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19730485 No.19730485 [Reply] [Original]

How is this legal? What *could* happen if everyone started pouring resources into the CHAZ. Could it become the birthplace of an American Revolution?

>> No.19730553

>How is this legal?
it's not
>What *could* happen if everyone started pouring resources into the CHAZ?
nothing. the moment they try to expand is when they get raided at 3am by 500 SWAT/ATF officers
Could it become the birthplace of an American Revolution?

>> No.19730598

>Could it become the birthplace of an American Revolution?
You are joking right

>> No.19730692

It's a weapon for both sides. Trump is hands off so people see how dumb his opponents in the left want him to reenact the Bonus Army and raze the whole thing on liveleak.

>> No.19730765

>American Revolution
No, absolutely not. I'm not doubting if certain people are planning ways of peacefully forcing them out. Cutting off water. Cutting of electricity. I don't want to parrot the popular catch phrases but this is Larping, plain and simple. They'll be disbanded soon enough.

>> No.19730829

They would just have to switch off electricity and water and glorious things would happen.

>> No.19730848


>> No.19730875

>Sending in swat etc
You mean militarized police? Doubt it. This country is shifting too quickly. The people are turning on their masters.

>> No.19730921
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keep laughing, im setting up the CHAZDAC you wagies will be seething soon,

>> No.19730960

the (((people)))

>> No.19731017

But they're the ones backing BLM. This is a corporate coup in disguise.

>> No.19731020

No, the people. The ((())) you are referring to are these boomers and these jewish lap dogs that are gnashing their teeth at the CHAZ wanting swat sic’ed on them. Do I care about some tranny faggots and commie scum? No. But I rather America have no police state where freedom is dangerous rather than some status quo safe slavery. The fuck outta here

>> No.19731045

Corporations have a large hand in this, but it’s not the CORPORATE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I’m referring to. Go check out those sovereign citizen faggots, they’re on to more than just “something”

>> No.19731079

~70% of people when surveyed strongly support the police. This is all contrived

>> No.19731086

I'd rather you choke on some big black cock than post ever again on my board

>> No.19731114
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>"You mean militarized police?"

>> No.19731140

>the face of rebellion

>> No.19731141
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again, the (((people)))

>> No.19731185

>The people are turning on their masters
Turning on imaginary masters, while being puppeteered by their real masters

>> No.19731223

I can tell all of you are newfags because you don't seem to remember occupy wallstreet, which was hailed as a 'revolutionary act' at the time as well.

Yet here you are, unaware that it existed.

>> No.19731251

20 bucks says youre a kid or a friendless loser or both

>> No.19731255

That one may have actually started organically before being co-opted. This is 100% manufactured

>> No.19731262
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>who cares if some trannies and niggers are ruining Seattle
>it makes kikes seethe even though kikes like Soros are behind this whole thing in the first place
Fuck off, retarded niggerfaggot

>> No.19731273
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last thread we had about CHAZ was dedicated to laughing at them

Any updates on their farm & warlord based Raz?

>> No.19731332

>This is 100% manufactured
Disagree. Some retarded commies brought some tents to a protest and put them up overnight and decided to hang out while they had pizza delivered. Same thing happened at occupy. It's just angsty momentum.

The novelty will wear off in due time.

I think chaz is a lot less interesting than 4chan seems to think it is. It's population is a few dozen (at most) young adults and a few niggers bossing them around and eating their pizza. They do not have a cohesive message, leadership, ideology, or ability to sustain themselves. It's a LARP.

>> No.19731358

Stinky hippies camping out do not a revolution make. Mass media coverage and secret delivery of bricks and molotovs might

>> No.19731423

Burning police departments and cars will not free these cattle from their yokes. The public approval of their behavior by global conglomerates tells us who their true masters are.

>> No.19731442
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They're on to communism is what that means in the end. It's noble on the surface, but the idea isn't to provide a classless society, it's to define "protected classes." The business end of this has in the past ended in genocide, so if they gain power here we'll just be hoping for "please don't be that bad..."

>> No.19731446

>It's a LARP.
That's why it's funny

Where do you get the impression that it's interesting? A single faggot OP?

>> No.19731463

Begone, tourist.

>> No.19731507

I was there yesterday and didn't even see him. They've planted gardens all over the park now. People are bringing in vegetables and a good portion of the park is completely full of tents now. Don't believe the fucktards on this website it was a beautiful thing to see. Like a festival or something. Also they have expanded quite a bit. I think it's different than the occupy movement in that it wasn't completely organized by jewish dissidents in Antifa. There's a shitload of special interest groups that just showed up and co-opted whatever attention they could. There has actually been acknowledgement of it on the ground and a general push-back of Antifa dipshits as well as most BLM shit. It's pretty much a bunch of people like "fuck racism." I didn't see any cops. Nobody with guns. Mass media is a psy op.

