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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19710779 No.19710779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Have the money to do all the shit I used to dream of as a teenager, no longer have any time to do it
>Deleted all social media years ago, lost contact with almost everyone I once knew
>'I'm going to redraft my CV soon and apply for other jobs'
>Starting to gain weight easier, losing hair and less energy than when I was at college

>> No.19711101

>cant drink anymore or debilitating hangover lasting almost 2 days, but still drink
>kinks in spine from lifting/sports make right leg and left arm tingle/hurt, know this isnt going away, only getting worse
>still have hair
>still cant grow beard

>> No.19711174

>less hair
>More sad but better in control
>Friends having kids
>More test
>Bigger dick than teenager self
>Might be gay actually
>Corona set me back 2 years, thx

>> No.19711254

>not a faggot
>living in europe
>life is actuslly really nice

>> No.19711273

>wake up, go to work
>come home, too tired and depressed to do shit, sleep
at least I am not poorfag anymore. living the American dream.

>> No.19711322

>no friends or any internet presence
>starting to turn bald and gray
>still can't have beard
>ok with money/jobs
>too cheap to buy anything only save
>use fucking linux and 10yo pc
>havent had sex for 3 years
>weak sexual power anyway
>lurk /biz only for non crypto topics
>live back with parents, used to live alone for year and a half was stoned and drunk all the time, litteraly crying in bed
>will never get married
>no sense in buying house if i will die alone
>no sense in saving if i will die alone
>wtf is my life

>> No.19711328

>drink and smoke a lot
>never have sex

>> No.19711332

>google depression symptoms daily
>jack off only getting about 75% full erection
>highlight of week is having a pizza and playing online video game trying to recreate the Modern Warfare 2 vibes but instead there are just a bunch of 10 yr old kids dominating you and nobody is speaking to you.
>spends an hour googling what best whiskey is even though you hate the taste of it.

>> No.19711339

Is no social media a red flag when it comes to meeting women? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19711368

well if you have no firends the girl wont know who to cheat you with so she wont even try to be with you

>> No.19711374
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>be 23
>no job, no money, live with parents
>got all the time in the world to do what I want

kinda hope I don't become like you in 2 years

>> No.19711436

You will. We all do. Welcome to hell.

>> No.19711462
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> soon to turn 31

the good

> look 10 years younger than I am
> live fairly comfy in large house in UK
> successfully run solo small business
> 1 year's wages in savings for rainy day
> crypto currently making me good money (blessed NKN)
> close with family, no drama with friends
> reasonably in shape, no health issues
> some-what known and respected in town due to business

the bad

> isolated from the outside world due to crippling anxiety
> drug dependency to switch off at night/weekend
> no gf for years, no sex for even longer (anxiety / no motivation)
> age clearly coming into play. knees and back are wearing
> family members getting older, loved ones' mortality realised
> the older I get, the more I see that the world is corrupt and selfish

>> No.19711489
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>hangover is kicking in
>laying next to fiancé
>bitch drank all the ice water
Still life is good 34 own 2 houses

>> No.19711576

this one was really said. Get it together man, work out and find a girl. use tinder if you have to, theyre not all disgusting whores there but ill get harpooned for saying it

>> No.19711588

Thank you for caring

>> No.19711592

speak for yourselves, it doesnt get that bad out there anons. You just need to not be a faggot. Life is actually good
t. 27

>> No.19711613

>born in luxembourg
>white male
>literally made it the second i was born
>feels good man

>> No.19711624

25+ is when you reaaaally start to understand that not being born into generational wealth pretty much means you're never going to make it, unless you continue being a legitimate slave for 35 years.

>> No.19711627
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Dating apps are fine. You just have to understand how harsh women judge first before you put yourself out there, especially if you're a nervous or sensitive type. The average (or even below average woman) will still expect a prince-charming no matter what. Most of us don't have a chance on the market even if you look alright.

Pic related.

