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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 693 KB, 527x582, $BUIDLdfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19713119 No.19713119 [Reply] [Original]

Decentralized Flexible Organizations: The DFO concept is trying to answer unaddressed areas with current DAOs, like:

-Anonymous Startups without founders (no more needs of a well-known organization or group of people behind)

-The idea of unstoppable dapps (from the ENS to the front-end to the backend) without any dependency from an issuer...

-On-chain companies, aka programmable companies, owned by token holders. Without any external influence and with full power by voting and coding features.

-Programmable Equities, Voting tokens as the real owner of a dapp and its funds DAO concept is different because it is based on the idea of an already deployed set of rules (orchestrated by issuers), and people can vote and interact with them.

DFO concept is based on upgradable rules and functions, where token holders can own, update, and manage every feature of the dapp, even core, and governance changes, all by voting... Without any special key or dependency from the well-known entity who started the DFO. So DAO is a very cool tech researching for the best human coordination, based on fixed rules... DFO in contrary, is a research of human coordination based on flexible rules.

These features are already deployed and running into the mainnet!

Weekly Update: June 13

Site/Info: DFOhub.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dfohub
Medium: https://medium.com/dfohub
Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l
Unofficial Telegram: @BUIDL_Chat


>> No.19713785
File: 383 KB, 767x977, SuperBuidlBros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Understanding the value of $buidl

$buidl is the first Programmable Equity ever made on Ethereum.

Token holders have full powers over the DFOhub protocol and assets, just as equity holders have full power over a real world company’s decisions and assets. We too—the core team— can also vote and decide on DFOhub—but only because we have our $buidl.

The value inherent to $buidl is in its utility to govern both the DFOhub wallet and its assets; the more the wallet grows, the more assets that are backing $buidl. This is the same as when real world company assets can function as supported value for their equities.

$buidl’s business model is to accumulate and manage small portions of the Programmable Equities (voting tokens) of future DFO-based dApps, by requesting a 1.5% Generation Fee (the rate can be changed via voting) during the Creation process.

>> No.19713878

Comfy BUIDL bro checking in

I fucking love this Italian Stallion

>> No.19713910

Let's go to the moon anons

>> No.19713920

was hopeful but after checking out their discord I'm 110% sure this is going nowhere. Just look at the submissions for the logo contest, my blind grandma could make a better logo. the "community" is a bunch of fucking pajeets. This will never get any real users or adoption.

>> No.19713961

but they already have

>> No.19714003

This is a 50-100M market cap in the next 2-6 months.
Ubt vibes. But better with real use case.
Dyor anon, its pure gold.
Im ready for Vitalik tweet.

>> No.19714025

they clearly don't if the only logo submissions they're getting are from degenerates on biz that dropped out of high school

>> No.19714057

Scammy scam coin

>> No.19714078

Vitalik HATES this coin

>> No.19714105

The contest literally just started, people are still working on submissions. That is maybe the lowest tier of fud I’ve heard because you sound sincere and actually did look at the project. At least wait to see what the logo is before hating on it. Are you a graphical artist? If so you could be more helpful than just critical and maybe win some money. The community is still growing, but actually mostly Euros and Americans. Join us

>> No.19714201
File: 43 KB, 225x614, MOCKUPofCOINGECKOLOOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit more reassuring if its just starting, I hope more quality submissions come in soon.
I'm not a graphical artist, but I don't need to be a graphical artist to tell all these look like shit and are far worse than the current logo, the fact that people are saying 1 and 4 in pic related "looks good" is really worrying, like do these people have eyes?

>> No.19714362

Someone already chimed in and said we should just hire a pro, people are investing real money and some very smart people are working on this project. It's a community controlled project so we can always fix and upgrade, it's FLEXIBLE! The logo is the last thing to worry about and it's too early to even criticize the submissions. If you care to sell in a few weeks for a short term gain this isn't for you. This is a long termer, just buy it early before it has a real logo because the fundamentals are so sound that it won't matter in the long run.

>> No.19714591

Crypto frequently blows my mind with the hordes of morons who get themselves into a positive feedback loop over literal trash

>> No.19714606

Me too. Especially when there is legit projects out there like BUIDL.

