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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 275 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200615-135615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19734650 No.19734650 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone up for a poorfolio thread? What are you buying, what are selling, what are you shilling?
God I hope these coins all go up by October.

>> No.19734735

That’s not a poorfolio. Nice humblebrag, fag.

>> No.19734762

I got 1550 linkies
10.000 lend
380 BNT

>> No.19734785
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buying: more link, possibly DMM DAO
selling: nothing
shilling: vidt

>> No.19734813

Sorry anon, usually people on here mock how little I have. I found most people consider anything under 10K poor.
Anything you are holding?

I am so torn on if I should put my eth into BNT or not. Lend also is looking nice, Kyber is obviously my defi play, but it is a bit safe.

>> No.19734825

>it's another poorfag thread where everyone has 5k+ portfolios

Sell the Link for some ghost.

>> No.19734832

I am keeping my eyes peeled for the sale on the 22nd, it seems like a good opportunity to jump in. I would not suggest buying uniswap bags to anybody curious.

>> No.19734842

i love these poorfolio threads because it gives me a sentiment indicator on what not to buy

>> No.19734867
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Forgot my folio not that anyone cares.

>> No.19734948

Happy to help anon! I hope your gains are lofty.

Nice KNC stack. I have to admit the more I learn about John McAfee the more I feel like I should stay away from anything he touches. Not to say you wont make money, its just a 50/50

>> No.19735079

>I have to admit the more I learn about John McAfee the more I feel like I should stay away from anything he touches.

this.. do 20 minutes of research into McAfee and its clear hes a certified schizo
he might have been a founder of one of the largest security products in modern day, but the dude has lost his mind.

constantly thinks hes being tracked by agencies, has a death switch with "terabytes" of classified information he will leak
that and the fact that hes openly said he was "just pretending to be retarded" numerous times, a la BTC to $1 million or ill cut off my dick haha jk i didnt really mean it

>> No.19735091

McAfee enjoys shit in his mouth.

But if I can give you any tips anon, I'd go for MCO and RSR.

>> No.19735126

I don't know.. it s also good to have eth
for me the reason for bancor was it is partnered with chainlink. aave as well

>> No.19735161
File: 155 KB, 2048x1649, MINDS-Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been selling most of my STA, POWER and LINK and start buying this little micro cap token that I believe will be up 100X in weeks:

MINDS remains as the absolute hidden GEM, and we have very strong reasons to believe its price will parabolical explode this week, here's some reasons:

- MINDS is a Social Network on Ethereum, it combines the best features of Youtube, Twitter and Facebook in one decentralised platform. Vitalik has address the need for something like this, and he has already mentioned directly to MINDS: https://decrypt.co/30290/vitalik-buterin-trump-twitter-clash-need-alternative

- MINDS has been on the news lately, and with the new instance of their platform coming soon and the freenzy for this kinds of projects, price will explode: https://decrypt.co/30386/ethereum-based-social-network-minds-now-has-2-5-million-users

- MINDS CEO Bill Ottman will be feature in Bloomberg later this week, and here's proof, his profile was just added to Bloomberg database in advance (https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/20833854)) to the feature "The Future of Social Network is Decentralised, meet the players"

- MINDS CEO Bill Ottoman was a guest on Joe Rogan podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJowz_-pj4U [Embed] [Open] [Embed] It's now confirmed that Ottman will be again on Joe Rogan THIS MONTH.

There are very few tokens available most of them on Uniswap, with a circulating supply of 1.5M (total supply 8M), MINDS has a marketcap of $350k !! So, are you going to watch this story developing on the sidelines, or are you going BIG ??

Be quick, there's many eyes on the target:

>> No.19735220
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Of course you should buy BNT!

>> No.19735221
File: 33 KB, 1241x267, 3FA0387E-3FFB-48A0-87F0-D3C1D3A5073B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you niggers really not have 10K LINK? I thought everyone here had like 20K+ stacks??

>> No.19735303

Any predictions anon? What are you expecting to happen in July? Do you think it is worth it even if you do not add to the liquidity pools?

See anon? >>19735221

>> No.19735427
File: 312 KB, 828x1792, 88196C35-1AB3-4D80-9147-B503F9E412CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these literal, unironically, smelly, filthy, degenerate gambling pajeets who buy literal who shitcoins that are worth fractions of fractions of pennies
Plebeians, ALL of you.

>> No.19735491

How are ETH, KNC, and LINK who coins? Get with the now grandpa

>> No.19735501

Hey buddy, I like your token, but it ain’t doing anything for the space.

>> No.19735599


The first Bancor V2 pools will go live and be battle tested.

If impermanent loss has been resolved liquidity providers will rush to migrate from Uniswap pools to Bancor V2 pools.

As liquidity fills up in Bancor pools and TVL rises on DeFipulse, BNT price will be driven up. Because as liquidity get locked up BNT goes up, and as BNT goes up liquidity is locked. It's a perfect circle.

Major communities looking for staking options to generate yield from idle assets, such as Chainlink community, will lock up funds in new Bancor V2 pools without risk of impermanent loss and without needing any exposure to other tokens in the pool.

