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File: 68 KB, 900x900, stupid fucking frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19723847 No.19723847 [Reply] [Original]

I have never had sex.

>> No.19723859

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.19723865

thats all up to you

>> No.19723873

Have sex

>> No.19723896

cut ya penis

>> No.19723955

Same here.

>> No.19723984

have sex

>> No.19724006

volcel here, i am trying not to have sex

>> No.19724022

hows that workin out for you champ

>> No.19724098

I have had sex, but I am also poor and don't have too great of a job, so it all evens out.

>> No.19724157

Come with me to Thailand once international travel opens up. I'll bar fine your first girl for you.

>> No.19724193

get into zen, lifting, and listen to joseph Campbell. Then take some psychedellics, go into nature, and detach yourself from the identity of you you have in your mind, then identify with the universe. You want to be able to achieve no mind state and be completely present whenever you want to. Also pick up an instrument. Not cause it'll get you laid just cause it's fun

>> No.19724211

Extremely stupid and gay advice. Anyone that's actually had sex has never done any of this apart from maybe taking psychedelics at a festival once.

>> No.19724254

>hey baby, I play an instrument just for fun and not to get laid. I also do zen and take Coricidin to get high. I just loOoOoOve listening to Joseph Campbell too
>are you wet now can I have sex with you please?

>> No.19724517

This is for inner peace not women. If you wanna get laid get rejected by as many women as possible in person.

>> No.19724545

Its INVOLUNTARY celibacy

>> No.19724579

you chose food over women

own your decision

>> No.19724765

You seem to have lots of bad ideas.

>> No.19724774
File: 374 KB, 750x738, 1591327675228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you have a super nintendo though fren.

>> No.19725033

same OP, same

>> No.19725062
File: 257 KB, 1056x649, 4FAA8965-7EE8-474B-979A-4479C4A0A56A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a bunch of cold showers, refrain from touching your penis for months on end, consume pounds of broccoli, for for a 5 mile run every day, and meditate.

You know, just like all your teenage peers did when they were getting laid in high school. They didn’t go home after school and play call of duty, they were reading “How to Make Friends and Influence People” in order to learn how to get laid.

>> No.19725080

there are whiny faggots who believe this

>> No.19725145

Not a big deal. Tons of men in 2020 are virgins. Also it really is just a hole, most of the time a hole that has already seen tons of dick and been cream pied. Sticking you dick in something that already has seen litres of cum from a number of men is just gross and a big std risk. Also there is no point unless it’s with a girl you see as wife material to have kids with. Otherwise it’s just masterbation. Most women do not want children anyways unless you are a chad (top 5%). Sex just isn’t worth it unfortunately for most men in 2020, I say let the roasties be whores and when they are post wall and dying to have a husband and children we give them the cold shoulder and reject them like they rejected us in their youth. Let them live a life of misery and kill themself while we have fun playing video games.

>> No.19725598

The thing is that, unless you actually have loving sex, you can get the same from your imagination and/or sex simulators in the future. Rather more, because the girls will look better and have fictional personalities that aren't shit. And they will be virgins. So you won't be grossed out by STDs and lack of hygiene in general. Or you just save your energy/preserve dopamine receptors instead of wasting it on coooooming. Heck, even imaginary loving sex with a fictional character could be better than that with a roastie you know you can't truly love.

Guys should definitely find out a way to make more friends again though. For playing or pursuit of activities/hobbies in general. Modern society has seriously fucked guys up in this regard.

>> No.19725733

do none of that besides going into nature
read Father Seraphim Rose's book who used to practice zen buddhism and realized that it and vedenta/ hinduism religious systems are legit satanic

I didnt have a gf before I was Orthodox it resolved most of my character flaws and allowed to me to improve as a person, orthodox girls are pretty much some of the only ones worth dating too not new age roasties into the free love and open relationship stuff

>> No.19725811
File: 161 KB, 570x750, 72231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 35 yet? If not, get on my level kid.

>> No.19725889


It's like masterbating just a but more fun with noises and smells.

>> No.19725908

I've noticed a lot of women these days in their mid 20s have thinning hair and widening parts. Has this always been the case, or is there something in the water? I don't know if I just never noticed it before social media and non-stop pornography or if there is an actual health issue here.

>> No.19725980

Anyone telling you it's just like masturbation has never had passionate sex with a women they love. It feels 10x better and I cum twice as much. Watching her eyes roll back and hearing her moan and watching her lose control and she claws at your body is hot as fuck, while you plunge your dick into her wet as fuck pussy. Then watching her quiver and convulse and she drifts into another dimension. kissing her body everywhere, getting your dick enthusiastically sucked. its amazing. Its not just like jerking off. its way better. I feel bad for anyone who hasn't experienced that. Its truly an amazing feeling.

>> No.19725990

imagine LOSING your virginity. don't aspire to be a failure, anon.

>> No.19726028

Yeah idk I will say it has been so long since I’ve seen a female who looked hormonally healthy, with big tits wide hips that wasn’t obese

>> No.19726070

It's really weird, my sister-in-law is probably the healthiest person I know (daily exercise, great diet, etc) but has a widening part at 24. idk what's going on here

>> No.19726114

Spoken like a true coomer. His highest purpose is cooming

>> No.19726193
File: 177 KB, 1440x977, Screenshot_20200609-082659__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related
sound familiar?

>> No.19726202

It’s overrated

>> No.19726239
File: 10 KB, 241x209, 1558312883132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vax stillborned, detestosteroned
and deintelligenced millennials.
Nothing you can do.
You are devalued property.

>> No.19726474

Also you dont feel like shit afterwards like you do with porn

>> No.19726490
File: 556 KB, 840x862, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.19726604

This, fuck I miss my ex gf

>> No.19726625
File: 69 KB, 960x777, -hypinm21E3m6HpDw8KgI7AXOub1oOgc1EIWosYiZJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not worth it, especially with a woman. If you want to be pleasured, have sex with a nice boipussy on an attractive woman, that's true pleasure.

>> No.19726633

lmao freak

>> No.19726639
File: 1.10 MB, 5426x2572, SVnSf-53MpezBHm1vVkd7-5hf3M8d0qjBQ3OkScQOOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not gay

>> No.19726641

I cant even cum with pussy because I use a death grip.

>> No.19726880

Sir this is the finance board

>> No.19727449

Same. And I also had some shitty Druck sex and awkward fucks, that evens out the also experienced stuff he described >>19725980

>> No.19727482


its ok me too

>> No.19727711

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.19727746

Took me until 23 when some nice spanish girl approached me for the netflix and chill. Sometimes it just happens, it's not a race anon. Just follow your purpose and life follows you

>> No.19727759

>business and finance
not your fucking feelings journal
saged and reported.