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19715254 No.19715254 [Reply] [Original]

tfw only 4k link.

>> No.19715262

I have 100 link, will I make it?

>> No.19715268

that'll be 4 million dollars in 5 years fren. You made it

>> No.19715271

How does $100m sound?

>> No.19715285

Thats not so bad, 4000 Link is actually a lot. Imagine having 4k ETH or 4k BTC.
Not bad at all.

You will make it eventually but it could take a looooong time to get there.
By 2035 you should made it.

>> No.19715300

>Imagine having 4k ETH or 4k BTC
There are so many things wrong with this statement

>> No.19715318

pretty good

>> No.19715339

4000 ETH is like 900k right now
4000 BTC are 37 Million dollars

>> No.19715712

the total supply of BTC, ETH, and LINK are totally different. It's dumb to compare them all on a 1:1:1 cost/coin basis.

>> No.19715875

You are deluded and not properly informed if you think chainlink cant go to 1000+ dollars

>> No.19716100

I had 100k and sold it 3 weeks before it mooned.

>> No.19716198

I have 35k LMAO

>> No.19716212

You as well: kys

>> No.19716238

I have the same amount fren

>> No.19716242

To all linklets sell today big dump incoming and double your stack in the coming weeks

>> No.19716249

how do 4000 USD sound?

>> No.19716285

implying anybody will buy LINK at those prices.
Not even institutional investors will do that you fucking delusional retard.
Only chance that's going to happen is, if SN = SN and uses his Bitcoin to buy all LINK and pump the price.
Othwise no company is going to spend hundreds of millions to just run a node on this shitstink network

>> No.19716460

Link has decimals you don’t need yo buy a full token

>> No.19716505

So what, idiot?
Do you plan on running a node with 0.3 LINK or what?
Do you understand what collateral means?
Do you even understand the concept, or are you just writing down what you read here some time ago, you faggot?
Your post does not answer my question faggot

>> No.19716528

>does not answer my question
which question you chink nigger?

>> No.19716563

>implying anybody will buy LINK at those prices.
>Not even institutional investors will do that you fucking delusional retard.
Explain how this shit will reach anywhere around $1000
Let alone $200
$100 in a bullrun, sure. But that's it

>> No.19716573
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, d4ea462bbd5deda5791c70b00a4913b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does 4 billion dollars sounds?

>> No.19716603
File: 211 KB, 640x2505, 077EA9EA-4C9B-4864-9351-CD7683484DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking newfag

>> No.19716702

You retarded faggot
I have read it all and seen it all
You don't need to show me this 3 year old stuff
I've seen it all
I also own LINK
All I am sying is: Nobody will pump your pathetic bags to $1000

>> No.19716871


For consumer price of link dosnt really matter since they can buy it with what ever currency they like - which is then converted to link and paid to nodeoperators. This makes a lot of buy pressure. More usage more pressure. Price of link will skyrocket since most of that link is stocked up in nodes. However for a consumer the price of the service can remain low. Imagine buying a cup of coffee, the shop only accepts bitcoin buy you have dollars. Push a button and ur 4.20$ dollars are exchanged to bitcoin and paid to the coffee shop, as you can see that price of bitcoin dosnt really matter here - atleast for the consumer. Same thing goes with link.

Since most of the tokens are locked up in nodes will decrease the circulating supply of link, which in return will increase price. Link has so sick tokenomics that if the network will get actual use (oracle,google,swift,zeppelin etc) we go past 1k easy.

>> No.19716902

Fren, delet this right now.

>> No.19716915

he fucking asked for it

>> No.19716925

Okay, what is this? Where do I find these girls (inb4 Ukraine)

>> No.19716996

Yeah, but that pressure is coming from the consumer side and it will take forever to reach $1000 this way.
What I said above is, that no company will spend tens or hundreds of millions to buy LINK to run a node.
Only way I see it happen anytime soon is when SN = SN and buys the shit out of LINK on exchanges or the banks buying with the endless money cheat. But botch options don't seem realistic to me.
What will SWIFT do, when they want to send billions of dollars a day and the price of LINK is too low to serve as enough collateral in the node they are running?