>> No.19711636
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>life aspirations delayed indefinitely/cancelled because of hoax meme cold
>live with parents
>at work most of the time
>sleeping whenever not at work

>> No.19711643

>mediocre job because I quit dental school because I hated it
>My friend 4 years younger than me has chronic back pain

>> No.19711679


That's why you have to cheat your way with crypto, working a legit job will only get you so far

>> No.19711686

>used to think having 100k would be a lot of money
>now have 200k and feel more poor than ever
>used to live paycheck to paycheck, not caring about future or family
>had zero stress
>now worrying about career, family, starting a family, investments, first house
>Wish I could have fun, cant
>Constant sense of frustration at how older generations sold us out

>> No.19711691

>Anxiety and depression
>Porn addicted

>> No.19711699
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Sad. I'm 25 and have as much hair as ever. I'm healthier than ever and feel more energetic than ever. Cope more, it's not your age, it's your shite lifestyle

>> No.19711734

>Porn addicted
Sad. Many such cases...

>> No.19711781

>live in basement of parents house
>have no commitment sex with single 7/10 roastie for past year
>sell useless shit laying around parents house on FB marketplace all day for more LINK
>45k LINK stack - $180k
>32 ETH stack - $7500
>$3k in cash
>~$190k net worth with no liabilities
>despite net worth, feel no pressure to move out and live on my own
>just want to buy more LINK and ETH and play vidya each day

Am I doing this life thing right?

>> No.19711822
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>> No.19711851

Neets need to be rounded up and warehoused

>> No.19711863


>> No.19711902

>through years of self work, managed to get over crippling social anxiety by my mid 20s
>went from fat and awkward to fit and socially able
>being a geek as a kid paid off and I know make good money and live comfortably
>will make it with crypto in the next 2 years

It’s not all bad

>> No.19711933

The scary thing is it’s looking more and more like I’ll be a NEET for life. When I bought my 45k LINK stack the future wasn’t so clear. Now it’s evident LINK is a critical pillar in the advancement towards the 4IR. Will probably just live the rest of my life off the staking rewards from my 45k Link and single ETH node.

>> No.19712018

so true. they only want to know that you have a social life so they can fuck the other dudes at some point and play social games with everyone.

>> No.19712047

so fucking true. really sucks seeing kids who's parents own apartment complexes.
those rich kids usually turn to drugs, though, and rarely accomplish anything.
I've seen a dude have his mom literally buy him a 4 bedroom house in an expensive area, he rents the other three rooms out and literally doesn't work a day in his life unless he really has to fix the house in some way.

>> No.19712060

Damn OP, I'm 24 and I resonate with everything you said. 16-18 I was the most motivated and energetic in my life, now I try to drag myself to the gym once a week and have a cushty corporate job that is the epitome of rat race

>> No.19712091

yeah, you can get around it (I did) but you have to at least look and act relatively normal and make it clear you have friends. It matters less with women in their mid 20s and older but college girls would screw up their faces when I said I didn't have social media.

>> No.19712113

Sad but true feels

>> No.19712199

You made it anon, I got 12k link and swing 1k to slowly increase my stack, gf got 5k link our goal is to reach 20k+ this year. I can't wait to see 6 figures and live stress free like you.

>> No.19712223
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the good:
>make 100k/year with youtube from my bedroom
>work 3 hours per day on average
>fit, training for a marathon
>way above average looks, was told to model
>family doesn't hate me
>live on my own
>starting to understand myself and how i function optimally

the bad:
>0 friends
>no idea how to meet like-minded people since everyone i know is a wagecuck
>scared to get out of my comfort zone due to anxiety
>haven't had sex in 4 years
>can't relate to other people and have barely anything in common with anyone
>quiet, introverted, probably aspergers
>lower back is starting to hurt due to sitting most of the time

i'm 25. could be worse, could be better

>> No.19712240

>have my shit together
>made smart investment decisions
>fuck 20 year olds

It's not much but it's honest work

I've worked in places that hosted Match dot coom mixers and the girls were like 4/10 and the guys were like 2/10.
Not sure where that data even came from / how it was obtained but hot people typically don't even use anything besides tinder / bumble / hinge

Chronic back pain gang checking in

Funny how 30k feels like a million when you're in your early 20s but 300k in your 30s feels like you're lagging behind. I think it's the realization that you're going to be doing a job you hate for a lot longer than you thought when you started it. But honestly, the good news is that it's a lot easier to go from 200k -> 1mil -> 5mil than it is to go from 30k -> 200k -> 1mil
Unless you hit some really lucky investments along the way.