Bancor pools will become the standard staking options for these communities.

Bancor will have more protocol earnings tham any other DeFi protocol (already passed Uniswap), Bancor's liquidity pools will become the largest, BNT will continue to rise.

Then, BNT staking rewards will be initiated and the community will likely vote for a high amount of inflation, causing people to lock up BNT in Bancor pools to collect rewards. :imiting available supply, while diluting non-stakers. Further driving BNT price up.

BNT will be listed on Coinbase soon following. Creating full pleb fomo.

$10 BNT.

Bancor will then become a Top 40 coin with a 200M market cap and be in top 5 TVL on defipulse.

This is July through November.

>> No.19735626

Why are you so sure that BNT will be on coinbase given that it is a banned platform in the USA?

>> No.19735776
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This brainlet simp FUD again? Really? Try harder Unicuck. Bancor isn't "banned" anywhere.

Now run along little faglet.

>> No.19735896
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Ummm anon....?

>> No.19735955
File: 702 KB, 810x3295, Screenshot_20200615-145658_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hold shitcoins make sure you diversify. 50% of your portfolios (at least) should be high cap coins. Good luck anons

>> No.19735968

Is this not clear enough anon? I mean i get that people can just use a VPN. Are you just pissy over the semantics?

>> No.19736018
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This is absolute retard tier xrp type fud.
Bancor isn't banned in the US, they have voluntarily restricted US users because complying with US policies is a nightmare.
Pro-tip they just did the BitMex way and lazily "restricted" people so it seems they are compling. In reality a free VPN will let you trade.

It is not restricted by any laws for US investors. And this is fucking retarded level fud because dex aggregators such as 1inch will source from Bancor anyway.
Protip people will source from Bancor automatically through dex aggregators and won't even need to "log in" bancor, it will be done automatically.
What's next are you going to shut down the internet?

Unicuck onions bitches are disgusting manlets.You have to be asian there is no doubt about it.

>> No.19736040


>> No.19736078

Not even 1. Get the fuck out with your lunch money

>> No.19736130
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>> No.19736488

based, you're looking at an easy 100k here

LINK is old news but may hold it's value well, I'd say this will be $150k or so next bull run. Personally I'd sell some of your LINK for ETH or BTC. VIDT isn't bad, look into TRAC or LIT.

Based, you'll make it to $150k or so if you HODL. Buy BTC and ETH.

Sell some of that my dude and put it in BTC.

>calling others plebs with less than half a BTC

This is what a $750k-1m portfolio looks like anons, take notes. Nice diversity and consolidation into high cap coins.

>> No.19736524

Ty anon :) I hope I get to even $250k, that would be life changing.

>> No.19736661
File: 350 KB, 750x1334, 64B5983F-C0D3-49A3-8434-535BAB12C348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you calling pleb, pleb?

>> No.19736721

Thanks for the hopium anon, I have a little one coming around the end of the year which means I am about done accumulating, I wont be able to spend on crypto anymore lol. I know its kind of lame, but I just want to get enough to make sure things are comfortable for my new family.

>> No.19736774

oof sell m8. Take your gains and buy 1 BTC. OR maybe even XMR, but I'd sell that shit ASAP.

That shit look's like it's only being held up by wash trading.

good luck with the new family friend! Definitely a good time to go more conservative with your investments, if you rent I would really recommend buying a property. Start with a duplex if you are willing to find tenants, you could live for free (which would help out a ton with bills I'm sure).

Good luck man, definitely buy a house when shit starts flying here in a year or two.

>> No.19736834
File: 23 KB, 500x284, nol3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have one! The wife and I have owned our house for a couple of years now. It is always nice knowing my payments go towards equity rather than someones pocket. Its a good bit of work, but I just try to channel my inner Hank.

>> No.19736840

I ain’t selling my LINK retard.

>> No.19736880

Lol I do not think he meant for you sell all of it. Have any price expectations anon?

>> No.19736943

Nice! But yeah I'd dump whatever crypto gains you get next bull run back into real estate ASAP. Great safe way to make money, also if you already have a property you may be able to make enough from a multifamily to offset your current mortgage payments :)

I'm not saying LINK is bad I'm just saying you have too much of it. Chainlink is at $1.1b marketcap, it's going to be much harder to see the gains we have seen in LINK previously and I personally am wary of the project since the shilling has dropped off in volume. I sold half my stack at $4.5 for reference.

>> No.19737266


>> No.19737608

Lol poorfag and newfag combo

>> No.19737645

>has more dollars than me
>has less chainlink than me
Anon you’re doing it wrong

>> No.19737696

Epic 2017 poorfag port

>> No.19738518

20,000 LINK

20,000 EWT

Come at me.

>> No.19738592

I love these "poorfag" threads where people have more than $5k in assets.

300 LINK and 2 ETH here

>> No.19738610

Why even keep the 2 ETH? Just put it into LINK.

>> No.19738628
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Poor fag

>> No.19738664
File: 250 KB, 828x880, 72A5C405-8B1D-4356-AF15-EC7F67635407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to stiff

>> No.19738799
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You need some fund other than that it’s close to mine. Getting some kyber next

>> No.19738807

I don't like to hold 100% of a single asset and I buy more LINK every week.