>> No.19717011

This thread made me feel better about my tiny 3k link stack. I plan on holding forever

>> No.19717044

>buying something
>never selling it

Enjoy your useless digits on a sceen. Why even buy in the first place if you don't plan on cashing in on it?
Tell me you hold at least 0.3 LP to stake that shit

>> No.19717076

>imagine having 4k ETH or 4k BTC
100 Link will be like having 100 BTC eoy. Then our real lives can begin.

>> No.19717083

I'll stake it. You can stake link without link pool right?

>> No.19717132

>You can stake link without link pool right?
No you can not. Even if Jewbase or Chinance will offer staking for their customers (which I doubt) I would do fuck all to risk those 3000 LINK on a centralized exchange where you have no control over it.
If you are lucky then there will be another decentralized solution like LP. But other than that, things don't look too good for you.
Setting up a node yourself is way more complicated(risky/costly than staking some shitcoin

>> No.19717197


what do you think the reserved links are for? its for companies like microsoft to run their own nodes. it was never intented to make big companies buy links for 1k from binance. It would never work.

So what makes the price go up? From the actual usage. Imagine oracle integrating link in their blockchain as a service. and its happening, every company that will use oracle blockchain will also use link. and not only oracle, baseline, google microsoft etc. In my opinion its actaully guaranteed that link will get alot of usage. web3,zeppelin,docusign the list goes on.. remember sergey talking about how the network usage will go vertical? the price will follow.

>> No.19717241

I don’t anons here know, but some of their stacks are probably the equivalent of a mid market cap company in the future.

>> No.19717264

LINK is currently securing around $1B of assets, making the fair market price at max supply $1. The speculative price being a 4x is fairly low. In the future, when web3 sees fruition, and trillions or even quadrillions are secured by DeFi, all LINK has to do to reach $1,000 is to be securing $1T, and that is non speculative. In the stock market you see forward evals on tech stocks in roughly the 50x range on average, so you’d need a fair market value of $20 to see LINK hit $1,000 when the crypto industry is more dominant and investors wake up to the future. That’s $20B secured. If you don’t think that’s going to happen you’re fucking delusional. LINK will actually secure trillions of dollars within the next 10 years, guaranteed. $1,000 is unironically fud, assuming you have iron hands.

>> No.19717295

I was hoping ledger would set up baking like system similar to tezos. I don't see how that doesn't happen. Chainlink will be way bigger than tezos. And who's to say link pool can't be hacked

>> No.19717300

agreed. i mean its crazy right. when ppl realize they dont even have to sell their initial stack, they can sell the stacking reward - uff its like a golden goose isnt it.

>> No.19717309

$2B is locked up in defi actually, everyone gonna bend the knee, we’re already starting to see it.

>> No.19717337

I'm sad, I talked to the team and was basically told tough shit, I'll just hold whatever I have left and let everybody else pool from now on

>> No.19717340

Also to debase this retarded shit the company pays a percentage of the cash secured in LINK. You can reach a >hundreds of quadrillions secured value and LINK still can handle pennies on the dollar of the transaction thanks to 18 decimals. By the time inflation is so high that LINK actually can’t be broken down enough to secure a large sum transaction, it’ll be easily 100+ years from now and we will have already entered a next gen tech phase, and likely Chainlink as a company will adapt the product. If you can’t understand why what you’re saying is not a limitation or problem at all, you’re probably too low intelligence to understand anything anons will explain to you. Why be in a game you can’t comprehend? Go put money in an S&P mutual fund.

>> No.19717375

But the S&P mutual fund is gonna be invested in smart contract the company anyway...

We know it sergey and the team are staking their tokens to generate revenue...

>> No.19717393

Give me a % chance that link hits $500 by 2025

>> No.19717414


>LINK is currently securing around $1B of assets

Where did you get that number?

>> No.19717419

how does 100% sound?

>> No.19717437

*tips fedora*

>> No.19717465

I need that to happen by 2022

>> No.19717606


>> No.19718314

Ha-ha. I got x2 more.

>> No.19718329