>> No.19712256

Don’t let your gf have control over your linkies. My ex always shit on crypto when my account was sub $10k. As soon as LINK started taking off she became interested. Then the Google/Coinbase event occurred and I made $85k that day, $115k on the week, 3 times her fathers yearly salary. All of a sudden she thinks crypto is amazing. TLDR women are naturally greedy, yet lack the ability to rationally invest.

>> No.19712490

Where do your jewtube money come from, mostly googls adds, shilling or patreon?

Also for what it's worth I think you're doing very well, maybe meat new people through discord and tinder?

>> No.19712537

>Realized my ex was taking advantage of me
>Broke a 6 year long relationship
>Tfw having to figure myself out again because I haven't been able to be me for 4+ years
>Missed a lot of opportunities due to sticking with a toxic woman
>Within two months within quarantine started dating another woman

Feels confusing man, few week back I was completely isolated and now again I'm having sex.
All women truly are whores

>> No.19712543

Single father died recently, my inheritance was rusty tools he left outside. I spent 10k in his last two years supporting him. I understand this feel fren, but I wouldn't change it as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.19712555

Fren if you're white get a vacation in Philippines

>> No.19712585

Where do you work friend? Fuck living in a house. Buy a live aboard sailboat and live on it. Doesn’t take much money to buy a used boat and set it up to live on. It’ll give you a fresh perspective on life and chicks will dig it

>> No.19712589
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I'm 26 and months away from moving out of my parents house for the final time. I thought about entering an electrician program, even though I've never been mechanically minded, despite being autistic as shit.

How fucked am I?

>> No.19712714

Electricians make good money. Master electricians make even better money. If you’re a decent learner and a hard worker you should make good money. If you’re truly an autist and have no social life you can “moonlight” jobs for other customers. This basically means you run side jobs on your own time with the client paying you directly, most leads come from your actual position as an electrician (which is why many companies frown upon this so tread carefully). Not a bad trade job at all. Personally, I could never do it because the thought of getting electrocuted to death scares me too much. If you’re into the whole electricity thing, you could look into becoming a lineman. Those guys make $40/hr right out the gate full benefits but you’re working on high tension powerlines. My buddy is in his 5th year and is making $90/hr full benefits.

>> No.19712766
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>25, doctor, living alone in a big city, have a fwb and 0 friends
>eastern european
>since january I will be an expat in Switzerland making 80k CHF a year, which is a lot for me considering that now I'm earning 12 times less
>i will have my dream job living on the swiss riviera, but I will be a foreigner in a place where I know nobody

>> No.19712797

That's cool though. It gives you an opportunity to just drift around and meet new people rather than lean on those you already know. I think it'll benefit you, slav anon. Plus you're a doctor so people will automatically give you positive outlook when you introduce yourself

>> No.19712805

>made it with LINK
>financially set but i've wasted years waiting
>family relationships in shambles can't look my parents in the eye it always feels awkward and forced af but i want to have a connection
>go through the motions with friends
>still think about high school sweet heart everyday
>coffee in the morning and boring vidya at night
>insanely sick of living with a housemate I can barely hold on but I need to at this crucial time so I can heal in peace and solitude after cashing out

just need some alone time to get back to me ay...