>> No.19714807

This board is mostly scams and echo chambers but that doesn't mean there aren't real projects to be found in their infancy before the general crypto markets get wind of them. That's precisely why there are so many scams, because the potential is there. $BUIDL is the exception, the use case has insane applications and the value proposition is potentially very, very lucrative (long term).

DFOs actually provides a mechanism to prevent scamcoins and give an added layer of security for investors speculating on a newly launched token.

>> No.19715702

Every crypto project Italians where involved was a scam.

>> No.19715835


The logos are pretty funny, better than most of the scammy scam biz shills that use fiverr pajeets to manipulate people to buy into polished turds.

Perhaps go an look at some of those.

When did biz become so dumb?

>> No.19715883

Current logo is fine, reminds me of autstic tech guys who dont even give a fuck about being stylish. Minecraft vibes

>> No.19715921

>HURR DURR if you don't like the shit tier logo submissions then you should go to a fiverr pajeet project with a nice logo because actual good projects never have good logos
imagine thinking this is a good point, yeah bro lets use the green star with a b on it because its lol so funny xdddd, are you one of the burger flippers that made these shit logos?

>When did biz become so dumb?
that depends, when did you start using biz?

>> No.19716024


Lol you care way to much about a logo.

>> No.19716089

There have been more submissions since that pic and they're getting gradually better. They're in concept stage it's not like there is anything to even criticize.

The fact that other projects will be launching on DFOhub and give $buidl value regardless of what it looks like is really all that matters. $buidl could look simple and dozens of coins with sick logos can be deployed as DFOs, rendering it a moot point anyway.

> IDOs
Uniswap V2 integration is currently in a developing stage, and next week we’ll test Microservices related and we’ll reveal the release date

But what is exactly this Uniswap V2 integration, and why we call it IDO?

>Funds Management:
Token holders of a DFO will be able to manage the DFO funds stored into the DFO wallet via voting, using Uniswap to add/remove liquidity into a pool and to swap tokens.

Users will be able to buy or sell every DFOs voting tokens by the DFOhub GUI. This is a significant help for early-stage projects, helping investors to be sure to trade the real Voting Tokens of a project avoiding counterfeit risks.

DFOs will be able to list Voting Tokens into Uniswap anonymously easily, and into the DFOhub GUI, Investors will be able to check the code, funds, and the rules to govern it.

This is an important step forward to the concept of Initial Decentralized Offering. Investors will be able to trust DFOs more than every other IDO because, by design, they have well-known voting power, on-chain code, and persistent Front-end. DFO-based applications are persistent and can run and be improved even if issuers will escape with money (Like what happened in the 2017 ICO bubble).

Every DFO is listed into DFOhub GUI, with On-chain information and a persistent architecture that works independently from the issuers, removing huge barriers and possible scams from the IDO movement.

>> No.19716233


You might be more successful to just post images of corporate logos.

Too much spoon feeding to seething biz simps.


>> No.19716258

>loool bro why u care so much? the logos are so funny xd, only scam projects have good logos anyway!!
great counter argument my man. I'm fully convinced now and am completely on board with your 7th grade computer lab logo, know that you got my vote buddy

>> No.19716340

I'm loading bags all the way to the moon. This thing has been pumping for a month and ain't even slowing down.

We Gonna Be Rich AF!

>> No.19716380


Dont miss out on those whole 10 BUIDL votes


>> No.19716606

Are you trolling or is this really a human being that thinks the things you're typing? I already explained why logo fud is dead on arrival.

If you can't tell which projects the smart anons are talking about and which ones are the scamcoins that proliferate this board because the majority of people here are dumb and easy prey, you might have better luck checking out another thread. $buidl has already been in R&D for years now and the possibilities of their tech are only just being realized. Just because you haven't realized it doesn't change that the tech works and is live right now being built on by more teams than you even know about.

>> No.19716797

Some retarded anons here in biz. BUIDL has real products that have been released. They are skurred that whales will jump on the BUIDL rocket instead of their scam cryptonote fork shitcoin.

Gettin rich over here with my BUIDL bag. FUDDERS jealous AF.