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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 960x720, jeff-bezos-amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1973075 No.1973075 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck /biz/, I just discovered Amazon's Mechanical Turk marketplace and I cannot believe people are signing up for this willingly. I can't believe Amazon are getting away with it either.


How is this not against the law? People are working for the equivalent of like $1 an hour, probably less. And not to mention how nightmare inducing the entire idea of it is. It's literally Bezo's hiring fucking human robots for pennies meanwhile he's on his way to being the richest man on earth. Not that I care for that aspect, but more the implications of this becoming increasingly popular. We live in scary times indeed, this paired with the possibility of universal income and therefore 0 chance of social mobility is enough to send any one into a depression.


What are your thoughts on this? I know I'm late on this one, but what the fuck!

>> No.1973080

>Thinking people do this as their for real job
How old are you, anon?

>> No.1973091


It's mostly used by peasants who live in poor countries where $1 an hour is an acceptable wage.

>> No.1973111

Some people do already. I looked into it to see what peoples thoughts on this were before posting.
And even so, this is going to become more popular very soon. You can count on that and remember where you heard it.

Doesn't that rub you the wrong way at all?

No, there are plenty of Americans using it too.

>> No.1973112

I thought that as well until I read that 80% of users are from the US. I guess the US is a third world country now.

>> No.1973122
File: 38 KB, 600x408, 1486602759332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't get worked up over it, I mean what are we supposed to do with dumb people? Transforming them into mindless drones would be an upgrade. It's Darwinian if anything.

>> No.1973125

It's kinda like Uber without a car

>> No.1973139

if you are a neet and want some more money and sit in your shitty home all day why waste time for nothing? I guess I would do the same if I would sit at home all day long just to kill some time and make some small money out of that.
Maybe there are some people that sit at work and have nothing to do because they just watch some machines do stuff and are there to fix problems but if there are non they sit around doing nothing. If they have accress to mturk why not kill time with that?

>> No.1973153


It's highly unethical, you pleb. It's glorified sweatshop tier

>> No.1973158

>muh workers rights
Grow up faggot

>> No.1973170

This is for beer money. To make a lot of money from this shit you will have to spend hours, but even than, it will not be a lot. Many better ways to make some side cash: freelance writing, ebay, etc.

>> No.1973180


so what? no one forces those people to do that shit...
they are not put into a giant factory with thousands of others to do dumb tasks and only get a small portion of what they worked for like the good old wow china gold farmer guys...

>> No.1973181

I think you are just afraid this is what jobs will become in the future when the world becomes overpopulated and the big corporations become our government.

>> No.1973200

yeah the baby boomer era of high paying jobs without skill is over

you can thank the Jews, globalists, or the tech industry, but you'll habe to face the reality that no one owes you anything anymore because you were born a white male in America.

>> No.1973248

It's not just that though.
It's the implications, you retarded fuck.

>so what? no one forces those people to do that shit...
Not "so what", or would you be fine with allowing people to work for less than min wage? It's undeniably unethical, you're just an edge lord.

That is a possibility though. I just can't believe it exists now and by Amazon no less. Amazon is no small fry. If they wanted to put the pedal to the metal on this, they could easily do so. Working like sweatshop workers online.

t. pissed off Clinton voter

>> No.1973289


Bezos is satan

>> No.1973313

Well he's gonna be the richest man in the world soon

>> No.1973344


god help us all.

>> No.1973487

>would you be fine with allowing people to work for less than min wage?
I'm fine with this. It's not intended as a full time job. It's more like the compensation you get for participating in a study at a local university. The fact that some people are dumb enough to make it into a profession, isn't really the fault of Amazon.

>> No.1973495

>How is this not against the law? People are working for the equivalent of like $1 an hour, probably less

Because they're technically not employees.

Read this, it's fun: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/jia-tolentino/the-gig-economy-celebrates-working-yourself-to-death

>> No.1973536

used to do this shit when i was 14 and couldnt work.
found a guy who payed me to collect mlb stats for like a dollar per game
good gig when you cant work legally

>> No.1973543

Years ago you could actually make something off this.

The pay rate has gradually fallen over time and it's basically shit. I have a coworker who does surveys and shit (other sites) on her lunch break because she's a workbot and can't imagine anything like reading a book, dicking around, or enjoying her life in any capacity for half an hour.

>> No.1973545

because even the internet doesnt want to interact directly witch turkish people

the guy is a genius

>> No.1973602

It's highly unethical.