>> No.19712816
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>no social media
>basically no real friends
>on and off gf that I don't want to leave because my human interaction outside of work would be virtually zero
>good salary thankfully
Yeah I'm a coward. Tell me it gets better pls

>> No.19712893
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>ok job
>not starving
>stopped smoking weed to improve health and get gf off my back
>became more productive
>cleaned the entire house, did laundry
>cooked dinner
>what now
>bored out of my goddamn mind

>> No.19712900

>/fit/ from 6 years of training
>high paying job in banking with 9-5
>moved out of parents year ago and invite countless tinder roasties to my downtown condo
>big friend group and decent social media presence, easy to keep in touch with people that have some value
>gray hairs coming in heavy which makes it incredibly easier to score 18-19 year olds that I would never have a chance with when I was 20

All of this can easily go to shit with a serious health issue so doing everything (diet, etc) to prevent that

>> No.19712914

Alright I gotta fucking leave this site. Fuck you negative fucks

>> No.19713004

See you in a couple hours

>> No.19713059
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You'll be back.

>> No.19713306

you could coom

>> No.19713362

>Education in agriculture, because father owns a farm
>farm too small to work there full time and earn a lot of money
>also don't get along with my father
>Currently studying Computer Science
>Will propaply drop out this semester because I can't motivate myself to do shit and don't enjoy it
>about to turn 27 and still don't know what to do in life
>only own 3500 LINK and am suicidal
>low IQ and no life purpose
I might go and work abroad again in New Zealand or so. Done the same a few years ago in Australia. Doesn't get me anywhere, but it's the only thing I would like to do now. Other option is the army.

>> No.19713377

Work on becoming a Lich. That should give you something to do for the coming years.

>> No.19713426

But what if I don't have any friends?

>> No.19713445
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>im your fucking 20's

>> No.19713474

>Have a lot of free time and money
>Travel the world
>Got in ARPA early
>Started competing in the same things I was doing as a teen
>Got a gaming computer to hangout with my friends from highschool online
>Diet is fucked up though

>> No.19713587

>>spends an hour googling what best whiskey is even though you hate the taste of it.


>> No.19713648

Just turned 25. Super excited for the future, it really feels like the world is opening itself up to me.

Never stopped working out, my lifts are only getting better

Norwooding a bit, I went to the doctor and got finasteride and my hairline is back to normal.

Live is gud.

>> No.19713650

yeah it's a generational thing about 20% of my friends have already gone fully bald at 25-29. men are losing their hair a lot earlier than their parents did.
your only option is to get a gf who is also antisocial or weird. There are plenty of them about, mainly studying STEM. I met my gf from engineering internship. Just don't bother with clubs, it's pure suffering 9/10 times.

>> No.19713688

Where do antisocial girls hang out besides schools and libraries?

>> No.19713731

just turned fucking 30. no motivation to do anything. literally started buying lotto tickets because it's the only think to look forward to. can't even motivate myself to start a new video game. I end up laying on my couch staring at the ceiling most days

>> No.19713754

at home in their room just like you.

>> No.19713762

they don't really. When I was at university I was surrounded by intelligent, nerdy, cute introverted girls that the average 4chan poster would wife in an instant but the moment I graduated and got a lame bank job it was like they didn't exist.

you have to meet them while you are studying or interning otherwise you're fucked, basically in same situation as the average desperate 30 year old roastie at the bar

>> No.19713869

Would it be weird to go door to door and introduce myself with the off chance a shy, cute girl answers?

>> No.19713882

No negative side effects from the fin?

>> No.19713885


85% from adsense, the rest is patreon and sponsorships

>> No.19713892

no it unironically would be chad as fuck. especially if her dad answers and you ask to speak with his daughter as you intent on having sexual relations with her. this of course would backfire if his daughter is still a child but there's always a risk. i say go for it.

>> No.19713917

in England, particularly in cities like Lincoln there are big polish and eastern euro communities, often own corner shops, car washes etc. If you did that with those families you could honestly end up striking a visa-for-qt deal with a slav poorfag. They're good people mostly.

>> No.19713925

lol just wait until your dick stops working. I use minoxodil which isn't really working but I'd rather shave my head than take that shit.

