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19711873 No.19711873 [Reply] [Original]

Are the days of traditional value investing gone forever?
Like I saw the twitter post the other day, with the 11 year old kid and his friends trading on Robinhood and playing fortnite.
I mean the whole value proposition of the stock market or put otherwise, how you could actually make money was on the premise of keeping out the short attention minded retards from peasant backgrounds and circles. Now that the internet like many other industries disrupted public equity trading too buying stocks is easy as swiping right/left on Tinder. This is additionally fueled by social media trends and click bait videos/posts that these "people" buy into.
in the old days and still today making money in the stock market only works on the premise it being a dull, boring endeavour of beta engineer that had 2 different sexual partners in their life dumping their paychecks into obscure niche stocks with a potential breakthrough in a niche industry that nobody even heard about and the mainstream wont even care about once it 50x in 15 years.

I guess the fact that the barrier to get in was broken, will get priced in eventually in the way that retards that are were not supposed to trade stocks before Robinhood will leave themselves because, how they are, once they realize it takes long years and boring work contrary to the social media induced hype, the novelty wears off and they showed it off to all their coworkers that they trade stocks now, and even them are not standing them talking about it too.
But some of them will still stay, and stocks still need to go up. So what is the solution? Volatile, unpredictable, subsumable shitshow of a messy, hysterical stock market that is all over the place in order that the big guys doing insider deals even more because the trading related information playing field (yahoo finance etc) is leveled for ever so they liquidate the peasants gambling in options?

>> No.19711921

when the shoeshine niggers give you stock tips its time to sell.

- Some boomer during the bitcoin crash of 1929

>> No.19711970

assembling a pc is easy as fuck, what's special doing it at 11 years old?
it's probably easier than building a lego truck

>> No.19711986

Can you read?
He invented it!

>> No.19711996

I was building a computer and had to take it to the shop.
They said it was missing a jumper cable or something, desu.

>> No.19712038

Same thing that happened in 2008. There will be equilibrium. The fact that everybody brushed off the last crash in March tells me we are in for so much more

What happens when zoomer jimmy buys the next crash in anticipation of another +50% V, then the market just trades sideways for weeks at SPY 200? This panic will soon set in and the Fed will not have the ammunition to prop it. What about the boomers trying to cash out their retirements?

During 2007-2008 my father owned 11 real estate properties with no savings, no stable income, and wacky credit. He lost all but one of them (bankruptcy) after the bubble popped. I saw first hand what exuberance looked like. Exuberance is here again. People do not understand we are at the precipice of a depression, let alone recession

Did you see the price of HTZ on Friday?

>> No.19712084

The 10 year old fortnite kid never had the age of his friends disclosed. Considering they are in school I would imagine they're not day trading forex.
I don't think you know what value investing is. It isn't dumping your paycheck into a meme stock hoping it's the next big thing. That's actually just what /smg/ and r/wsb do which is the opposite of value investing.
Value investing is usually either defined as buying a stock that is trading below book value because the market missed something or buying and holding long term.
What's happening right now is you have RH kiddies running up the price of meme stocks. Hertz is the biggest one as their stock went up 50% despite being insolvent and 5 minutes away from bankruptcy.
If you invested early, or even late into companies like Amazon, Tesla, Apple, and Microsoft you'd still have seen a great return.


This video explains how a stock's value is 3 parts. One of them is speculation. When speculators either want to take profit or get scared that Is the first pride adjustment. That's when smart money buys in to great companies. That's value investing.

>> No.19712135

>jumper cable

Maybe you should leave the inventing to the poc

>> No.19712891

Value investing has been dead for 15 years if not more. Didn't read the rest of the post lmao rekt.

>> No.19712932

Literally every word in the entire post is wrong. How did you do something so amazing?

>> No.19712979

prove it

>> No.19712984
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Wonder if there could ever be like, a new trading market. Maybe it would be based on new, emerging technologies, set to make every industry in the world more efficient. Comparatively speaking, the barrier to entry on this market would be moderately high. You might understand the fundamentals, but the almost ethereal moves behind the scenes may as well be a gods' game to you.

Somebody hurry up and invent this!!! I bet it would be VERY disruptive!!! Imagine if it gave the everyday user advantages over the market mover boomers currently in control of clown market.


>> No.19713012

no he didn't

>> No.19713086

We wuz Turingzz and shieet. Now remember to donate to blm

>> No.19713109

Yes he did, brainlet. Learn to read.

>> No.19713111

> Considering they are in school I would imagine they're not day trading forex.
They are explicitly daytrading. Nobody making any money is doing forex, ever.
>b-b-but this guy with 20 gazillion makes 20k with 1000x leverage after losing 5x that he's so good and rich!
> It isn't dumping your paycheck into a meme stock hoping it's the next big thing.
That's literally what it is, where meme is a function of some fundamentals.
>That's actually just what /smg/ and r/wsb do which is the opposite of value investing.
The opposite of the truth since /smg/ and wsb daytrade options and don't touch memestocks, let alone long-term or directly.
>Value investing is usually either defined as buying a stock that is trading below book value because the market missed something or buying and holding long term.
Even google would have corrected you.
>What's happening right now is you have RH kiddies running up the price of meme stocks. Hertz is the biggest one as their stock went up 50% despite being insolvent and 5 minutes away from bankruptcy.
Hertz is already bankrupt, not '5 minutes away from bankruptcy'. They are literally printing 1b worth of worthless stocks to repay their debts because people lap it up.
RH kiddies can't possibly be controlling hundreds of billions of dollars. This is algos and MMs playing into this.
>If you invested early, or even late into companies like Amazon, Tesla, Apple, and Microsoft you'd still have seen a great return.
If you invested in tsla or aapl, you're not value investing. If you invested late, you're not value investing.

>> No.19713188

Yu-huh he did.