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19729481 No.19729481 [Reply] [Original]

>Turning 29 this week
>Realize that I haven't accomplished anything in life
>Realize that I hate my gf and don't want to to marry her
>Realize my health is turning to shit

Does life turn to shit this quickly? I'm having chest pain every day thinking about it.

>> No.19729490

Well then change your life, dumbass

>> No.19729495

I just turned 29. I live at home and have never touched a female. The only thing I have in the world is $350k after years of autistic saving.

>> No.19729532

I also spent my whole youth saving, now I have 250k and literally no life stories.

>> No.19729794

im younger, already hopped a few countries working odd jobs, seen the world thanks to it, found the love of mu life, settled with career type of job(but whenever a better opportunity arises abroad ill be on the way) health is excellent, also saved more than you on the way.

and im still miserable. why? i really see no reason for it

>> No.19729808

travel fags deserve the rope

>> No.19729826

just wait until you catch corona on top of it. THe chest pains will be a lot worse, trust me I have it now.

>> No.19729888

same, but I know why I'm miserable: Wageslavery

>> No.19729890

Dude insane I wish I could live at home and stay sane whilst I save, the one thing I like about asian culture is the family sticks together, western culture get out and work and be independent, and pay rent for a few years seem dumb as fuck

>> No.19729928
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>> No.19729949

wow you are SO OLD.

break up. move to a different country. all in LOKI. stake it until you're rich. DAB on poor people.

>> No.19729971

>he is too poor or doesn't have the brain power to travel

>> No.19729975


you have no friends or hobbies. If all you do is work and save money how can you be surprised that shit is boring and soulless?

But gratz on the money?

>> No.19730019

It's fine and actually nice in an all white society. With inflated property prices and an influx of clannish foreigners forcing a race to the bottom, it is too expensive but boomers haven't realised the world is changing.

>> No.19730036
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>> No.19730079
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Hope you have a coffin picked out old man

>> No.19730130

Severe larp

>> No.19730560

Yeah it's actually nice in Poland and Hungary HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.19730675

I said WHITE society. They existed in the past.

>> No.19730819

Hungarian hookers are top legit and Poland is a pretty nice country to live in save the constant fear of Russian invasion

>> No.19731213

I have no idea how guys can make it to 30 and literally never have gone out on a limb and done shit. I went to Europe twice as a poorfag and have lived all over America. Honestly not sure if I'd rather have 250k or "stories", tough call, but the experiences had while young are pretty much not measurable in terms of money.

You're going to get truly old and die, faggots. The only way to maintain any kind of youth after 30 is to be doing things you love, and I don't mean eating and staring at screens. If you haven't cultivated some actual interests like hiking, climbing, idk, fucking anything where you are moving and on your feet interacting with nature and people, then you are pretty much in the matrix pod having your energy harvested for Mr. Shekelstien.

Being "financially responsible" in your 20's is a meme. You don't get that time back, retards. You are going to fucking die. Most don't realize this until they are forty. The lucky among us realize it when they're still teenagers. I thank my religious upbringing for instilling the fear of God(death) into my brain.

>> No.19731245


>> No.19731484
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Anon please tell me you've been waiting till marriage, you're so close to wizard powers! Just be careful of the virus, an old man like you would perish quickly...

>> No.19731704


I got a real job in NYC right out of college and realized I was going to rope if i spent my twenties commuting to that hellscape and stacking money. met european qt, quit my job and moved to europe, taking a masters program, hiking mountains, drinking good beer, making many new friends

DO SOMETHING anons. Take a fucking risk you pussy. I want to grab your collar and scream in your face, I love my life now because I went out on a limb. Almost broke now too and I make it work, 0 regrets.

>> No.19732031

Did a few travels and they were all amazing but no way would I quit my job for some memories instead of being financial free by 30s.

>> No.19732151

Just realize that your "financial freedom" will just be another memory like anything else. The man who can be happy with nothing is the freest of us all. We are slaves to comfort and "security" - which is why in our lifetimes we will see liberty eroded in favor of a more "just" society.

>> No.19732197

Cope harder poorfags, enjoy being a bum with no skills and prospects throughout your 30’s and 40’s before ODing in your 50’s

>> No.19732282

Honestly, my best connections in life have been made through being a drifter. I understand not everyone has the chutzpah to take advantage of opportunities like this, and that there is an element of luck, but I have absolutely zero regrets. I also have 10k Link and 1mil RSR so I'm not really too concerned about my decision to not climb some corporate ladder or bust my ass miserably dreaming of better days.

You're the one bringing sour grapes into this. Don't you have somewhere to be or a report to work on? After all, how else will you enjoy your future if you don't sacrifice the present? Our lives are fucking temporary illusions, buddy.