>> No.19713969

how did you start a business while suffering from anxiety? mine is so severe I almost have a panic attack just thinking about doing stuff like that

>> No.19713996

>he doesn't use fin hoping for his dick to stop working in 10 years, qualifying him for a bionic replacement that literally cannot ejaculate until desired, and is capable of multiple successive orgasms with custom duration
ngmi Anon.

>> No.19714056

lol actually true.
We are extremely lucky to realize this now before we DUDE JUST 50 ourselves.

Buy crypto

>> No.19714122

My situation exactly, but a little younger
>Don't want to leave gf because she's my best friend but I know I won't want to be with her forever
>If I left though I would have no friends and hardly any human interaction, as an extrovert I feel like I'm withering on the vine
>Desperately lust after the party life that I see all around me where I live but have no one to "access" it through
>Was always looking forward to the fun times I thought I'd have in my 20s but now I'm thinking those times are behind me, and all the little that I did was really it

How does one even find a good community of friends these days? Are you really just "meant" to make friends with whomever you work with and have only these shallow friendships all your life?

>> No.19714130

Demoralization thread.

>> No.19714166

>just got engaged
>have a house deposit saved but waiting for market to crash (leaf)
>starting really cool new job in 2 months, current one is unpleasant but pays incredible
>stocks and cryptos in the toilet but still hodling, still mining, still stacking silver
>growing weed (leagal, leaf) and collecting wild chaga in spare time

Life is good boyos be a sick cunt not a sad cunt

>> No.19714183

Christ at 25 I was in by far and away the best shape of my life at a lean af 205 at 6'4, had a decent job for no degree, my own place and my life was banging UCF thots, dudeweedlmao and /fit. Now I'm 30, a skinny as fuck 170lbs, and do nothing but work and trade stonks. I did just accept a job offer to move across the country to be closer to family/friends, so that's exciting.

>> No.19714214

Not too bad. Not great
>tall and /fit/
>gf of 4 years lives with me but she's 2 years older and wants to have a kid now while I want to wait
>no friends but I'm used to it
>35k or so net worth
>wish I still enjoyed vidya
>wish I still enjoyed weed and alcohol
>succumb to the porn jew once or twice a month
>lack sexual confidence
>chronic existential dread in the background of my mind
>but generally happy due to healthy lifestyle and good diet + a lot of sleep

>> No.19714224

>born into a rich family, given my own apartment by 20
>$500k in the bank, stand to inherit $1M more after my uncle's will is probated in a few months
>still depressed and post on 4chan all day, do nothing with the money

Wealth is not everything.

>> No.19714232

Who's demoralizing whom?
Only you maybe, a schizo conspiratard unwilling to help your fellow man

>> No.19714233

Sounds like you were heavily vaccinated as a child.

>> No.19714293

Aye, but it's what gives you a shot at happiness.
Imagine having to first make enough money to know you'll be comfortable, while also trying to navigate finding a gf and making friends
Barely have enough time for even one of these three
If I didn't have crypto, I'd be in a much darker place

>> No.19714308

Because the majority of these posts are more likely an exaggeration of their current life situation if good or moron taking orders from law enforcement to associate failures/racists with people who frequent these boards

>> No.19714310

>Still in decent shape
>PhD student in a field that will make me literally no money but is incredibly satisfying
>Low as fuck net worth but i've made some good trades recently
>Not a super aggressive trader, just need to get to 6 figures or high 5 in 3-5 years

>> No.19714323

On the other side of the coin I was shown the true colors of people quickly, only 1 of my very close friends ever knew about my wealth and they immediately tried to scam me in a thinly veiled scheme. I have no friends now, and purposely avoid making them.

>> No.19714330

>too cheap to buy anything only save
>no sense in saving if i will die alone

>> No.19714366

Taking for about a year, no side effects.

>> No.19714383

Been taking for a year, no side effects and weiner still working so I'm satisfied.

Bionic weiner sounds great too.