>> No.19731587

smells like weed and piss, and is full of retarded hippies and communists
distinctly reminds me of occupy in the opening days, as different ideological factions vie to supremacy in the locality
>fuck racism
while they have seminars on white guilt and reparations? what you mean is, it's a "fuck white people" situation
if I didn't have anything to live for I would probably have some minecraft style fun with them, but I do have something to live for and I don't care about larping communists taking smelly vegan dumps on seattle

>> No.19731594

>>Thread about Seattle
>>Posts "Jew" in Brooklyn
Think your tendies are out of the microwave, Daniel

>> No.19731600

to be fair most of Seattle smells like weed and piss, so maybe it's not exclusive to the commie camp

>> No.19731684

Seattle in general has always smelled like weed and piss. I didn't get any anti-white vibes at all.
There was definitely a some anti-white bullshit last weekend, but not now. I was down there when that white lady got her eye blown out point blank with a tear gas canister. Seems to have somehow brought solidarity.

>> No.19732179

occupy wallstreet literally disbanded when it got cold. these people are on vacation, that's all it is. once it stops being fun it's time to go home.

>> No.19732291

it's a good thing they don't actually need the veggies, cause that 'garden' isn't going to grow anything in an inch of topsoil.

>> No.19732317

>Could it become the birthplace of an American Revolution?
This. The majority of those losers would back off and be subdued with the police, if the police wasn't afraid to use force to remove them.

>> No.19732368


Getting vibes ur someone who is actually living in that area and trying up its reputation.

>> No.19732381

There's a big area of detroit that has become autonomous, old car factory. It's called the Detroit Autonomous Vehicular Encampment

>> No.19732490

Chazistanis are good people

>> No.19732610

Chinese shill. I live 15 mins north and the CHAZ zone is not seen as beautiful by anyone except brainwashed commie zoomers.

>> No.19732633

They are the definition of "bad people."

>> No.19732722

Its a bunch of spoiled rich kids larping and it all goes away soon as mommy and daddy take the checkbook away. Thet just had some retard o.d. and the first thing this autonomous usa independent zone does is go crying to big daddy govt to send an ambalamps.

>> No.19732726

they're harmless hippies and anarchists, most of the posters here would sooner shoot up the local high school than hand out free pizza at the CHAZ or CHOP or whatever the fuck theyre calling it now

>> No.19732751
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>Could it become the birthplace of an American Revolution?
no, but probably it'll end like Waco if things escalate

>> No.19732766

tell that to the police and national guard who were pelted with large rocks, one losing an eye. everyone knows these people are not "harmless" and you're lying when you claim otherwise. fuck you.

>> No.19732785

so what you cuck? the cops dished it out way harder before and after, most of them are straight up thugs who are too scared to fight overseas but dream about attacking unarmed civilians

>> No.19732830

>cops dished it out way harder before and after
cops were not allowed to bring guns. national guard was not allowed to use anything, many didn't even get shields. these are people sworn to uphold law and order and defend the nation from enemies both foreign and domestic. these are people who believe in freedom and liberty. you're a huge liar and no one believes you anymore. it's obvious to everyone, the jig is up.

>> No.19732872

why the fuck would they bring guns to counter protestors you absolute nigger, theres rubber bullets, tear gas, pepper spray, LRADs, water cannons, pepper bullets, the list goes on and on

you sound like a psychopath and should kys

>> No.19732891

>unarmed civilians
communist and nigger terrorists are not civilians, they are enemy combatants and should be rounded up and executed
like you, I would classify you as an enemy combatant engaged in active social media terrorism and sedition

the sentence should be immediate death

>> No.19732904

you sound like a chinese shill and you should report to your boss that the truth is spreading. we know you're trying to subvert our democracy

>> No.19732933

>Libertarians finally get what they want
>can't stop complaining about it

Every time Libertards

>> No.19732953

go ahead, go down your list of insults and replies. it won't work. your social media war is coming to an end. even the slowest of americans can see through your campaign.

>> No.19732969

It's just like that retarded cattle rancher ducking graze fees on federal land. too many retards that can potentially yeet and actually kill a cop or two.

After all those retarded 90s events like WACO turning into total shitshows, it's safer to just wait them out than walk in and make a giant legal and literal bloodbath for everyone involved.

>> No.19732998
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When CHAZwives and CHAZkidlets?