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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19733641 No.19733641 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19733649

if you're not brown you will never make it in bongland

>> No.19733675

Based cuck

>> No.19733718

lol, its an unfortunate situation but its incredibly political correctness gone mad here.

If you are white, you get shat on, if you are black or brown you get a free house, and loads of money (even more if you have a gajillion kids as these subhumans do).

>> No.19733889

Britain has been corrupted from high up. We have a paki in charge of London. Every crime in London is by a paki or nigger. Most parts of the city are over run with niggers and pakis. You would not live there if you were paid. You can find some peace away from the cities. Away from the cities you do have to suffer the gypsy cunts that go around stealing anything that isn’t bolted to the floor, even then it’s no guarantee it won’t be stolen.

>> No.19733943

£2mil GDP after tax.

>> No.19733973

gypos are cunts. Beat up one of the fuckers for fly tipping once lol

>> No.19734019

Good. Where I am they are everywhere. The cunts drive around in brand new Mercedes though. They just Park they’re caravans up on village greens and leave about 2 weeks later and don’t clean their shit up. Scum

>> No.19734163
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zero. if you make good money you'll get taxed 60%. just get diagnosed with some mental illness, find a nice doc and start earning more than the median wagecuck for the rest of your life.


>> No.19734205

However much it costs to leave.

t. bong who sees the country is dead

>> No.19734228 [DELETED] 

The coronavirus panic was invented to excuse for the ruling class for our inevitable, hyperinflationary collapse. The U. K. government can only fund itself if yields on gilts are miniscule. If yields went to even 5%, we'd have to cut something as large as the NHS, or pensions. But if they went to 20%, which, at this point, is the bare minimum which free-market price-discovery would make them, the whole system would collapse. No schools. No hospitals. No pensions. Nothing. Everything would come tumbling down. This is because the amount of debt we have is simply enormous. We only keep yields low by money-printing, so the present state of affairs is temporary--it can go on for a few more years at best. Either we pull the plug now, and the whole country falls into oblivion, or we keep inflating the currency for a few more years to suppress yields until we destroy the pound--and then the whole system collapses anyway. Politicians will always try to fob the problem off on the next government, so expect the second, far worse hyperinflationary collapse. The consequences will be blamed on capitalism, rather than socialism and central planning. Labour will probably get in, and then the real hell starts. And when there's anarchy and mayhem in the streets, you won't even be able to own a gun to protect yourself.

>> No.19734237

If I just uncensor myself and start saying Hitler was the good guy, jews didn't get gassed, that the earth is actually flat and NASA is stealing US taxpayer money to keep the lie alive, will I be eligible for free bongbux? Or will I go to jail?
I'm white.

>> No.19734242

The coronavirus panic was invented to excuse the ruling class for our inevitable, hyper-inflationary collapse. We survive by borrowing money, and the U. K. government can only fund itself if yields on gilts are minuscule. If yields on gilts went to even 5%, we'd have to cut something as large as the NHS, or pensions. But if they went to 20%, which, at this point, is the bare minimum which free-market price-discovery would make them, the whole system would collapse. No schools. No hospitals. No pensions. Nothing. Everything would come tumbling down. This is because the amount of debt we have is simply enormous. We only keep yields low by money-printing, so the present state of affairs is temporary--it can go on for a few more years at best. Either we pull the plug now, and the whole country falls into oblivion, or we keep inflating the currency for a few more years to suppress yields until we destroy the pound--and then the whole system collapses anyway. Politicians will always try to fob the problem off on the next government, so expect the second, far worse hyperinflationary collapse. The consequences will be blamed on capitalism, rather than socialism and central planning. Labour will probably get in, and then the real hell starts. And when there's anarchy and mayhem in the streets, you won't even be able to own a gun to protect yourself.

>> No.19734281

>no tax on cryptos until you cash out
You tell me bud, unlike the US, you can just trade them for assets totally tax free.

>> No.19734285

I just want to get away from this shit hole now. Where can u go to escape it? I bet its the same shit wherever you go.

>> No.19734317

That's funny. I'm originally from Stuttgart, Germany. When I was visiting last time, we were walking around a container home for the "poor, poor" refugees who suffered so much violence back home. They were having a nice BBQ and there was a new, black Mercedes E Class and a new, black Mercedes SUV parking there. The average German drives a 10-year old beater, on the other hand.

>> No.19734321 [DELETED] 


Switzerland, Montenegro, Singapore, and a few other places will be safe. But only the wealthiest people in our society will be able to escape there.

>> No.19734345


Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Singapore, and a few other places will be safe. But only the wealthiest people in our society will be able to escape there.

>> No.19734361

How good is Liechtenstein to live in?
I've adored it ever since I zoomed in on its part of the map.

>> No.19734377
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>I'm white.

>> No.19734458

Luxury retail logistics

t. Burger that used to work at "one of the big uns" in London

Arab, Chinese, and Russian money is absolutely fucking insane

>> No.19735092

>based fence sitter
cheer up mate