead!

>> No.19753211

It’s over for you, swingie

>> No.19753212


>> No.19753271
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>> No.19753278

Just an FYI I've seen you in the telegram and you are a top tier faggot

>> No.19753316
File: 88 KB, 1187x1052, snip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I would die by myself 2 days ago, after 2 days. Furfaggot and trips cannot kill me. Tomorrow I will die. promise.

enjoy more snibbing for now

>> No.19753339
File: 1.04 MB, 511x788, 6bir3ri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19753366

sry I meant 3 days, I snapfingered. keyboard is hard to use as a crab.

>> No.19753373
File: 655 KB, 610x611, 1586288674681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fooken based

>> No.19753377

It looks so sad :(

Do it slowly.

>> No.19753423

Its over

>> No.19753470
File: 28 KB, 550x393, 1585421684176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is its? Over.

>> No.19753695
File: 55 KB, 1024x696, 5C5E5ABB-2A64-486D-9A92-F19DEB011405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wanted to get in early
>binance made me wait literally 10 days to withdraw ETH
>STA 70x’d in that time, was literally here for the first thread and wanted to get in
>got a 12k stack instead of a 150k stack
>got laid off, last $400 is in STA
STA is my last hope

>> No.19753724
File: 872 KB, 511x788, 2v2xya6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.19753804

Fren, send your wallet address, if STA hits $1 i'll send you something nice. We are all Statanonists, in this together.

>> No.19753838

Yup. Do it. If sta hits $1, that'll fetch me a good amount so I won't mind forwarding some eth in the community. Despite the uniswap scam spamming on the board, I relate to people here tons more than the rest of the kiked social media combined.

>> No.19754280
File: 2.31 MB, 3840x2160, STA_4K_Wallpaper_DeepBlue__0x5a4DAA3BF7267411495cE26Fb6597146FEfc37a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAANG This looks good on my desktop in 4K!

I'm really happy with this one Stanons & Stabros!
Hope you like it too

>> No.19754425


>> No.19754435


there you go kind sirs. i expect nothing and you don’t have to do that, i was just venting my sob story lol.

>> No.19754682

Should we be exposing Statera more as community anons? Instead of just relying on devs.

>> No.19754881

You should promote it in any way you can without coming across as a paid shill. Several youtubers have mentioned doing videos on it, but I don't know what time-frame to expect them to be released. It will be more beneficial once the audit is done, which should in theory be sometime today if the audit firm meets their deadline

>> No.19754941


>> No.19755024
File: 227 KB, 1080x1654, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Question Frens:Just posted in the Tgroup.

Line 135 in the solidity contract can be exploited through a race condition.

Does it apply to us?

Line 135



>The race condition that happens the most on the network today is the race condition in the ERC20 token standard. The ERC20 token standard includes a function called 'approve' which allows an address to approve another address to spend tokens on their behalf. Assume that Alice has approved Eve to spend n of her tokens, then Alice decides to change Eve's approval to m tokens. Alice submits a function call to approve with the value n for Eve. Eve runs a Ethereum node so knows that Alice is going to change her approval to m. Eve then submits a tranferFrom request sending n of Alice's tokens to herself, but gives it a much higher gas price than Alice's transaction. The transferFrom executes first so gives Eve n tokens and sets Eve's approval to zero. Then Alice's transaction executes and sets Eve's approval to m. Eve then sends those m tokens to herself as well. Thus Eve gets n + m tokens even thought she should have gotten at most max(n,m).

The Remedy
>The best fix for the ERC20 race condition is to add a field to the inputs of approve which is the expected current value and to have approve revert if Eve's current allowance is not what Alice indicated she was expecting. However this means that your contract no longer conforms to the ERC20 standard. If it important to your project to have the contract conform to ERC20, you can add a safe approve function. From the user perspective it is possible to mediate the ERC20 race condition by setting approvals to zero before changing them.

To remedy the race condition maybe they'll have to add a safe approve function, which is trivial. Thoughts?

>> No.19755049

that bullshit has been posted on flama's tg to create fud. stop believing in everything you read, for christ sake.