They protested recently I believe, trying to change that.

Sure, but it's unethical regardless. Even the name has sinister connotations.

Some of them make 1k a month, which isn't bad considering. But the actual breakdown of hours you put in vs. what you get is like 1 dollar an hour.

Well, he's rich enough to fund any business and it will likely never fail.
See: Blue Origin

>> No.1974029

You haven't given any evidence to support your claim that it's 'highly unethical.' Just saying it doesn't make it so.

Additionally, if you manage to earn 1000 per month with the service, you have to be making more than 'like 1 dollar per hour' since there are only physically 730 hrs in a month.

>> No.1974457

>You haven't given any evidence to support your claim that it's 'highly unethical.' Just saying it doesn't make it so.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1974460

Blue origin is a copycat of SpaceX too
Bezos is a scumbag

>> No.1974466

Ignoring the demands of the working class is bad. How do you think marxism spread?

>> No.1974477

Is 1 dollar an hour better or is nothing better?
It is shitty but really, if minimum wage gets implemented or goes up there will be more people without a job as well.

>> No.1974492

I do it in my freetime when I'm watching /tv/ then just use it for amazon purchases, which is ideal for both me and bezos.

>> No.1974614

>making this jew even richer

>> No.1974813

"i only do this for fun when i have nothing to do".i would literally rather do nothing than this. its inconceivable and i agree with the op. this venture should die immediately even out of principle

>> No.1974871


He *claims* to be "Buddhist", I don't think owning and running a vampiric multi-national corporation that sells dragon dildos and dinosaur adult-fan-fiction to the masses world-wide counts as "Freeing yourself from worldly attachments"

>> No.1974881
File: 35 KB, 476x579, 1441467776924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would do it but Amazon Payments won't let me make an account, presumably because I have no credit history.

>tfw too poor to be a human robot

>> No.1974884

>be a NEET
>18 hours of free time a day but no friends or hobbies
>a few dozen clicks between jack-off sessions earns enough money to buy more tendies
>can work entirely on your own time
There's nothing unethical or sweatshop-like about it you fucking communist. These jobs could be done by a child with a learning disability; they are lower than "unskilled."

>> No.1974924

>comes to horrible board regularly
>reads shit advice about starting a biz
>mostly worthless time wasting
>frugal living
>happily would live cancer inducing life instead of wageslaving
>gamble cryptos? Sure!
>gamble shitstocks? Yup
Click some surveys for a few dollars?

>> No.1974928

A lot of americans use this as their real job though, there are a few forums about it you can look at yourself.

>> No.1974967

Implying I do any of those.
In 50 years when you're contemplating hanging yourself because Bezo's has you working for a dollar an hour... remember I told you so

I'm all for capitalism, but there is a line after which it becomes worrying for everyone

>> No.1974974

> you fucking communist.
Implying you loser

>> No.1974975

If someone wants to work for 1 dollar an hour why shouldn't they be able to? You'd rather people starve to death than be exploited

>> No.1974989

masters qual here

It's not as bad as OP is making out, at least as far as earnings are concerned. For example, just now I made 10 dollary-doos in half an hour by looking at a list of words and clicking sentences related to the list. Literally just clicking twice for 10 cents a pop. Last september I made $1k by looking at gifs.

On average I make around $800-900 a month but that's only because I have a shitty work ethic and spend half the time I should be working on shitposting and other autism. Making $6 an hour is the MINIMUM of what you'll make if you know how to use the platform correctly.

>> No.1974990

OP, this is referred to as crowdsourcing. It's pretty sad, but this is the way some people choose to earn side money.

I always preferred to write on the side. Write an article a day for 30 minutes and make an extra 200-300 dollars a month as a fun fund.

>> No.1974998

My mom does this all day for a few dollars a day,

Trying to make extra money on disability
I tried to tell her to write essays for like 10$/page "but thats too much work" and would rather do these mindless jobs all day

if people want to work for 3rd world wages let them, their choice nothing unethical about it

>> No.1975000

I'll be honest. I exaggerated and took on the persona of a shill so that people would reply and therefore ensure discussion as it really is an interesting concept. I know it's been around for years with the surveys and all of that, but Amazon ain't no "untrustworthy scammer".

It really does have serious implications though. I believe that this will one day be the future of work, or something very similar. That, and Bezos is a genuinely creepy motherfucker.

>> No.1975068

>not contemplating hanging myself now