>> No.19738868
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STAgang checking in

>> No.19738888
File: 435 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200615-223607_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I ever make 150k anons?

>> No.19738933
File: 226 KB, 1125x2198, 72A60D0C-733C-46A2-8D55-80F2AEBC37CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consolidate to LINK and ETH, the movement with Microsoft/Ernst Young and Baseline Protocol should tell you where enterprises are turning their attention. The MRPH is me just slinging a few grand at a longshot. Your best bets are ETH and LINK.

>> No.19739017 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200615-224209_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to catch up

>> No.19739109

I'm wicked jealous of you folks who got into Sta early. I just can't bring myself to buy at this point. It just feels like I'll be adding liquidy so that you can cash out on me. That may just be my jealousy speaking though. I'm probably just being stubborn that I won't have such amazing gains.

Do you think the defi bubble is going to pop, or do you think that Eth and Link are just going to outpace them long-term?

>> No.19739171
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0.058 BTC
200 KNC
15 XTZ
18 ZRX

What should I do? I can only put in 50$ a week.

>> No.19739194

>have less than $1000 in savings
how do i make it bros

>> No.19739237

Put it all in eth and swing trade LINKETH pairing based on stonk\btc dips

>> No.19739244

0.28 BTC puts you in the BTC global 1% and is possible to achieve investing $50.00/week. Not financial advice but that's what i would focus on if i was that poor

>> No.19739307

I need to diversify but will have to wait till I can put more in. I wasn’t expecting STA to get this big from an initial $600 investment.

>> No.19739328
File: 104 KB, 828x989, 2C163B2B-2BA4-4CDF-B601-681527780A1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic Cos I’m stupid.

>> No.19739337

I think DeFi is only a minute percentage of what ETH and LINK will achieve. Right now, it is definitely the main focus, and both players are clearly dominating the space. I anticipate that space will grow, but LINK and ETH usecases will inevitably extend beyond DeFi. Look at what OpenLaw and Norton Rose Fulbright accomplished last year...total reduction of overhead and elimination of trust on many of their “mundane” backend tasks. TLDR ETH and LINK will be two critical pillars of the 4IR

>> No.19739357

Don’t add to the pool then just hold the tokens. I’ve not added any of mine to the pool. Believe me, everyone in the pool is in there for the long haul. They want like 5/10 dollars.

>> No.19739421
File: 297 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2020-06-16-00-00-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it all

>> No.19739460

I’m not selling until at least 50 cents and even then just enough to be comfy for a year or so, I’m holding until 1$+

>> No.19739462


But I can earn Eth from KNC.

>> No.19739525

Quads of truth 150k EOM confirmed

>> No.19739567
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>> No.19739582

only things im betting on this cycle.


only thing im buying more of right now is RSR tho

>> No.19739589

Oh anon.... I'm sorry. Hope UBT goes back up man!

>> No.19739636
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It's a very poorfolio, bought at ~0.00014 ETH and i'm still very poor

>> No.19739671
File: 261 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200615-182300_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing good. Really damn good.

>> No.19739993

you're doing ok

>> No.19740009

Spamming these in threads dont help you

>> No.19740092
File: 156 KB, 1074x1432, 20200616_084823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag dollars, planning to put the MITX into RSR if it ever pumps. LIT is staked for a year.

>> No.19740292

Yeah. I have the same in UBT. I'm confident it'll go back up since they are working with legit companies.

ubt 10k
link 3k

>> No.19740344

It will go back up for sure, but plz stop this correction I'm bleeding slowly watching price

>> No.19740454

Pretty okay desu

>> No.19740622
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I'll be investing more into ETH over the coming months, in my personal opinion:
>ETH under $250
>LINK under $4.00
>BTC under $10,000
are all insanely cheap compared to what we'll see in a MINIMUM 2-3 years from now.

>> No.19740632


>> No.19740646
File: 473 KB, 750x1334, 2D7F6C53-465D-433E-B4D2-741BD2122F84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are retarded and your poorfolio is trash. This is what a real folio looks like

>> No.19740651
File: 12 KB, 250x250, R9gQTJV__400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget ETH, forget LINK, forget BTC

EWT baby

>> No.19740716
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EWT is rank 2,112 on CMC with barely one million in volume. I'm not gambling my money away on some literal who altcoin lol

>> No.19740743

it's rank 31 on CMC they just haven't updated it yet cause CZ owns CMC now and wants to accumulate the next biggest coin before the normies do so he's manipulating it. Once we pump here we'll be rank 20 ish

>> No.19740784

low caps I've been buying: PNK / GEN / DXDAO

>> No.19740950

>2 people in a row start talking about this random coin EWT out of nowhere
>muh CMC rank

Yeah, I'm thinking no thanks.

>> No.19740994
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.19741050

Shilling ARPA after the chainlink news.

Buying a fat bag of Algorand

Selling nothing

>> No.19741068
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Imagine if we had flags on /biz/, it'd give away all the pajeet shitcoins
Assuming you're still holding that random shitcoin SOUL after all this time it looks like you're down half on your small investment.