I can't wait for this audit to come so people can stop being retarded

>> No.19755062

bold of you to assume we know anything about smart contracts. But interesting

>> No.19755085

I'm reading the contract bro, ffs either help or gtfo

>> No.19755142

Nice brother, based.

>> No.19755144

Well it seemed to work when I used ETH directly to BPT. Now the question is, where is my BPT stored and how can i access it?

>> No.19755152
File: 70 KB, 1294x794, 3249332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm helping. I'm telling you someone on another channel said that line is a race condition and falls under the SWC-114.

hey look, that line is also on the FMA contract! So their contract is vulnerable as well? c'mon dude

>> No.19755166
File: 21 KB, 950x678, 1592327942938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thought Statera V4 was a meme
The gulp fuction then, now the race condition. That's two major bugs which will need a correction and a new version to wipe the slate clean. Be sure to sell before going through the V1, V2 and V3 debacle. Could it be that they are doing it on purpose? Looks very scummy.

>> No.19755171

The videos or the audit?

It probably isn't true, but even if it was, that is a very, very specific scenario that wouldn't effect the project as a whole. It is a bit like saying that if you let someone borrow your car, they could copy your key and then steal your car.

>> No.19755185
File: 107 KB, 758x1599, IMG-20200616-WA0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Impressive, very nice.

Lets see Paul Alen's 4K Statera Logo

>> No.19755203

It is in your Metamask, but you have to click add token and enter the BPT contract address before it will show up

>> No.19755209

I was thinking the same, the delegated addresses would have to be bad actors too.

>> No.19755223

Is this fud trying to get me to sell or real? GUYS?

>> No.19755232

what is the BPT contract address?

>> No.19755236

take a guess.

>> No.19755249



>> No.19755261
File: 6 KB, 203x249, 1590439235800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to bake new bread.

>> No.19755282
File: 68 KB, 1080x395, Imagine selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post still holds true ten days after.
The wait is killing me. I'm convinced that STA being worth at least 10$ will happen but the wait is killing me

>> No.19755294

Kicking myself for not having gotten in earlier but I was sure this was another exit scam, and to be fair for a little while there it looked like it was

currently have a tiny 18k. I'm figuring if I can get that up to 25k I'll be able to consider that a suicide stack. If it does moon I'll probably be crying for not selling off stawks to get 100s of ks but still feeling like STA is a gamble even if it isn't an exit scam and making it isn't guaranteed

>> No.19755363

Hindsight is a bitch. I would have had 1.5 mil STA if I would have all-in'ed on my first buy, but I put in a third and then FOMO'd all in at a higher price. Can't beat yourself up over it though, just do what you can with the information you have available at the moment.

>> No.19755459

Just note this convo down somewhere so that you can figure out why some ETH got pumped in your wallet one random day in the future.

>> No.19755603

How much you got now? 300K here

>> No.19755610


>> No.19755662

That's a nice stack. Top 100 is comfy as fuck

>> No.19755703

Agreed. I've never been this comfy

>> No.19755723

150k here. Had enough ETH to get 1 million on day 1 of statera v3 but the general skepticism towards new uniswap tokens made me too reluctant.

>> No.19755854

Still nothing to scoff at. Imagine being a normie and having to buy STA at $1 in the future. It will still be a good investment, though, but it boggles the mind to think about

>> No.19755912

Added to the pool finally, let's fucking go

>> No.19755980

- Ingredients for new bread mayhaps?

>> No.19756022
File: 1.87 MB, 3840x2160, STA_Logo_NEUTRONSTAR__0x5a4DAA3BF7267411495cE26Fb6597146FEfc37a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe dis powerhouse but I'm not done with it gonna add LIGHTNINGGBOLTZ n Shitz yooo

>> No.19756044

Why do some of the people invested in this godlike project have such weak hands? it dipped again

>> No.19756052

Oh yeah, that's a good accumulation dip right there.

>> No.19756063

It's like before. 7cents has some sort of resistance.

>> No.19756581
File: 66 KB, 718x404, 1592234391175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
